Capturing the female titan -22

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Heyhoooo, firstly sorry this is probably gonna be a bit short but it's gonna be getting intense in the next chapters so yup PLES ENJOY

This chapter is based on:
-Episode 19 - Bite: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 3

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
'Your eyes grow wide 'what's going on?' You watch as he loads the gun, lifts up it up, and puts his finger on the trigger.'

Before you had the chance to fully cover your ears, an ear splitting sound came from the small gun that Levi just shot into the air. A ringing sound filled your ears for a few seconds, blocking out any other sound. It hurt like a bitch, only temporary though. "Was that an acoustic round?!" You heard Eren say, probably the rest of you. "Remind me, what is our mission?" Levi asked. "Is it to simply act impluse in the heat of the moment? Let me answer that question for you, it's not. This squads mission is to keep this brat alive, whatever the cost. Don't forget it." 'Damn it' you though to yourself starting to regret joining this's not like you had a choice anyway. You see you may seem tough on the outside, but, on the inside your still that little girl who cried when she scraped her knee, who got scared at a spider, who had her heart broken when she confessed her love when she was 7, who still dreams of finding her Prince charming and fall in love, but you couldn't let people see that. You were (Y/n) Jeager, one of the strongest, seconded to Levi, you had to show you were tough not just to convince others but to convince yourself.
    You had fazed out but was snapped back into reality by Eren shouting. "No! They keep coming! They're all gonna die unless we turn around and do something!" You turn slightly to see more soilders trying to fight her off, you quickly turn back. "Eyes front! Stop looking behind us!" You heard Gunther yell. "Seriously?!" Your breathing starting to quicken 'no not now' you thought to yourself as your hands began to shake. "Keep pace with the group! Maintain top speed or we're dead!" Eld added 'just breath, just breath' you kept repeating to yourself, despiratly trying to calm yourself down...'thats not gonna happen, not here'. "Eld please! Help them." Eren said despriatly. Your chest was tightening 'damn it, calm down (Y/n)' "If the Levi squad can't take this thing then how can they?! Those men need us!" You heard yelling and then a thump. "Another one! Damn it! He didn't have to die!" Your chest still got tighter as your head started to pound. "Come on there's still one left! We can save him before it's too late!" Eren was loosing it. "Do as your told Eren! Eyes forward!" Petra yelled trying to get some sense into him. "How can all of you just ignore what's happening back there! Are you telling me to abandon my comrades!? Is that it?!" Your breathing continued to get heavier 'this can't be happening I need to calm down' you said to yourself as you looked down at your shaking hands. "Damn it yes! Stop whining and do as your captain says!" 'Just breath (Y/n)' you think to yourself, ignoring your pounding chest. "Why are we letting people die?! If this is part of some bigger picture, why can't someone explain it to me?!" 'Just breath' "Ask not the reason why, ask what you do and die! You'd understand what that meant if you weren't such a useless green horn!" Oruo yelled "But I-" EREN! ENOUGH!" You had had it with Eren, he shut up. You rarely yell at him if at all. "Behave like a damn solider and listen to the Captain!" You managed to get out. You gripped onto your chest, it was so tight, your heart was pounding, tears threatening to fall 'I can't have a panic attack not here' you were on the edge 'just breath'. You saw Levi look at you in the corner of your eye but you didn't care. Before he could say anything you heard a "No! Eren stop!" from Petra. "Your only permitted to assume titan form when your life's in extreme peril! That was the agreement! You swore an oath!" "Idiot." You mumble to yourself, now starting to get dizzy from your irregular breathing patterns. "Eren?!" 'He better no-' you thoughts were cut off " I wouldn't blame you." You look over at Levi. "Do as your conscience dictates, but Eren listen you are inheritatly evil. Your ability to change doesn't make you a monster. That said it could be the other way around. How are you supposed to know where to draw the line. Whether you loose control or freely give it up, maybe it's the same. Look Eren, we don't agree because are experience brings us to opposing views, that's life. At the end of the day there's no reason to go against how you see it. The choice is yours. You can trust yourself. Or you can trust the people willing to put up there lives for you. I don't know which way is better, I never have. Should I act on my own instincts or put myself in the hands of my comrads and trust them. Either way there's no guarantee. In the end you choose what you choose, if afterwards your regrets are at a minimum then good for you." You look back thinking about what he said. "Eren!" You heard Petra say. "Trust us." She's right...but at the end of the day it's Eren's choice...'please trust in us' The silence was agonising, almost killing you. "EREN! COME ON MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!" Levi shouted, probably getting tired of the waiting as well. "I'M WITH YOU!!" A sense of relief rushed over you as Eren shouted those words. You looked back at Eren, until you heard a man shouting in the hand of the female titan, you looked forward before you could see him get crushed. The footsteps became faster...she was sprinting. "Levi! She's getting faster!" You look over to Levi for help. "Just keep moving! We'll outrun the bitch!" 'Is that even gonna be possible, outrun her!? She was catching us before she sprinted...but I have to trust the captain, I have to trust Levi, I have to trust my squad' your thoughts were cut short by Erwin shouting. "Fire!!" 'Wait what?!' Suddenly a rain of harpoons shoot at the female titan in all directions, trapping her. This wouldn't kill her since she was smart enough to protect her weak point aka the nape. You and the rest of the squad carried on moving before you could see the final harpoon enter her body. You looked back, watching the female titan, you couldn't help but be reminded of something, or someone, when you looked at her but you just couldn't pinpoint it. "Everyone hitch your horse a bit further on." Levi ordered. "Switch to ODM gear." He glanced at you before continuing. "I have to break away for a while." He looked at you again silently asking you something, your eyes went wide for a second before returning back to normal, you nodded. "(Y/n)'s in charge until I get back." You make long eye contact with Levi, it was only a few mere seconds but for some reason you felt a sense of calmness overflow inside of you. He sped up slightly before turning around. "Tuck Eren somewhere out of sight, away from the female titan. And see to my horse!" He said before shooting a hook into a tree, pulling himself off the horse and into the other direction...towards the female titan. 'Please be safe' you thought to yourself over and over again. "Don't ever underestimate the scouts! Never again! Agreed!" You heard Oruo yell to your brother. "Agreed!" He said in reply. You turn slightly to face the rest of the squad since you were at the front "Alright everyone, you heard what Levi said, let's get moving!" "Yes ma'am!" You got in reply making you smile at them. You nodding before facing the front again. 'Eveything's gonna be alright, it just has to be...right?'

GAH this is soooo short I sorry...LOVE YA

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