A Beautiful Dream.

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I found myself picking wild raspberries out of the bushes by clearing where the wild flowers grew. I was in the tall grass when I heard him from behind me. I smiled to myself as I knew exactly who it was. This was where we met every day. A place that our laughter echoed off the trees, where the sun shined down and tickled our tan skin. Kisses shared in secret. Sun kissed freckles against strong sure hands. He used to count the brown freckles that were scattered across my face. This was our place, we were free here. Free to love each other. I playfully ducked in the grass as he walked out of the forest line searching for me with warmth in his heart. He walked out into the tall grass that brushed his hips with a smirk. I watched his wavy chin length blonde hair blow from the soft warm breeze in the air. It just the beginning of summer yet his skin had already begun to turn golden with the sun. He was beautiful. Golden hair golden skin with eyes the color of the oceans that raged around the world, and just as deep and vast. I sneak up behind him as quiet as a whisper while he searched for me. I watched him as he leaned over and picked up the woven basket I had been carrying the berries in and frown. I saw my chance and I leaped for him. We landed in the grass laughing in each others arms. "You scared me." He laughed as I gazed up at him "Someone might have seen you." I smiled justifying my actions. I leaned into him and placed a kiss against his heavenly lips. As soon as our lips touched the kiss became heated but he cut it off and stood pulling me to my feet. He tugged at my sleeve and pulled me towards the forest line. "Where are you taking me?" I asked as his strong hands covered my eyes, I laughed as I almost tripped over something "Since you are such a nature lover, I thought maybe somewhere with a lot of leaves." I could hear the smile in his voice. I could hear birds chirping and rustling of leaves, every little sound consumed me it was beautiful. "Ready?" He asked as he slowly removed his hands from my face and I opened my eyes in wonder. I saw a beautiful meadow of wild flowers, vast colors, and sweets smells. The giant willow trees hung above us, the branches swaying peacefully with the warm summer breeze their grace unmatched. I had never seen such beauty, such untouched serenity. "I love you more than anything." He whispered in my ear. I turned to face his god like appearance "I love you more than life." I vowed to him. I felt his lips brush against mine and I was in Heaven. "We will be together always."


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