"He's what?" -17

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Well hello there my peachy paps, how are you?....oh cool...me? Meh I could be better ANYWAY moving on I knoooow this is late BUT I'm planning on doing some more soon BUT course work is kinda priority at the mo so please please PLEASE bare with me my friends LOVE YA AND ENJOY...also SLIGHT FEELS WARNING 😭

This chapter is based off of episode 15 - What Should be Done: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 3
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Levi's POV
"What am I talking about? I don't like her! I don't, I don't, I don't, I-I do...damn it I do like her..."

Your POV
At the moment you and your squad were having a drink outside the HQ, Gunther was sat in the middle of the outside stone stairs and you were sat on one of the little pillars that stood either side of the stairs with Eld standing next to you. "After that whole inspection they didn't turn up one person who used their ODM gear without permission." Gunther said, he looked over to the side. "So who could have done it?" Eld took a sip from his cup before talking. "Beats me." You looked down at your cup of (d/o/c) in thought. "And right now I'm more concerned with the recruitment drive tonight, how many cadets are crazy enough to join the regiment with the highest casualties?" You laugh slightly, causing them both to look at you. "I know a few." You said smiling to yourself slightly still looking at your drink. "Hey, Eren!" Gunther yells across. "You know if anyone in your class is thinking of joining us?" Eren looks up at the three of you, still feeding a horse. "Yeah, there are a few." He looks down and then back at the horse with a sad expression. "Well...at least there were. I'm really not so sure now." Before you could carry out the conversation you hear some grunting and a man shouting, "Fall in!" The three of you immediately put your cups down and stand up to salute your captain. Levi stops his black horse by pulling the rails causing it to neigh. "Make ready people." Levi says his usual stern voice. "We're going on patrol." Gunther, Eld and you shout "Yes, Sir!" In a strong voice while Eren come rushing over and does a strong salute. "Good morning Captain! Reporting for duty!" You smile slightly at his eagerness. "Eren." Levi starts, looking down at Eren with a stern look on his face, showing how much higher up he is. Eren listen to him intently. "You will stay within 10 meters of me at all times. The only reason that you're out of your cell is because I'm keeping an eye on you, understood?" Without hesitation Eren replies. "Yes, Sir!" "Let's ride!" Levi commands while kicking his horse to go...it was a glorious scene...Anyway, you rush to your horse to catch up with your captain along side Gunther, Eld and Eren. You race along following your captain closely, glancing at Eren every so often to see if he's safe, and surprisingly he seems pretty confident at the moment, lets just hope it's not over confidence.


At the moment you were sat down  with your squad, explaining the plans to Eren. "Our special operations squad will be positioned here on standby, behind the centre rank." You say pointing to the map of the formations in front of you, you looked over at Eren. "So we'll be pretty far back then." He states, you nod your head saying. "It's the safest position in the formation." Gunther caries on for you. "The supply wagons don't even get such fine treatments. Our goal this time around is to simply leave then come back." Gunther looks over at Eren as he explains more, like the fact that it's a test run, yada yada. You faze out as you look over to Levi who was bonding with his horse. You get this feeling that someone is watching you so you look around a bit and notice that is was Eld, when you make eye comtact he suddenly looks down and pretends to focus on what Gunther is saying. 'That's kinda strange' you think to yourself, you decide to go back to the conversation. "I still don't know how to use my ability or if I can even control it." Eren said, you look over at him with slight concern. "Eren, do you understand what the commander was asking you about back then?" 'Huh' you thought to yourself 'when did this happen?' "Huh? What did he mean by that?" He looks over at you and Eld "What do you guys think?" You decide to stand up, not really feeling like having this conversation. "Meh, beats me." You say as you stretch you arms and legs, probably aching from your training and lack of sleep. "Not a clue." Eld replies, Eren looks over to Petra who just shakes her head in response. "Well if I told ya that I knew what he meant, I'd be lying to ya." 'oh here we go with the Levi impressions' "That said I-" Before he could carry on he got interrupted by Gunther. "It's entirely feasible that this operation has an alternate goal." He says while rolling up the formation plans, you stood there amused by Oluo's face. "And yet." Gunther continues. "The commander has decided it's best to withhold it from us. If that's the case leaving and coming back is all we need to concern ourselves with." Gunther stood up before continuing. "Have faith in the commander." Eren looks up at him. "I will." He says, you look over at him and notice his facial expression, he looks worried. You sigh slightly causing him to look up at me, you give him a nod with a determined look on your face he barley nods in return...well if you weren't worried before you were now...damn it.

                 ~time skiiiiip~

You were sat on the outside stairs with your legs spread out, giving them a well needed stretch. You were admiring the start of the sunset, you really did love them, it was a reminder that you managed to get through another day. It gave you that little daily boost you needed.
You heard Eren asking Oruo about talking to his...friends?...what is he on about. You look over and notice that the new cadets were here...huh...wait is that- before you could finish your thoughts you jumped up to go and see your family. You slow down when you saw all his friends talking to him...'does he really need me?' you thought to yourself...'I mean look at him, and Mikasa and Armin...they're so grown up, it only feels like yesterday when they were small enough to pick up'. You just look at them all with a slightly sad look etched onto your face. "Hey look, it's Captain (Y/n)!" You heard Connie say. "Oh yeah!" "Look guys!" "Cool!" "Hey!" You shoved on a fake smile as you strode over causing them to salute, well everyone except Mikasa, Eren and Armin. "Hey, how are you all?" They all nod as they slowly come out of their salutes. "Heh, gotta be honest with you guys." You start as you run the back of your neck. "Didn't think any of you had the balls to join." They all look slightly shocked, that is until you started laughing. "I'm kidding, hah, you should have seen the look on your faces." They all started laughing. "Wait so if all of you are here does that mean you're saying that you guys all joined the scouts?" Eren says, Connie decides to answer. "Well yeah, why else would we be here?" "Of course." Eren replies. "So then Jean, Annie and Marco joined the military police?" As Eren said that everyone went tense, you and Eren turned to see what the fuss was about. "Wait a sec! You joined too?!" It was Jean...something wasn't right...you could sense it. "Marco is dead." He said in a monotone....'what? But he was so innocent'. Eren gasps slightly while you look down with sadness. "He what? Wait what are you saying." Eren steps forward slightly. "Marco's not dead, you're just kidding around, right?" 'damn it Eren...this is hard to watch'. You look up to Jean, wanting to hear an explanation, he looks dead straight into Eren's eyes. "I wish I could tell you he died nobly or heroically." He looks down slightly. "Truth is I don't even know how he went out...he died alone, there was no one there to see it happen." There was a long pause and a thick atmosphere around everyone...you knew this feeling...grief. You had gone though it so many times but seeing someone you love go through it was even harder. You had gotten close with almost all of the cadets in training, and Marco was one of those who stood out to you...'I wonder what really happened'. "Marco's dead." Eren says, almost as if confirming it to him self. "All right rookies, form up! Your uniforms are here!" You place a hand on Eren's back causing everyone to look at you. "These kinds of things happen a lot as a solider." You look to everyone. "He died faithful to his cause. I know he would have made a great and strong willed solider." You take a deep breath pushing down the tears. "He's in a better place now. We mustn't let this get in the way, if anything let it give you motivation to keep on living in this hellhole of a life." Everyone nods, some smiling, some crying, some determined. You look straight a Jean, he looks at you slightly shock and sad. "Dismissed." As you say that everyone makes their way over to the horse guy...I can't remember his name. You make your way over to where Levi was standing. Once you get there you place your forehead on the wall next to him and let out the emotions that had been building up inside you. You could feel Levi's eyes watching you as you let the tears fall, it had gotten to the point were you didn't mind crying in front of him. You felt a hand run you back slightly as your sobs quietened down. "I'm sorry." You say as you wipe your face, taking deep breaths. "tch, It's fine (Y/n). What happen?" He said with slight concern in his voice, you sighed. "One of the cadets I trained had died, no one even saw it happen. He was so sweet, man, it sucks. I hate getting close to people." You laugh slightly, trying to lighten up the subject. Levi sighs. "Don't say that." You look up at him slightly shocked. "W-What?" "Don't say you hate getting close to people, alright?" You look at him slightly stunned 'what does he mean'. "Alright?" He repeats with a stronger voice. "Fine. Thanks, Levi." You say giving him a warm smile, he simply nods in return. So maybe Levi does have a heart.

OKAY I KNOW ITS KINDA SHORT AND KINDA CRAP...I tried to get some Levi in one BUT TRUST ME things will hopefully be getting interesting....maybe.....BUUUUT anyway thank for being patient with meeee I love you guys STAY SAFE BAAAAIIII

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