First impression - 15

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HEY I'm sorry for the late updates I've been super duper stressed with course work....BUT LETS MOOOOOOVE

This Chapter is based on:
-Episode 14 Still Cant See: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 2
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Levi's POV
"I had to put her hand down, if I hadn't I don't know if I would have been able to stop myself....tch damn it, I'm falling for her aren't I?"

Your POV
At the moment you were on your way to the old headquarters, which was soon to be your new headquarters. Oruo was talking about the place, you weren't really interested though you had too much on your mind. He was talking to Eren but to be honest you weren't really listening and Eren probably wasn't either. You were riding next to Levi, you both haven't spoke much since the court incident. You weren't mad at him, Eren seems okay, just a bit jumpy around him, but that's it. He wasn't seriously injured and it helped him in the long term, maybe Levi thought you were mad at him, you'll just have to talk it out. Eren turned around to look at you but ended looking straight at Levi who was staring at him with a cold glare which obviously freaked Eren out. "'pfft' You're gonna scare him off ya know." You said smiling lightly while looking over at Levi, he looked back at you. "'tch' Is he really that much of a pussy?" You giggled. "You'd be surprised." Levi turned back to look forward but still kept a close eye on Eren 'maybe he still doesn't trust Eren yet?' Your thoughts were broken by Oruo talking again. "Do not be deceived, green horn." You watched, guessing what will probably happen. "Excuse me?" Eren says causing Oruo to get a little too close for your liking. "Don't be expecting the royal treatment whether" 'three' "your Titan or human don't imagine" 'two' "for a second we all share the good" 'one' "captain's-UGAAHHH!" 'called it'. You tried not to laugh at Eren's shocked face as Oruo struggled to keep in the blood that was oozing out of his newly bitten tongue.

                 ~Time skipaaaaa~

You were sorting out your horse, while Petra and Oruo were talking about him biting his tongue, first impressions, and about Oruo trying to be like Levi. Eren was watching them...probably checking them out. Eld and Gunther walked by. "Hey guys!" You said as they walked by. "Oh hey (Y/n)." Eld said quite quickly, he then cleared his throat. "H-how are you?" You saw Gunther trying not to laugh, you put your hands on your hips. "What's going on with you two?" You said raising an eyebrow. "Oh ur nothing, nothing at all." Eld laughed awkwardly. "B-Bye (Y/n)." He grabbed Gunthers arm '...weird...oh well' you quickly tied your horse up before running after them. "Hey, wait up!" You yelled once you could see them, they stopped so you could catch up. "Thanks guys." You said once you started walking. "So where are we headed." You said trying to bring in some conversation. "We're gonna check out the building." Gunther replied. "Oh okay." (I'm not sure how to get you out of this awkwardness soooo your now in front of the headquarters XD)
You stood in the middle of Eld and Gunther, making you feel extra small..."Look at these weeds, this place has gone to hell." Gunther said. "It's been abandoned for years." Eld added. "Bet the insides even worse." Your face scrunched up at the thought of it. Levi will probably force you to clean...not that you would complain. "In which case we have a problem don't we." You, Eld and Gunther turned to see the one and only Levi. "Best grab a broom and get to work."...told ya

told ya

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