"Captain!" -19

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Hello strangers it feels like ages since I posted a proper chapter but here it is in all its glory...just breath it in *sigh* ENJOY

This chapter is based on:
-Episode 17- Female Titan: 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls, Part 1 (only about half of it as a lot of it is just Armin, Jean and Reiner and dat female Titan)
-Episode 18- Forest of Giants: 57th Expedition Beyond the Wall, Part 2

Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice


'You focused on the path ahead of you, the plans etched into your brain.'

Your POV
You were racing through the abandoned town, your heart rate almost matching the sound of the hooves hitting against the stone floor of the town. It was more adrenaline then fear that was causing your heart to pound. Your cape whipping through the wind as you followed the crowd of soldiers. "We've got a 10 metre closing in, to the left!" You hear Hanji yell and then she continues to mumble about a belly? Meh who cares. You wanted to kill that Titan but you couldn't, in this mission it was someone else's job to protect you lot so you kept your head forward ignoring the giant creature. "Forward!" You hear a man yelling, he must be with the newbies "Ride for all your worth!" As you kept moving you turn you head slightly to check up on Eren, 'he's okay' you thought to yourself, 'he'll be fine, there's nothing to worry about', you kept reassuring yourself this while keeping your emotions inside, now wasn't to time to let them out, you needed to focus on the task ahead. You heard Eren begin to talk. "Mr Oruo! Be strict with me, do you think my friends have a shot at taking down a Titan?" You listen carefully not wanting to butt in (heh butt), you wanted your squad to know that Eren can take care of himself. "Really?" You heard Oruo's voice reply. "I should certainly hope so otherwise what the hell have they been training for?" 'Heh fair point Oruo, but you should stop talking' "Now listen and listen well, prepared or not you're our scout which means the time is now to jump back those fears an-" KNEW IT....yeah he bit his tongue, geez when is he gonna learn.
You carried on moving, you were more in the open now but you pushed down the fear and waited for Erwin to call out the orders. Before long Erwin outstretched his left arm, pointing straight towards the left direction (duh) "Long range formation! Let's go!" This was your que, you followed Levi, who was still next to you, and made your way to the proper location. You followed Levi because, let's be honest here, your terrible at directions...

~time skip because Armin is being a smart little angel and a thug~

"Captain! Smoke signals on our right, green." You said to Levi causing him to look over. "Oruo. Pass it on." He orders in a strong voice...'calm down heart, now's not the time'. "With pleasure sir." Oruo answers as he readies the smoke signal and then shoots it. Before anything else could happen you heard a man. "Reporting, sir!" He said as he got closer to Levi. "An oral message!" 'Something's happened.' "It appears the right wing spotter have been wiped out!" You heard Eren gasped behind you. "An early warning network is compromised, one of you will need to relay the message down the line!" Levi turns to look behind you. "You heard the man Petra. Go on." He says keeping his cool in a serious situation. "Sir!" She says, turning off to warn the others. As Levi turns his head back he makes eye contact with you making your heart skip a beat. You look at him sternly and nod your head, confirming that you were okay. He nods his head slightly in return and looks back forward. Your heart still pounding from the intense look he just gave you, you tried to calm your blush down as you faced the front again trying to put your focus back onto the mission. Suddenly you hear shots, you look over to tell Levi but what you saw made you freeze...three black signals, an abnormal...this far in...before you could say anything Levi cut in. "Eren, fire the signal." He ordered. "Y-Yes sir!" Eren reply stuttering slightly making you worry. 'Damn it, no, I can't baby him anymore. He's a solider now' "This is a disgrace." Levi started. "Lot of good the formation does if the bastards can bore into it that deeply." He said to no one in particular, you just sighed thinking about what's happening and what might happen. Eren shot the signal causing the black smoke to fly up in the air. 'I have to keep my cool...I have to'.

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now