Flustered and sleep - 5

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*Word count: 1702*
Yoyoyoyo wad up...THE SKY hah beat ya to it *clears throat* anyway sorry for this being bit late I started work so things are a bit all over the place 😅 but I hope yoou enjoy

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
'They all meant so much to you more then words could ever describe, you just hope that they'll be safe until you see them again.'

Your POV
You woke up on something really...comfy? Well comfiet then a carriage chair. 'Huh, no nightmares' You thought to yourself as you opened your eyes a little to see that you were on your bed, facing one of the walls in your bedroom. How did you know it was your wall, well, because you have this little mark on it from when you head butted the wall after waking up from a nightmare...and that's not the first time you've done that but you've never hit your head quite that hard sincd. 'I don't remember getting here' You thought to yourself. You decide to turn around to face the other side only to be faced with...hair, black hair to be specific. Who has short bla-oh no. You quickly flinch away causing the head to move a little. 'Shit' You curse to yourself as you tried to get back into the position you were in before but this time facing the head, which you know realised was resting on a pair of arms. If you haven't guessed already it was the one and only, Levi (cue the fangirls). 'He must have carried me in or something' You thought to yourself before Levi groaned as he started to wake up. You quickly shut your eyes while changing your breathing pattern to make it sound as if you were still fast asleep. You heard some shuffling before a faint 'tch' was heard. "Damn it. I fell asleep." You hear your captain whisper to himself. You suddenly feel a slightly rough hand stroking your cheek while tucking some of your fringe behind your ear. This made you feel something you hadn't felt in a long time, secure, for some odd reason just this small gesture had given you such a strong feeling. "Sleep well." You heard his soft but also rough sleepy voice say before hearing quiet footsteps leading to your door. You barely heard the door open and close so you decided to keep your eyes shut until you knew for sure, soon though you couldn't open your eyes again and fell back into a deep sleep.

Levi's POV (when you were both in the carriage)
I watch as (Y/n) gives a tearful goodbye to her mother, anyone could tell how close they were just by looking at them. Even though they barely saw each other they still seem so close. (Y/n)'s mother was so lovely I wish I had a chance to be like that with my mother. 'tch' I thought as I shoved that thought elsewhere. I decide to open the door for her while I watch her turn and make her way towards the carriage, she had this sad look on her face as she stepped into the carriage. When the carriage starts moving she suddenly pokes her head  out of the window while shouting out. "I love you mum!" To her mother, and she gets a heartfelt. "I love you sweetie!" In return from her mother. (Y/n) keeps her head out of the window until her mother is out of sight. Once she was out of sight (Y/n) slumps back in her chair looking down at her hands. I notice a small tear fall down her fragile cheek which she quickly wipes away, clearly wanting to look stronger. I decide to try and talk to her, I really don't know what to say, I don't know how to deal with people crying. "What's that?" I say in my same old boring voice, I see her smile slightly...'what's that feeling'. She replies with a quiet. "My mother, brother and sister made it for me." I simply node and look back out the window, not really knowing how else to respond. After a while I hear a small. "Levi?" I turn to look at her "What." I say in a harsh tone "Do you mind, urr helping me?" She says not even the slightest bit bothered by my rude response, she never really is bothered when I'm rude. I look up to see that she meant she needed help with getting her new necklace on. "tch" I say as I get up and sit next to her. "Move your hair." I ask/order her to do, in which she obeys almost immediately. As my hands brush against her neck I feel how soft her skin is. 'Holy shit, it looked soft but I didn't think it would be this soft'. I linger for a bit wanting to savour the feeling before snapping out of it 'idiot, you're her captian' I remind myself as I put on the necklace for her. I start to stand up as I hear a small. "Thank you." I then start moving back to my seat, not until the driver decided to make my life a pain and go over a bump too fast making me loose my balance causing me to practically straddle poor (Y/n). Not really knowing what to do I stay there for a little while before snapping out of it quickly getting up cursing the driver as I did. "'tch' Stupid driver." I slump back in my chair trying not to let the embarrassment take over like (Y/n) had done. "Are you alright, I'm quite heavy." I say trying to sound calm and collected, she looks up at me sorta flustered. "Oh nonono i-it's fine, it's was an ac-accident, they happen all the time, you didn't hurt me...", "Good." Is all I say in reply as I watch her put her attention back to the window. I look back at my window as well while feeling my face slightly heat up. 'damn it, I hope she's not looking'. I take a sneaky side glance at (Y/n) to see if she was watching me only to find her looking out the window still, her eyes getting heavier and heavier by the second. I watch in slight amusement as she struggled to stay awake....which she was failing at dramatically.

(Kinda like this XD)       ~time skip brought to you by EPIC AOT MUSIC~        As we went along I kept seeing (Y/n) flinch in her sleep, probably a nightmare, she's told me about them before

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(Kinda like this XD)
       ~time skip brought to you by EPIC AOT MUSIC~
As we went along I kept seeing (Y/n) flinch in her sleep, probably a nightmare, she's told me about them before. I keep glancing over at her, making sure that she was alright. For some reason I felt the need to do this. The driver suddenly stopped. "We're here sir." I hear a gruff voice say. 'tch' 'stupid driver'. I look over at a peaceful (Y/n). "Hey." I say shaking her a little. "Hey (Y/n), come on get up." I shake her again, not even a flinch. I sigh as I start to pick her up bridle style, surprisingly she isn't that heavy. I mean she's not stick thin, not gonna lie she's got a nice figure not too thin but not over weight...just perfect. I kick open the door since the driver is shit and carefully walk down the steps making my way to the headquarters. "Her stuff's in the back, bring it." I say to the driver before hearing some shuffling and mumbling, tch whatever. I look down at the sleeping (Y/n) I feel my face start to heat up. "tch" I look back up this is ridiculous I'm her captain, stop it Levi...I let out a sigh before opening the doors with my foot again. The 'useless driver' was quite far behind.

                     ~timea skipa~

I put the thin material, or the 'blanket', over (Y/n) and tuck her in. I started walking over to the door but stop on my tracks as I heard quite a bit of shuffling. I turn around to see her moving side to side, a distressed expression etched onto her face. "Tch" I walk back over to her, grabbing a chair on my way, and look over her. I sit down on the chair, legs apart so I can get close to the bed, waiting for her to turn my way. When she finally turns my way I'm not really sure what came over me, I placed my hand on her cheek, the one that was facing closest to me and simply started to stroke it softly with thumb. Her face almost immediately relaxed, 'tch doesn't take much'. I watch her as she started to fall deeper and deeper into sleep. I carefully took my hand away and folded my arms for my head to rest on. I studied her face closely.

She has a cute button nose and her face was covered in freckles and each and every one was different, not one was the same (if ya don't have freckles or ya don't like freckles, which I mean come on my face and body is covered and I wouldn't have i...

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She has a cute button nose and her face was covered in freckles and each and every one was different, not one was the same (if ya don't have freckles or ya don't like freckles, which I mean come on my face and body is covered and I wouldn't have it any other way because I lurve dem, but you can just take this out I just thought it was cute), her lips looked so soft, even after everything her body goes through she still looks amazingly beautiful. Damn it, I'm getting ahead of myself...but I don't know if I can help it. I sighed as my eyes started to get heavier, I looked at her again before letting sleep take me away.

GAH IM SORRY ITS SHORT AND BAD GAAAAH I'll sort my life out one day don't you worry.....oh you weren't...oh well urr alright then....toddles my noodles

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