Training to Graduation -11

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Before we start just wanna give a quick shout out tooooo, drum roll please......
@thelovleystuff !!
For all your comments and I hope I saved your life with this chapter XD, but seriously guys even the slightest "cool book" makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside......*clears throat* ANYWAY ON WITH THE STORY

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Also this chapter is based of 
-Episode 4 season 1 "Night of the Graduation Ceremony - Humanity Raises Again, Part 2"
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
'You smile to yourself 'they don't hate me' you thought to yourself smiling slightly as you walked with the three following you. This is gonna be one bumpy ride.'

Your POV
"Alright, lets get this over with little bastards." You said looking at all the young cadets that were about to go through your hardcore training regiment. "MA'AM" They all saluted you, you gave a bored look to them showing how much you could not be assed to do this. "Fond a partner, whoever's left can pair up with me." You said slightly smirking as they all rushed to get a partner. Once everyone paired up you heard a male voice whispering "oh crap." You look up to see a tall handsome young man with slightly shaggy hair and an undercut, he was quite a bit taller then you (like most) but nothing you couldn't handle. "What's your name cadet." You said as you walked around him intimidating him, even though he was the one looking down on you, he started shaking a little, looking quite nervous with a slight blush on his face 'tch, pussy'. "U-Ur.." You rolled your eyes."Too slow." You said while kicking the back of his knees, too quickly for him to react, causing him to fall onto his knees. You lightly grabbed his hair making him look up at you this time. "Name, now." His eyes widened. "J-Jean Kirschtein ma'am..." "Better." You said as you let go of him and walk back slightly and looked at the rest of the group, some were stifling a laugh while others looked shocked. You cleared your throat gathering everyone's attention. "60 sit ups each." They all looked a bit confused. "NOW!" After that they all went to do their sit ups, no questions. You walked back over to Jean, you stuck a hand out, he just looked at it. "Come on I haven't got all day." He quickly grabbed your hand as you helped him up. "Thank you, ma'am." He said blushing slightly...really, stupid hormonal teenager. "Come on I'll hold your feet." You said bending down, he followed and started doing his sit ups.

   ~(spongebob XD) 3 hours later~

"Alright." You said catching your breath. "Training's over." You heard a quite few sighs of relief as everyone was catching their breath. "Any questions before you leave?" A few hands went up, you point to the bald one. "Connie." "Ur, will we be doing this everyday?" He asked, sounding a bit distraught. "You'll be doing this every other day unless circumstances says other wise." You got nods, some sad, some determine. "Is that everything?" No one else put their hands up, so you turned around taking your gloves off. "Dismissed, leave your gloves in the bucket on your way out." You turned around again throwing your gloves into the bucket (SCORE). "Annie." You say as she passed you, she stopped in her tracks giving you a side glance. "Yes, ma'am." "Wait there." You say as you head to a small first aid box. You see, Annie had got a pretty bad bump on her forehead fighting Mikasa, I asked her to use her fist instead of her little trick...oops. You walk over to her as you snap an ice pack causing it to go cold almost instantly (don't know if they even had these but ya know whatever you're Elsa's long lost twin then). "Here, put this on it, it'll reduce the swelling." You say putting it on her bump, she looks a bit shocked before returning back to her usual stoic face...reminds me of a certain someone..."Um, thanks..." You smile at her. "You're welcome, oh and you're also welcome to talk to me if you need someone to talk to, I may act angry all the time but that's just to put people off, but I'm sure you understand all about that." Her face softens looking at you. "Th-Thank you ma'am, I'll keep that in mind." She said before slowly returning back to her normal straight face, you nod slightly. "Dismissed." You smile slightly as she walks away, I guess this isn't all that bad.

                    ~Few years later~
    (can't remember how many years)

"DO YOU HAVE HEART?!" Keith shouted standing next to you. All of the cadets shouted "Sir!" in reply while saluting. "AS OF THIS MOMENT YOU HAVE THREE OPTIONS........" You zoned out while he explained each of the regiments and showed the tops of the class, this all brought back memories of when you were standing at the front. A look of determination covered your face. Excitement coursing through your veins, anticipating what was yet to come. You were so naive back then, you didn't have a clue as to what you would face in the survey corps. You watch all the top 10 looking for Eren, you found him near the middle with a determined look on his face, almost matching yours when you stood in the same spot he was in, you knew what was going through his mind, you weren't stupid. Oh how you wished your prays for Eren not to do anything stupid would've been answered. But, deep down you knew, if he was anything like you he wasn't going to back down, especially after what the Titans did to your mother. After the graduation you went back to your office. You didn't want to join in the celebrations, you never were one for crowds. You were pretty sure you could find some paper work to finish.
     You were sat in your office doodling some sketches of Le-people when you heard some loud talking in the hall. 'Is that Eren?' You thought to yourself as you stopped drawing 'eh, he's probably yelling about not giving in, fighting till the end, yada yada yada'. You carried on drawing until you heard the doors open and footsteps running through the corridor followed by two others running after the first one. "Eren, wait!" You heard Armin, you sighed to yourself, 'better check it out, got nothing better to do'.

            ~time skip to outside~

You quietly made your way to the sound of the trio talking. You found them all sat down on the stairs, you decided to watch for a bit. "Yeah well I'm joining scout regiment two." 'damn it' you thought to yourself, you decided to make yourself known.

Third Person POV
(Y/n) walks up to the trio. "You really think that's a good idea?" Eren, Mikasa, and Armin all jumped slightly and the sudden new voice. "(Y-Y/n)!? What are you doing here?" Armin questioned her as she sat on the same step as Mikasa, (Y/m) shrugged. "Heard a commotion, followed it and it brought me to you guys." They all nodded slightly. "So, Armin. Why the sudden change?" (Y/n) asked, already knowing the answer. Armin looks down in thought at (Y/n) question. "I'm through with letting other people fight for me." (Y/n) smiles knowingly, Eren looked slightly taken aback. "Guess it's the scouts for me to then." Mikasa says before Eren can react to Armin's reasoning. (Y/n) chuckles slightly. "God damn it." she whispers to herself. Eren quickly turns around to look at Mikasa. "Oh come on! You were top of the class! You'd be wasting your shot!" Mikasa looked forward. "Understand this Eren. Where you go, I go." (Y/n) smirks again. "I made a promise to you and (Y/n)'s mom before she died, I'm not letting you die." She looks over at Eren. "I've got your back whether you like it or not, so just deal with it." Eren looks shocked before resting his head on his hand. "Yeah well mom's not here..." This got to (Y/n), she leant over to Eren and pinched his ear. "Uh. Hey!" "Eren you listen to me, moms not her but I'm here, Mikasa's here, Armin's here, so don't give me that crap!" Mikasa chimed in. "A lot of people I used to care about aren't here either." (Y/n) looked over at Mikasa, letting go of Eren. "All the more reason to stick together. I can't always be with you guys, but you three can, so you need to stay together." (Y/n) says putting her arm on Mikasa's back in a comforting way. Eren puts his arms behind him and leans on them for support as he looks up, which causes the other three to look up as well, only to see a beautiful starry sky.

Your POV
You look up in awe wondering if your mother was looking back down at you, would she be sad with how things are turning out? Would she be disappointed in you because you couldn't stop them? You hoped she didn't, you thought that maybe she would be proud, even if she didn't want them to put their lives in danger, hopefully she saw how good their true intentions were and knew that they were ,ultimately, doing the right thing. 'I miss her'.


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