'Damn it' - 13

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So yeah....enjooooy my lovely little noodles X3
Oh and quick little shout out to @xXCookieHeavenXx for your awesome comments they made me smile 😊 THANK YOOOU.....on with da story
This chapter is based on
-Episode 13 Primal Desires: Battle of Trost District Part 9
-Episode 14 Still Cant See: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 1 (just the begging)
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
""Come on (Y/n), we need to get out of here." He said in a calm voice as he lead you to who knows where."

Your POV
"WHAT!?" 'This can't be happening, Eren? I don't understand.' "Yes, now come on, we can't waste time." Levi said in return. You didn't move, how could you, your brother.....a Titan, it makes no sen- "(Y/n)." You felt someone grab your wrist. "We have to go, it'll be alright." Your eyes widened as you saw Levi's face, except it was so much more softer...that's when you realised you were crying so you quickly wiped your tears with your sleeve and took in a deep breath. "Okay, let's go." You said after composing yourself. "That's better." You swear you saw the smallest smile form on his face, but whatever it was, it was gone. He started to drag you along...still holding your wrist....'no nosebleed, go away, this is not the time'

Eren- "TIME SKIP!!"
Me- "woah Eren, chill dude
Eren- I AM CHILL!!
Me- 0-0 alrighty then

You and Levi were swinging through the ruined towns, you tend not to look down in fear of what you might come across, you were headed to where the tita- Eren was (aha I interrupted it at tit- and then I was like mmm better not). When you got there, two titans were looming over...whatever was there. "One on the left is mine, the other one is yours." Levi said preparing himself. "You know I could take on bo-" "That's an order (waaay)." He interrupted you, you just growled and followed his order. You watched as Levi started to swing. You then focused on yours, the one attempting to grab Armin and Eren, your eyes narrowed as you pushed the trigger causing the grappling hooks to fling out and grab onto to the Titan's flesh, you flung yourself towards the beast's nape, slicing it with ease. You landed slightly clumsly, rushing towards Armin and, a slightly burned Eren? "Are you alright?" You said sternly but with a hint of worry (and a dash of commander pixis dust....) "(Y/n)? Wha.." Before they could finish, the recently sliced Titans fell, causing everyone to look up. Levi gracefully landed on one of the Titans with his back facing you and the others, his cape flowing with the wind behind him.....'it looked perfe- I mean professional...yeah professional' "Mikasa!" Armin said as she landed next to you. "Who's that?" She said in reply. You smirked slightly as Eren croaked out. "The wings of freedom." Levi looked behind him with a cold look making your FREAKING HEART BURST OUT OF YOUR CHEST......well maybe not quite like that, I mean it did do some fluttering. "Pay attention, kiddos." He said in his gruff voice "This is the part when you explain to me exactly what it is I'm looking at." You turn around to see a half evaporated Titan? Probably a 15 metre class, sitting up with its back to you, but it didn't look normal it looked...well abnormal. You turned to Eren in slight shock 'what the hell...'

~time skip featuring Armin explaining what the heeeeeck is happening~

It's been two days since they bordered up the hole...too many of us died that none of you could celebrate. Luckily you didn't have to deal with the torture of having to clean up the bodies...you remember having to do that once...it never really did leave your memories. You were watching your brother in a cell waiting for him to wake up with Erwin and Levi, but your anger got the best of you so you decided it would be best to leave Levi and Erwin before you did anything stupid. You were waiting at the top of the stairs where a few soldiers were guarding...you weren't saying anything, what could you say? Your younger brother can turn into a Titan! A titan! And now he's being given a responsibility far too serious for his age, and the military, they wanna kill him, damn it...inside you were breaking but you would never show it in front of anyone, only a chosen few.

~time skip...because there's one in the anime~

You were on your way to collect Eren with Hanji...they were basically going to decide whether to kill him or not. Erwin and Levi had a plan you didn't want to follow but you knew this was really the only way...unfortunately.
You opened the door and started walking behind Hanji, she suddenly rushes to the bars, making you and Eren jump slightly. Her face went from creepy to nice in mere seconds...which kinda worried you. "So then, your (Y/n)'s little brother Eren." She said sweetly, "Are you well? How are things? I'm really sorry you've been waiting so long. But here's your chance to finally get out." 'I guess, if you put it that way' you thought to yourself as Eren relaxed relieved at her words. You and Miche walk over to her. "One thing, you'll have to put these on for me, okay?" She says handing Eren the cuffs through the bars. He looked at me, almost wanting to know if this was safe, I gave him a nod...even if I wanted to grab him and run.

     ~man I do tooo many time skips~

Eren hasn't really said much to you, but you could tell that he was happy to see you. It's probably not the best time for hugs, kisses and family reunions. Anyway you were on your way to the court, Hanji started to introduced herself "My name is Zoë Hanji, I'm a section commander for the Scouts." You tried your best to keep in a laugh as you saw Eren's face of disgust from Miche sniffing him. "This is a fellow commander in the Scouts Miche Zacharius" He kept on sniffing harder as Eren freaked out a little moving away, which may or my not have caused you to snort a little. "Ooh." Hanji says laughing realising the cause of Eren's distress. "Don't mind him, he makes a habit of giving new people a thorougher sniff." Miche laughs through his nose while smiling slightly. "Tends to laugh through his nose a bit." Eren just looks at him in shock and maybe a bit of fear. "But he doesn't mean any harm, so don't panic little bro." You say laughing slightly at his face. "Quirks aside," Hanji carries on. "he is a skilled section commander." 'isn't she supposed to be informing him about th-' "Oh poo!" She says interrupting your thoughts as if she read them. "Sorry! I've just been prattling along with the small talk and now we're here!" 'Was that intentional!?' Eren looked slightly surprised. "Well I'm sure it's fine, it's probably better if I don't explain anyway." Before the other two soldiers that were there could grab him, you grab Eren's shoulders and look at him sternly. "We've all put are faith in you Eren, so don't screw it up...I love you." You let go and let the soldiers take him away. "H-Hey! Wait!" Hanji started to close the door. "Best of luck." She said before closing the double doors.

Sooooo I would do more but I'm going out and I LURVE the next scene and I don't wanna rush it so I may do it when I get back.....depending on what time I get back dooooe
Also if you guys have any ideas or little things you would like me to do just say, NOW I'm may not do them BUT I would love to see your ideas 😁 anywho LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH TOODLES MY NOODLES

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