(flashback) Experiments part 1- 20

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Hey ho let's go...meeh

This chapter is based on:
-Episode 19 - Bite: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 3 (Just the flashback part)

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
"Good news," You heard Levi say "there may be a way to stop you without killing you." At the moment you, your squad and Hanji were listening to Levi explain to Eren what could happen if he lost control and how we plan on dealing with it. You were standing next to Eren, facing the large green chalk board. "Sir?" Eren questioned, looking slightly confused. "Your titan form, we may have some middle ground after all, a fail safe if you will." Levi turned to the chalk board. "The method I've come up with will only leave you mutilated." He said while drawing a diagram of a titan. "Well at least in theory, depends on the individuals skill." He drew a dotted ovial around the 'titan' showing where they would cut. "Essentially, we cut the entire nape from the body, with you inside. Your arms and legs will be severed half way down in the process, but you'll survive." He turns to you and Eren. "As a matter of fact they'll probably just grow back, lizard style. Creepy little bastard." Eden looks concerned. "U-ur hold on a sec." Eren starts. "I'm not really sure how they do it. I mean they might but, maybe it's not worth the risk that they won't." You see Levi's eye squint. "Oh I see, your only up for this if there's no risk involved whats so ever." Eren straightens up little. "N-No." "Then be prepared." Levi says sternly. "Listen Eren." You say causing him to look at you. "We're in the same boat, if you go on a rampage you could kill us." You say looking at him sternly. "Exactly, so we're even." Levi says, backing you up while glaring at Eren. "Yes sir. Seems perfectly fair to me." Before anything else could be said you heard Hanji start to speak. "Just to be clear," You and Levi look over to Hanji. "I have the go ahead, right?" She was holding her hands together under her chin in thought. "We can't afford not to run test, so, yes your good." Levi said causing you to look down...you were worried about what was gonna happen to Eren, but you could trust Hanji...right? "Just try to keep him from going rouge right out the gate." You look up again to see a shine in Hanji's glasses, a sight that got you slightly worried. "Oh, not to worry, I have a plan." Oh dear..."Eren, I know you're still a mystery to yourself, but we learn as we go. Knowledge is always worth the risk, I believe that." You sighed slightly causing Levi to glance over at you, but he was smart enough not to say anything...I mean the whole squad was there.

          ~time skip...whoopdy do~

You were standing next to Levi looking into a well. Why were you looking into a well you ask? Well that's because your brother was in there...in a freaking well. "You ready down there my dear." You had your arms folding, lightly biting your thumb nail. "When we're good to go I'll fire off a smoke signal." She leans in more. "What happens after that is entirely up to you." You put your hands on the edge of the well to lean in so you could see him, but being the clumsy person you are one of your hands slipped. It happened so quickly, you felt a strong hand grabbed your arm (stopping you from actually going into the well), almost as soon as it slipped. "Careful." You heard Levi say 'Well this is embarrassing'. "Y-Yeah, sorry about that." He just does his signature 'tch'. You smile slightly before you go to look back into the well, being extra careful this time. You watch as Eren puts his hand up as a signal. "Ready when you are commander." He makes eye contact with you, looking slightly worried. You look at him sternly giving him a slight nod as off to say 'you can do this'. Hanji was rambling on about the plan for if Eren turns into a titan. Hanji then let off the green signal while you and Levi rode your horses to a safer distance. All three of you watched the well intensely, waiting..."Surely something would have happened by now, right?" You ask both of them, worry starting to build. "I don't understand." Hanji said. "Maybe he missed the signal or something." 'How could he miss it.' "Perhaps." Levi said. "Or perhaps we're just naive to expect he can just turn it on and off." The three of you rode your horses back to the well, you being a bit faster. You jumped off the horse and rushed over to the well while Levi shouted. "Eren! Enough! We're done for today!" After hearing no reply you ran faster, pushing back images of what you might see. "Eren?!" You yelled as you to the edge of the well. "Are you al-" You we're cut off by your own gasp. Eren was standing there looking traumatised, his hands covered in bloody bite marks, blood slightly coming from his mouth. "Eren!" You yelled out as you rushed down the rope ladder to get to him "Hey! (Y/n)?!" You heard Levi yell as he got closer to the well. Once you got down there you grabbed Eren into a hug giving him some well needed comfort, not carrying if he was bloody. Hanji and Levi got to edge of the well "Is something wrong down there?" You hear Hanji say before she gasped at the sight. You let go of him to check his face. His eyes were wide with fear. "I'm sorry," He said as he look down at his bloody hands. "I don't think I can do it." He says, his voice shaky...

  ~yaay...gotta keep that motivation~

You were standing by the bench where the whole squad were sat on, except Levi who was also standing on the opposite side of you. "You telling me the bite wounds on your hands are showing no signs of healing." Levi said sounding quite frustrated. You look down at Eren as he rubbed his bandaged hands. "Non, sir." Levi sighed. "No offense, but your not much good to us in this form. If you can't change, the plans for wall Maria go up in smoke." You sigh in frustration, looking up at Levi. He had anger in his eyes as he spoke. "Pull it together, and yes that's an order (eeeyyyy)." He walks off slightly as Eren replies "Yes sir..." You walk over to Levi as he takes another sip from his tea. You stand next to him looking out at the view. "What are we gonna do..." You say sounding more hopeless then you wanted to. He doesn't answer. "He's the only blood family I have left...I should've never joined the scouts." You say not really talking to him. He tenses up without you noticing. "Maybe he wouldn't have wanted to join so much, maybe I could've convinced him not to join, maybe I could've saved my mother, maybe I wouldn't have fal-" You stopped yourself mid sentence...you almost told him the one secret you were hiding, your true feelings towards him. "Wouldn't have what?" He asks looking at you. "N-Never mind...I was just ramb-" You were cut off by a sudden strong gust of wind. You yelled out as you tried to keep your balance. You watched as the smoke faded away and you saw Eren on top of part of a titan...no, a part of his titan. You heard Eren struggling. "Damn it! Why now!?" Before you could say anything Levi decided to talk. "Calm down." His voice was stern with a sense of calming to it. "I'm sorry captain I- I don't know how I-" He was cut off by his own gasp. What he thought was Levi talking to him was actually Levi taking to the squad. They all stood there with terrified looks on their faces, swords out, getting ready to kill whatever caused the titan smoke. "The situation is complicated." He continued. "Now calm down." You stood next to Levi, watching what your brother had created. Levi's arm was in front of you stopping you from getting any closer to Eren, but to be honest you couldn't even move your legs.

OKAY, this was difficult to wright, BUT this will be a two parter as the flashback is longer then I thought ^^ love you guys, stay safe x

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