Judgement - 14

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Yo wad up.....lets goooo

This Chapter is based on:
-Episode 14 Still Cant See: Prelude to the Counterattack, Part 1
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime
Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

Your POV
""We've all put are faith in you Eren, so don't screw it up...I love you." You let go and let the soldiers take him away. "H-Hey! Wait!" Hanji started to close the door. "Best of luck." She said before closing the double doors."

To honest I have no clue what POV this is so I'll just say:
Your POV
You made your way over to your standing point which was next to Erwin. You looked around and cringed slightly as your eyes landed on what soon would be Eren's place. You had an idea of what was going to happen (thanks to Erwin and Levi) and you didn't want to be here to watch it. So many things went through your head 'what if the plan doesn't work?' 'What if they kill him?' 'What if he turns into a Titan?'. Before you could think of any other scenarios you saw Eren enter with a look of...fright maybe? Or was it confusion? Or even admiration, you weren't sure but it was probably a mixture of those.
    "All right," A man behind him said pointing a shot gun at him "Move it!" He said as he pushed Eren with the gun to get him to moved forward. You did your best to keep calm, you could be a very protective sister sometimes and this probably wasn't the most ideal situation for you to be in, but you had to be there for him, plus, you have no choice since your second in command in Levi's squad.
    "On your knees, now!" Said a wimpy looking kid...What?! It's true! Anyway him and some other asshole were secureing the pole that would stop Eren from escaping, Eren just gave them a dirty look the whole time 'heh I taught him well'. Once it was secure Eren tried to wriggle a bit, as he looked around nervously at all the people. You followed his eyes and saw everyone looking at him, terrified, of course they would be. The only thing they know about him is that he can turn into a Titan...man this sucks.
Darius Zackley entered the room, he sat down, rolled his sleeves up and began talking. "Alright, shall we begin?" He ask a slightly terrified looking Eren, jeez this is heart breaking. He clears his throat and slides his glasses up before asking more questions. "Your name is Eren Jaeger, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people, is that correct?" We all looked at Eren awaiting his response, he replies with a simple. "Yes." Probably afraid to say anything else. Zackley continues. "As an enlisted solider during a time of war, the military demands your trial be held as a court martial, as commander of armed forces this matter is left to my discretion." He looks up from his paper to look at Eren. "Thus I will decide whether you live or you die." He pauses for a moment. "Any objections?" Eren looks to the floor. "No, sir." You let out a little breath, each time Eren has to answer you don't know what he could say, sometimes he lets his anger and passion get the best of him. "Your astuteness is appreciated, let us proceed." (so Hanji and Mike are supposed to come in at this point but let's just say everyone is already at there seats before Eren came in ^^) "As expected, covering up your existence is proven quite fruitless and unless we publicly disclose your existence one way or another we risk the outbreak of wide spread civil unrest." You looked down, intently listening to what he's saying you didn't want to miss anything. This was such an important event that you had no choice but to listen. "A choice must be made, and the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate." He pauses again, causing the tension within you to rise slightly, but you still manage to keep your cool. "The military Police." You looked over at the man you was representing them the military. He looked slightly angry, he had stubble on his chin and upper lip, with the average hairstyle that you would see in men, slightly messy with an undercut. "Or the scout regiment." You glanced to the left of you to see Erwin with his hands behind his back looking strong and intimidating and Levi with his arms crossed, again looking strong and intimidating but in a different sense. "To begin." You look back at Zackley as he carried on talking. "The military police will now present their case." You knew what it was going to be 'kill him because we're whimpering pussies who are afraid to actually take a risk that could make things easier for everyone' but with more fancy words, in your head you laughed at you own joke before going back to serious mode. "Thank you." He says in a stern voice. "My name is Nile Dawk." 'hello Nile' "I am commander of the military police, our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology subject Eren Jeager should be disposed of immediately." You looked slightly disgusted at him, 'called him a subject, examining his body, dispos- whatever man shut up' man if only you could speak out, well you would probably be shot but if only. He looks at Eren before carrying on. "We acknowledge that Jeager's ability played a part in turning back the latest Titan incursion. However as has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment." He looks up at Zackley again. "For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from him we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity." You can feel your blood start to boil, but you know that you have to keep your cool, or else your's and Eren's life could be in danger. "Unexceptable!" (Heh...lemongrab) You looked over at that stupid pastor, now he, he really does grind your gears. He points at Eren. "This verminous feed has defiled the mighty wall-" 'blah blah blah, this dude is deranged, 5 years ago everyone ignored them and now look at him.' "Pastor Nick. Please remain quite." Once he had shut up, Zackley turned to our side, you still had a cool face on, hiding any fact that you were pissed out of your damn mind on the inside. "And now I'd like to hear the Scout Regiment's proposed plan." 'finally some sense in this craze-fest-house'. "Yes, sir." Erwin said in a strong voice. "I, Erwin the commander of the Survay core, I, Erwin Smith propose the following." He looks down to Eren. "Let Eren join are ranks, reinstate him as a full member of the scouts and we will utilise his Titan ability to retake Wall Maria." He paused again. "That is all." You heard murmuring around you before Zackley gave his thoughts. "Hmm? Is that it?" Erwin reply with a simple. "Yes." Before carrying on saying. "With his assistance sir, I'm certain we can reclaim Wall Maria. Ergo I believe our top priority is perfectly clear." "Quite bold." Zackley replied. "Assuming you were given clearance where do you plan to launch this operation from?" He looks down at Pyxis "Commander Pyxis, the wall in Trost District has been completely sealed, is that correct?" I look over at Pyxis  "Yes, I doubt it's gate will ever open again." Erwin continues. "We'll depart from Calaneth District to the east, from there we'll make for Shiganshina." Your heart pangs slightly at that name. "A new route can be established as we procee-" You jumped slightly as a man slammed his hands down. "Well that's ridiculous! Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates! They're the only parts of the wall that the colossal Titan can break right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the affair!" 'This is what I ha-' "Shut your mouth you spineless merchant dog, with a Titan on our side we can finally return to Wall Maria!" 'as I was saying I h-' "We can't afford anymore of your childish antics or your delusions of grandeur!" 'screw this' You heard a cool calm voice. "Squealing loader won't help your case, pig." You tried to suppress a laugh as you heard a few gasp. 'That's my Levi...did I just say 'my Levi'..."While we're bolstering our defences, do you think that Titans are going to stand idly by? And when you say "we" can't afford, do you speak for anyone other then your fat merchant friends?" You suppressed a smirk as Levi kept going. "Do you pigs even realise that most of our people are struggling just to survive of what little land we have left?" You look at the 'pig' that Levi was talking to, waiting for his response. "I'm simply saying that sealing the gates is the only guarantied protection we've got." You jumped...again, as the loopy pastor slammed his hands down. "Hold your tongue, you vile, belligerent, heretic! Are you really suggesting that we lowly humans meddle with Wall Rose, a gift to us from on high?!" You were struggling to keep your mouth shut. "The wall is a miracle, and it's divinity transcends human comprehension!" 'This is stupid' You thought to yourself as you looked around the room to see most people looking annoyed. You looked over to where Armin and Mikasa were, Armin looks dazed, stunned even, I guess he would be since he's never been in a courthouse before, and Mikasa just looks like her usual self except slightly more pissed. The two were still bickering until Zackley repeatedly hit his hand on the desk and ended them with one last hit loader then the others echoing around the big room. "Order!" 'Phew, thank you'. "I ask that you save your personal sentiments for a more appropriate venue." Once that was cleared up he looked back at Eren. "Now then Mr Jeager I have a question for you." 'oh crap' "As a solider you have made a solum pledge to answer humanities call, can you still serve by controlling your ability?" "Yes, I will sir." Eren reply almost immediately, showing determination that was well needed at this point. "Oh is that so? But this report from the battle for Trost contradicts that statement." 'what?' "Just after transforming it seems you made an attempt to crush Miskasa Ackerman." Eren looked at Mikasa in shock 'damn it' you thought, 'this case was going in out favour until this happened' you still kept your cool. "And who is this Mikasa Ackerman?" Mikasa puts her hand up. "Me, that would be me sir." She says boldly, at this point you had no idea how this was going to turn out. "Alright then. Is it true that Eren Jeager assaulted you while he was in Titan form?" Mikasa looks intently at Eren, what is she waiting for, she better not lie, he's in enough trouble as it is. "Yes. All of that's true." You let out a sigh of relief and fear not knowing whether this will go towards Eren getting killed. "I knew it! He's a wolf in sheeps clothing." You look at Eren, he was just staring at Mikasa in shock, he most likely didn't even realise what he was doing. "However, he also saved my life twice before and in each circumstance he was using his Titan ability." She paused for a moment. "The first, shortly after Trost fell I was nearly killed by a Titan but then Eren came, he stepped in and protected me. The second time, he transformed to shield Armin and me from cannon fire." You looked at Eren proudly with a slight smile on your face. "I employe you to take these facts into consideration." "Objection!" 'dang it' "I have reason to believe that personal feelings play a large part in her testimony." And this is why you chose not to speak out, especially since he's your biological brother. "Let the records show that Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned at a young age, and was subsequently taken in by the Jeager family." You saw anger start to show in Mikasa's face, please keep it cool Mikasa. "What's more, our own internal investigation into this matter, led to a most shocking discovery." 'damn it why bring this up now'. "Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackerman at the tender age of nine dealt with three adult kidnappers by stabbing all of them to death." Everyone sounded shocked as you closed your eyes and sighed, praying that this case will go your way. "Granted this was done in self defence, all the same one cannot help but question the violent nature of the act." You were losing it. "Erwi-" You tried to say. "No, don't." Erwin replied while still looking forward knowing fully well that you were struggling to stay back. "Knowing all of this, should we really invest in him money, man power, perhaps the very fate of us all." People were started to murmur about him taking the form of a child. "Maybe (Y/n)'s one!" The pig said pointing to you. "I bet she's not human either!" Your heart started to pound in your chest. "Y-Yeah your right! That's Eren's biological sister! We should dissect her to just to be safe." Even though your breathing started to quicken and you were struggling to fight back you words, you kept a calm facial expression. You tried to step forward until you felt a squeeze on your arm causing you to look up to see Erwin looking at you sternly, he shook his head, you took a deep breath blocking out all the accusations of you being a Titan. "Now hold on a second!" Eren shouted "Maybe I am the monster that you want dead, but you leave my sister out of this! She's innocent!" You look at Eren sadly/lovingly as he stands up for you, knowing fully well the situation he's in. "Yeah like we can believe you!" "It's the truth!" Eren says desperately. "She must be one if you protect her!" "STOP IT!" Eren yells pushing himself forward causing the chains of his hand cuffs to hit against the pole making everyone shut up in fear. "You're wrong, about it all." He says breathily heavily. 'I guess this means the plan I hate' you think to yourself, knowing fully well where this was headed. "But you're so intent on pushing selfish agendas, you're blind to what's in front of you." Everyone looks at him shocked. "Wait, what do you mean?" The military police commander guy asks. "What does it even matter, non of you have even seen a Titan, so why are you so afraid huh?" He pauses slightly. "There's no sense in having power if you're not going to use it to fight, if your too scared to fight for your own life's fine! Let me do it! You...your all cowards!" Some seem offended. "JUST SHUT UP AND PUT ALL YOU FAITH IN ME!" Everyone looks shocked, not expecting him to say those words at people much higher up then him. "Take aim damn it!" You hear someone say at the Military police side, he aims the gun at Eren, you look down not wanting to see what was going to happen, you hear the horrible sound of a foot colliding with flesh causing you to flinch as you look to the ground.

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now