Memories - 2

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*Word count: 2146*
Welcome to chapter twoooo enjoy see ya at the end
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

''I just hope she likes me' you think to yourself as you head off to meet your new sister.'

Your POV
You tied (H/n) up at a tree that was next to your home before stroking his mane "Good boy." You say while giving him his bag of food to keep him happy until tomorrow (one of the soldiers will come and pick him up for you since you couldnt get someone to take you in a carriage on such short notice) and made your way to the front door. There was something so comforting about this little house something that just filled you with a type of warmth and nostalgia that only a loving family home could give you. You look up at the beautiful sunset that spread out across the sky, it was so beautiful. Oranges, yellows and pinks painted the sky, it really did look as if a talented painter had made soft brush strokes across the sky. You loved sunsets, they were always different, not one sunset was the same and that amazed you. The sight of it reminded you of one of your favourite memories.

~Flashback to your 4 year old self~ (the picture up top is kinda the look I'm going for ^^)
"Hey mommy, look, the sun is almost gone." You said sadly. You were currently sat on a small blanket on the grass next to your mother (your father was away with work again.) You look up at your mother with tears beginning to fill your eyes. "Do you think he'll ever come back?" Your mother turns to you and gives you a warm smile as she wipes away a small tear that had managed to escape your innocent (E/c) eyes. "Oh of course he'll come back, he always does." She looks back at the sky. "He's never too early and never too late." You look at the sky in wonder. "Wow, we're is he going?" You ask with general curiosity. Your expression and seriousness caused your mother to laugh slightly. "Well, he's going to sleep, so that the moon can wake up and do her job." She looks at you lovingly as you give her a sleepy smile. "And now I think it's time for my little sweetie to go to sleep as well." As if on cue a small yawn escapes you as the tiredness grows stronger causing you to snuggle up to your mother. "Okay mummy." Your mother giggles as she stands up with you still in her arms. "How about we say goodnight to the sun and hello to the moon." You nod slightly with a sleepy smile resting on your lips and look up to the almost night sky. "Goodnight Mr Sun." You yawn again. "Hello Mrs Moon." And before you know it you fall into a deep and peaceful sleep still in your mother's safe and protective arms.
~End of Flashback~

You smile to yourself before taking in a slightly shakey breath and knocking the door. Almost immediately you heard a few plates clink together before hearing a small. "Just a minute!" Just the sound of her voice from the other side of the door causes the corners of you mouth to rise slightly as a feeling of calmness washes over you, it's been so long since you last saw your family, at least a year. You look at the sky again as the sun is still setting. The door opens pulling you back into reality, you see your mother's friendly face. "Hi." You give her a little wave as she gasps in shock. "(Y/n)?!" She rushes to you and gave you a warm embrace, almost knocking you over, which you returned instantly. You really missed this feeling. "Oh (Y/n) I missed you so much. Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" You softly laugh as she frantically checks your face and uniform. She's always been like this since you joined the survey corps...we'll go into that later on though. She gasped. "Is that blood?!" You look down to were she was referring to and laughed softly. "Mum, it's just fluff." You said as you picked up the small piece of fluff and showed it to her. "See, I'm fine." She sighs slightly and looks at you, still with concern spread across her face. "I got your letter and Levi let me have some time off." She lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh I'm so glad! Quickly come on in, it's starting to get cold." You smile to yourself again.
"(Y-Y/N)!?" You turn to see a young boy about the age of 10 running up to you,

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now