Reunion - 10

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SO this is gonna be short as I'm just trying to get sleepy so I thought I would write a little scene.....I would love to hear any suggestions you guys have for future plots, maybe how I can improve, what you like/don't like about the story THAT WOULD BE AWESOME, also thank you to anyone who's been voting it means so much thank you ❤️❤️
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
'you had to show Eren, Mikasa and Armin just how strong you were, you had to.'

Your POV (that evening)
You had come out of your temporary office, which wasn't as big as your office back at the HQ. You decided it was time to talk to Eren, Mikasa and Armin. You've been holding back out of fear, but, you knew you had to be the mature one. You wanted to talk to them so badly but you were afraid of what they were going to say, what if they hated you? They've changed so much and that just scared you, you never were good with changed. But you knew you had to see them face to face, you were their big sister after all, you needed to be there for them.
You opened the door to the cafeteria causing most of the cadets to quite down as they all look at you. You stood tall (as tall as you could be...pffft) getting ready to make an announcement. "Will Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlet please come to my office!" You said in a stern voice, not having to speak too loudly as all of them were silent. All three of them stood up leaving their food behind. They started walking towards you, which took a while as they were coming from the far end of the room. As they walked you heard mumbling around the hall saying things like. "Why does she want them?" "Aren't they her siblings?" "I bet their in trouble~" and other similar things like that. Eren was in front staring straight at you, he was smiling very subtly just enough for you to notice. You on the other hand didn't smile, you desperately wanted to but you had to make these kids think you were hard, which wasn't as true as it should be. Just as they got to the door you turned around and started walking to your office as they followed behind.

~timea skipa toa de officea~

All three of them were standing in your office as you closed the door with your back towards them. You slowly turned around to see them stood tall, you scoffed slightly. "Come here." You said as you opened your arms causing all three to bundle you, which caused you to laugh softly. "We missed you (Y/n) much." You heard Eren say causing you to tear up "I'm sorry..." You finally let out the words you had been holding back as they let go of you. You looked down "I should have been there to watch you grow up, I sh-" "Hey, it's alright, we forgive you." You looked up to see Mikasa giving you one of her rare smiles. "Yeah (Y/n) you had to and that's okay." You smiled softly at Armin who returned, you cleared you throat. "Anyway, wow you guys aren't little kids anymore that's for sure." You said placing your hands on your hips leaning on one leg looking up at them. "Man, even Armin's taller then me!" They all laugh slightly "I've got stronger as well." Eren says grinning. "Hah! We'll have to see about that." You say before going serious again, you let out a sigh. "What are you guys doing?" They all looked at you slightly confused. "What do you mean?" Eren decides to voice everyone's thoughts "I told you," you say pointing to the trio "not to get caught up in all this!" Eren started to get angry. "What!? You think I'm gonna just stand back and let everyone else do the dirty work!" You give Eren a stern look. "You don't have to fight to help Eren!" You take a deep breath. "I just- I just don't wanna lose you guys as well, I don't know what I would do without you." They all sigh while Eren starts to relax a bit understand your point of view on the matter. "Your all idiots..." They look up slightly shocked as you run a hand through your hair. "But I guess I wasn't exactly the best role model." You laugh sadly (if that's even possible XD). "That's not true!" You look up shocked to see Armin with a determined look on his face. "You were the best role model, you showed us that we shouldn't just stand back and watch, you showed us that we need to do our part in anyway that we can, you showed us how to be strong but soft, stern but kind, serious but relaxed. If I can be anything like you I would be honoured!" You looked at him with wide eyes. "He's right sis." Mikasa said with her cool voice. "Thank you, thank you so much guys. Man, you've matured too much. Dang it I gotta catch up." You all laugh. As the laughter died down you looked at them again. "I'm proud of you guys though, for getting through what you've been through and coming out the way you have.....Come on, let's get food, I'm starving." You say as you turn to the door and head for the cafeteria. You smile to yourself 'they don't hate me' you thought to yourself smiling slightly as you walked with the three following you. This is gonna be one bumpy ride.

Not much to say other then I'm sleepy now at exactly 1:43am.....sooooo g'night and see you in the next chapter....BIIIOOOOO 😘

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