The start - 9

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*Word count: 3489* this chapter will start following the anime (barely in this one) so it may take longer to write the chapters as I'm gonna have to watch the episode then write and yeeeaaah, also my other books are on hold as I was a bit stupid to try and do three books at once soooo I wanna focus on this one first ^^ so yeah...OH and also quick shoutout to @Ms_Bad_Bitch (loving the name XD) for all the votes THANK YOOU IT MEANS SO MUCH TT^TT.........on with the story!

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice


Your POV
'Hanji looks down at you. "It'll get'll see." She says as she walks away, she turns around to look at you again. "See you in the morning." she says softly before closing the door.'

Your POV (1 year later)
You were on your way to the Mess Hall your mind drifting to thoughts of the year you've had. A lot has happened in the past year, you've been on a few expeditions but we won't go into them. You've found that you've matured a bit, not much just slightly. You're now 25 years old and to be honest you don't feel that old you've always felt younger then you are as if a small part of your childhood self stuck with you. The events of your mother hit you hard, the scars proving the internal battle you are facing. The need to create new scars still lingers in your mind but your learning to ignore it.
You went to the mess hall and grabbed a (d/o/c), some breakfast and sat in your usual spot. "Morning (Y/n)." You hear Petra say, you give her a smile. "Oh, good morning Pet." You watch as she pouts causing you to giggle slightly. "You know I hate it when you call me that." She looks at you with slight annoyance. "Alright alright I'm sorry. Anyway, how are you this morning? Did you sleep well?" You ask her taking a sip of your drink. "Yeah I slept alright, how about you, any more of those nightmares?" She gives you a look of sincere concern. "Yeah, actually I slept better quite a rare occurrence for me." She smiles sweetly. "Oh good, I'm glad." You start to eat your breakfast as the conversation dies down. "Hey, (Y/n)?" You look up at Petra, still eating. "I heard the 104th cadet corps boot camp just started." 'crap I forgot about that...Eren's probably with them, Mikasa won't leave Eren's side so she'll probably be there and Armin...I'm not sure about him, he's smart but he might join to stick with Eren and Mikasa or to get himself stronger or even to see the outside'. "Umm (Y/n), hellooo, (Y/n)..." Petra's hand waving infront of your face pulled you back to reality. "Oh! Urr sorry about that Petra. Got lost in my thoughts." She sits herself down again. "Thinking about your family, huh?" Damn she knows you well. "Heh yeah actually, my bro can be a determined little idiot so I'm almost positive he'll join..." You sigh putting your face in your hands. "Damn it, I'm gonna lose them, aren't I?" Your comment being more to yourself then anyone. "Hey, it's gonna be alright (Y/n)." You lift your head up to see a cheerful Petra. "Don't over think about it, it's not going to do you any good, okay?" You take in a deep breath while sitting up properly, letting the breath out once you were comfy. "Yeah, you're right." You go to continue eating your breakfast before you feel someone kick your shin under the table. "Ow! Petra? What was that for?!" You whisper-shout at her while giveing her the evils as you run your leg in an attempt to sooth the pain, all the while Petra just gives you a knowing grin. "Look who's here~" She says as she glances over to where the food is, you sigh as you turn your head to see what all her fussing was about and there he was...Levi. You instantly blush, while slapping Petra's arm. "Oh Petra please, you're acting like Hanji." You both look over at Hanji, who had also noticed the short captain. "Aaaaand she's giving me a thumbs up." You face-palm letting out groan. "Honestly, you guys." You groan into your hand. "Is it that bad." You hear Levi say as he sits himself down next to you. You sigh again. "You have no idea." He simply rolls his eyes and continues to drink his tea in his unique way. "Erwin wants to talk to you in his office once you've finished." 'That's odd' " Huh? Do you know why?" You question causing Levi to look over at you. "Nope, didn't ask, and I don't really care." He said as he went back to his tea, this time it was your turn to roll your eyes as you down your drink while standing up with your dirty dish. "Welp, I gotta go, see ya later guys." You say as you wave to your squad. "Bye (Y/n)." Your squad replied, well except for, yup you guessed it, Levi....he just did a 'tch' you laughed slightly at his predicable response and put your dirty dishes away before heading to Erwin's office.

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now