Goodbyes - 4

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*Word count: 2547*
Not much to say really.......enjoooooy
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

(Levi's POV)
'I start to write a letter confirming I was coming and then handed it in that night. That should be fun.'
You sit on your bed, regretting ever making that stupid comment to that stupid boy you call a brother.....Levi actually answered.....he's actually coming. You fall back on the bed looking up at the ceiling. Throwing your hands over your face you mumble. "Why Levi, why?" You hear a little knock at the door, you grunt in response. "Lunch is ready." You sit up with your legs dangling over the edge seeing Mikasa walking over to you. "What's that?" She says pointing at the letter, you look down at it. "Oh this? It's urr, it's from my captain." She looks curiously at it. "Is he coming?" You sigh. "Yes, he is. Come on let's go have some lunch." You start to make your way down to the dining room. It was Saturday, that means he's coming tomorrow, you let out a big sigh, 'this is gonna be so awkward'. "Hey, butt face!" Eren looks up. "Ha you looked!" He looks annoyed. "Heeeey, come on take it back!" He says walking over to you. "What? No! You're the one who looked up." He groans. "Muuuuuum!" Your mother looks over to you and says in calm voice. "(Y/n) be nice to your brother." You sigh in defeat. "Fiiiine. What I was gonna say is that Levi said he would come." Eren chokes on his food. "Re-Really?!" You give him a smug look. "Yup." He looks around trying to think of something. "Urr when?" He says. "Tomorr-" "Oh s-sorry. I can't do then, ur me and Mikasa are having dinner at Armin's." He says giving you a big grin. You let out a sigh. "So you won't be able to stand up to him for me?" He sheepishly smile. "Sorry." He says awkwardly laughing. You look at your mum. "Oh well I guess it's just you and me then." She gives you a warm smile. "That's fine with me." "Yay, killing it." You say sarcastically, your mother gives you the 'mother look'. "(Y/n). He's your Captain, be more respectful." You roll your eyes as you sigh again. "Yeah yeah. Well I gotta go I'm babysitting Armin." You say as you grab a bag. "Oh okay how long will you be?" Your mother says helping you put on your jacket. "Well I'm gonna be staying the night so I'll be back early morning." You look at Eren. "You wanna tag along?" He smiles at you. "Urr yeah, I'll go get Mikasa he says rushing to her bedroom. "I'll meet you there!" You  yell up the stairs before heading out the door.
             ~time skip to Armin's~
"Thank you again Miss (Y/n)." Armin's parents say (their still in the wall at the mo). You give them a warm smile. "Oh it's no problem, Armin's like a little brother to me." You say as Armin grabs onto your skirt. "Oh we know." His mother says. "He talks about you all the time." You laugh a little as you look down to Armin. "Is that true?" You ask him as he blushes and does a little nod. "Well have a lovely afternoon and evening Mr and Mrs Arlet, I'll take good care of him. See you in the morning." You say as you give them one last wave as they walk out the door. You turn to Armin. "Do you really talk about me that much?" He nods a little. "Y-Yeah! You're really inspirational, you always stand up for me ya know, bring me up when I'm down and you always try to be strong for everyone else and...y-yeah." You look at him in shock. "Oh Armin." You say as you give him a big hug "I look up to you to ya know." He pulls away and looks at you with wide eyes. "Wh-What? Really?!" You laugh a little. "Yes really! You're so intelligent, you know exactly what to say and when to say it. You may not be able to fight your bullies with your fist but you can damn well fight them with your words. Your a lot smarter and braver then you give yourself credit for." He smiles at you, before he could say anything you hear a little knock at the door. You stand up and say. "It's open!" And with that you saw Eren and Mikasa come in with a bag each. "So mum let you stay huh?" They both nod. "Uh huh. She said you wouldn't mind." He says as he throws his bag but before it could touch the floor you catch it and say. "Don't throw your stuff like that, you may be good friends of Armin but this isn't your house! Now, Eren!" You raised you voice causing him to stand up straight while you give him your stern voice the one you use to sort out the rookies. "Y-Yes?" "Take your shoes off, put them away nicely and put your bag in the spar room. Do. You. Understand." He nods his head quickly. "I can't hear you." "Yes I understand!" You stand up straight again. "Dismissed." He hurriedly puts his shoes away and rushes to the spar room. "Wow only you can do that to Eren." Armin says chuckling. "Who said you could talk? Now do the same, both of you." You say clapping your hands. You laugh as they both quickly do the same thing as Eren did just moments ago.
    ~time skip cus imma lazy ass mo fo~
"They're so cute when they are like this." You say to yourself looking at the three of them fast asleep on the floor with blankets spewed out all over them. You giggle as you see Eren's mouth wide open. You walk over to each one of them giving them a kiss on the forehead, then you walk over to the bed in the same room lie down wrapping yourself with the thin blanket letting sleep take you away.
~time skiiiiiiiiiip (sorry for all these time skip 😓)~
Armin's parents had come back giving you a small bit of money. You tired to refuse but they insisted, it wasn't much but it's the thought that counts, they barely have much money as it is so you felt touch. At the moment you were helping your motger cook dinner for Levi. You had already said goodbye to the kids, you really are gonna miss them. You tried to put a little more effort in with your hair and clothes, note the word tried you didn't look much different but at least you tried. "(Y/n), are you alright?" Your mother asks, you looked up at her. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit nervous I guess." You laugh awkwardly as you go back to chopping some of the veg. "Oh, is it about Levi?" She knew about your little crush, well, to be honest you didn't really know what it was yourself, was it a crush? Who knows. "Y-yeah a little I guess." You say feeling a blush creep up your face, you hear her softly laugh. You and your mother were almost finished with dinner when you heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." You say as you wipe your hands on your apron before untying and hanging it up on the way to the door. You quickly play with your hair a little before taking a deep breath to try and calm your nerves.

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now