Back to reality - 6

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*Word count: 1400*
Hi guys, so before we start just wanna say I'm really sorry for the late updates, I've not been getting enough sleep so I've been getting dizzy and banging headaches plus I look like hell sooo yeah been trying to get to sleep early *writes this at 2 in the morning* so on with da chapter then

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

(Levi POV)
I sighed as my eyes started to get heavier, I looked at her again before letting sleep take me away.
Your POV
Your eyes flutter open as you try your hardest to wake I said, you're not a morning person, never have, never will. You drag yourself out of bed and go and have a quick shower mumbling and grumbling about how stupid mornings are. Once you were done you threw on your f/c top/hoodie, white trousers and then proceeded with the hellish job of putting on the belts that would then attach onto the 3DMG, then you put on your knee length brown boots and your Survey Corps jacket. You checked in the mirror while putting your h/l, h/c into a scruffy bun (or just leaving it down if ya have short hair or because your just a badass with long hair) and then went to the door to open it before it was harshly opened for you. You jumped back startled but the sudden action. You let out a sigh when you see a grinning Hanji. "What is it now?" You say with a bored expression, this kind of thing usually happens so it wasn't really a shock to you, although she did look a little crazy, well let's just say she looked more crazy then usual. Before any other words were exchanged Hanji pushed her way into your room forcing you back inside while slamming the door shut behind her. "What the hell Hanji?! Wha-" "I. Saw." She said slightly out of breath. "Umm saw what exactly?" You said completely lost. "Levi." She says again, her glasses gleaming as she spoke.

" She says again, her glasses gleaming as she spoke

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"So..." You say even more confused. "HE CAME OUT OF YOUR BEDROOM!!" She said shaking your shoulders, you start to freak out at your loud friend. "Shhh! Keep it down, it's too early! What are you even taking about?" She backs up a little putting a hand in her chin in thought. "So you didn't even know he was in your room? I didn't think he was the kind to do that." You blush realising where she was going with that thought. "HANJI! Eww no, you got it all wrong!" You say looking at her sternly. "Oh so you do know! Spill quickly!" She says as she jumps onto your freshly made bed waiting for your reponse. You roll your eyes at her while smiling, she reminded you of a little child sometimes. "Alright fine."

-time skip cus I'm too lazy to explain again-

"So, yeah, that's probably why you must have seen him leaving my room." Her glasses where gleaming again. "So he likes you?" You suddenly start blushing. "WHAT?!" She start giggling in a creepy why while wiggling her fingers. "I knew it."

You look at her confused

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You look at her confused. "What are you blabbering on about now?" You put your hands on your hips. Once you finishing talking she suddenly snaps out of it. "Oh, nothing" she says as she quickly stands up next to you. you look up at her (cus you're so short too TT^TT) raising an eyebrow."You sure about that?" You say totally unconvinced. She nods quickly. "Positive." You sigh, deciding to drop it, as you turn around on your heel. "I don't get you sometimes. Oh well, let's go." You say as you start walking to the mess hall with Hanji following you closely behind. It didn't take long before Hanji started talking again. "So, how was your time away?" She says speeding up a little to walk next to you, you smile thinking about your family.
             -time to dat mess hall-
You walk over to get a coffee/tea. "Aww your family sounds awesome. Hey maybe I'll get to meet your little bro and sis." You look down at your coffee/tea sadly "I kinda hope not." Hanji looks at you confused. "Huh? Why?" You let out a sigh. "Well I mean the only way they'll probably ever meet you is if they come here and to be honest deep down I don't want him to be a part of this, and I have a bad feeling that Eren will be stupid enough to join this shit hole." You hear Hanji chuckle. "Well if he's anything like you I'm positive he'll join." She says as she walks away to sit with her squad, you turn around to look at her. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?" She just laughs as she keeps on moving. You let out a sigh as you turn back to finish sorting out your drink while silently praying 'please don't be stupid Eren, please' to yourself. You sigh again as you turn around and start walking to your squad who were sitting in their usual places. You sit down opposite Levi, like usual. "Good morning." You grumble to everyone, you got a few 'good mornings' in return but mainly grunts especially from Levi. "So, Captain?" Levi looks up from his tea. "What are the plans today?" He looks back down at his tea. "Training, and paperwork." He says simply before taking a sip, you turn to Petra who was sitting next to you. "Hey Petra, how are you?" You say as sweetly as you could. You were quite close to Petra, maybe because she was the only other girl in your squad? Who knows, you both just kinda clicked she became like a sister to you. "I'm okay, how about you?" She says sweetly with her signature smile. "I'm alright sleepy though." She's giggles a bit. "There's no surprise." You lightly hit her arm. "Watch it." You say in a jokey way causing her to laugh. "(Y/n)." You look down the table to see Gunther looking at you. "Yeah?" You reply. "How was your time off?" He says with a smile. "Oh yeah, how did it go?" You hear Eld say, while Oluo just goes 'tch' trying to sound like Levi...again, you laugh a little. "Well..."
        ~after explaining the events, except the Levi shenanigans~
Everyone has a smile on their face (except Levi, of course) even Olou did. "I don't get to see them often, so whenever I do see them they always look so much older." You smile slightly to yourself. "You're always a lot happier when you talk about your family, I can tell they mean a lot to you." You look up at Eld who has a sincere look on his face, your eyes start to water. You quickly look down before anyone could notice. "Yeah they do." You smile sadly to yourself. You hear hands clapping making you look up to see Levi. "Alright enough chit chat lets get going." You sigh as you pull yourself back into reality not wanting to stand up. "Come on sleepy-head." You look to your left to see a smiling Petra with her hand stretched out to you, you sigh...again while reluctantlu grabbing onto her hand for support as you pull yourself off the seat and then clap your hands together. "Let's get this day over with." You say as you make your way over to your little desk in your room to finish some left over paperwork.


I apologise for the late update, I'm awful with things like this TT^TT
I'm gonna start writing the next chapter don't know whether it's gonna be up tonight maybe
NEXT CHAPTER WILL START FOLLOWING THE ANIME - so heads up to those who haven't watch it yet QUICKLY BING WATCH IT RI NOW
Aaaaaaaanywho I shall see you guys later.....LOVE YA BYE X

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now