The Death Of Alina Gilbert.

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"Tonight's a full moon." Elijah stated as him, Elena, Stefan and I stood in the parlor. "We should assume than Klaus is prepared to break the curse." He added. "Lina said the sun and the moon curse is fake?" Stefan said. "And it's just a curse placed on Klaus and her. Well past her." Stefan stated still confused. "Klaus and Alina, though her real name is Thalia, are vampires born from a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept their werewolf sides from manifesting but if he breaks it they'll be true hybrids. And because Thalia is one of the most powerful witches ever seen by mankind Thalia will be a tribrid. Witch werewolf and vampire all in one." Elijah explained. "Then why are we letting him break the curse?" Damon questioned as he entered the room. "We could kill him today, with Bonnie." "Damon." Stefan warned. "No!" I said sternly while Elena shook her head. "Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." I reminded him. "I'll write her a great eulogy." He replied snarkily. "It's not an option Damon!" I snapped while Elena glared at him. Damon glowered at me as he gritted his teeth. "Okay." Stefan said glancing between Damon and I. "How do we break this curse?" He reluctantly asked. "The ritual itself is pretty self forward the ingredients, so to speak, you already know." Elijah said as he walked over to the side table. "The moonstone." Stefan stated. "A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound. After that Klaus being both werewolf and vampire will need to sacrifice one of each." Elijah began. "And where do we fit in to it?" I asked. Elena looked at me in alarm and opened her mouth to protest but Elijah didn't give her time. "You two are the final part of the ritual." He took a smallish box from the side and brought it over to us. "Klaus will sacrifice a wolf and a vampire and then must drink the blood of the doppelgänger to the point of your death." He said looking at Elena. "He will then have to discard of your weakening mortal form and break the curse with the moonstone. Once he's done that your soul will find its way back to your original form. When you awaken you will be in your original body that Klaus has preserved for thousands of years. You will be a tribrid, with all your past lives memories and magic." Damon and Elena tensed and their eyes went wide. "And that's where you come in." I stated trying not to let the fear unsettle me. I didn't want to be a tribrid or any of that for the matter but I knew the price for this elixir. There was only one. Elena would drink it while I drank the fake. I would wake up a monster and Elena would wake up human. I knew the price and I knew Elijah and I had to keep this knowledge from all the people who would try to stop me. Elijah nodded at me and flipped the lid of the box open. "This is an elixir that I acquired five hundred years ago for Katarina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation." He began. "So we'll be dead?" I asked playing along. "And then you won't." Elijah said with a slight nod. "That's your plan." Damon scoffed. "A magical witch potion with no expiration date?" He looked to me then. "Look if you wanna bring someone back to life what about John's ring." He argued. "Those rings only work on humans." Elijah clarified. "The doppelganger is a supernatural occurrence. Odds are it won't work and in this form Alina is still a witch." Elijah told them. "Well I'll take those odds over your elixir." Damon retorted. "What if it doesn't work Lina?" He asked and I could see the fear in his eyes. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. I thought about how angry he was going to be with me when I woke up in a different body. And older prettier body, fully developed body of the beautiful woman in my reflections. I looked up at Damon and smiled weakly at him "Then I guess I'll just be a tribrid." Damon opened his mouth to say something but no words came out so he just settled to shake his head at me and storm off. "But what about me?" Elena asked "There's enough elixir for both of us." I lied firmly. "Klaus need's both of us to break the curse. We have the elixir you'll be safe." I told her. "So do we know if Klaus has everything to do this? Does he have a werewolf?" Stefan asked. "Klaus has been trying to break this curse for centuries my guess is if he doesn't already have a werewolf he will by tonight." Elijah answered. "I'm going to go and see how Jenna is." Elena said as she stood up from the sofa and started to make her way up the stairs. "Stefan go make sure Damon hasn't snapped yet." I told him. He nodded and quickly left leaving just me and Elijah. I walked over to him and lifted the glass bottle out of the box. "They can't understand why I'm willing to do this." I told him as I looked down at the elixir I lied about. "Why are you?" He asked curiously. "Klaus is here because of me so if I don't stop him he's going to hurt people. It's that simple." I said clearly. "The elixir is Elena's best chance." I whispered. "I'm not afraid to be her." I lied as I thought about Thalia. "I've have known you in many forms over many thousands of years. I think I can tell when you are lying to me." He smirked at me. "I want to know who I am, Lijah." I told him truthfully. There was a moment of silence before I spoke again unsure of what I was going to say. "For years I have felt like a piece of me was missing and I never understood why until now. It's an unquenchable need to be whole again. I've felt lost for so long. And as much as I am terrified to be her and all that comes with that, a part of me craves it. To know who I am, where I come from, to feel whole. To remembered my family and friends I have gained and lost." I told him. "Do you know how it feels to mourn someone you don't remember?" I asked him with sad eyes. "Because I do." I told him. "I don't want to feel like I'm in the dark anymore." I finished. "There is a slight chance that when you awaken you will have no memory of your time here in Mystic Falls." He says. "I won't remember them, Elena, Damon, Jeremy, Jenna all of my friends and family?" I ask. "You will remember you original family, Klaus, me, my siblings. But not your family here." He answered me. I would remember Damon though, only the Damon from 1864 not the Damon I know today. After a moment's hesitation. "I understand ether I'm going to die, or be a tribrid with the possibility of having no memories of my loved ones." I said and mentally scold myself. "But I can't think like that. I have to be strong." I took a breath. "You are one of the strongest people I have ever known." He assured me. I was stopped from saying any more because we heard shouting from the front door. I ran towards them and saw Jenna holding a cross bow at Rick. "Jenna, put the cross bow down." Rick pleaded as he had his arms raised. "It's me!" He shouted. "Stay away from me!" She yelled. "Jenna move back." I ordered and she did as I said but I kept my hands aimed firmly at Alaric. "Lina, it's me I swear Klaus let me go. He let me go." Rick shouted. "Prove it." Damon said as he slid up beside me. "Um okay, the first night we spent together Jeremy walked in right when I was about to-" Rick said to Jenna. "Alright, it's him. It's him." Jenna blurted. "Why'd he let you go?" Stefan questioned as him and Elena walked up to us. "He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight." Rick answered. Jenna lowered the cross bow and we all moved in to the living room. Elena and Jenna sat down on one of the sofas and Rick sat on the one opposite while the rest of us stood. "Do you remember anything that happened?" Stefan asked after a few minutes of silence. "No, it's like I blacked out and woke up three days later." Rick answered. "Katherine was there." "She's under compulsion. Damon slipped her some vervain but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can." Stefan said. "Where is Damon?" I inquired as I looked around but I came up empty. "I saw him go upstairs." Jenna replied. I sighed. "I'll be right back." I muttered. I walked slowly up the stairs and walked straight in to his room. "You disappeared." I stated as I looked at Damon's back at he stood staring out the window. "I didn't want to hear any more." He retorted. "I need you to understand why I'm doing this." He turned around then to face me. "Why?" He asked. "It clearly doesn't matter what I think." He defended. "I'll be fine Damon I'll drink the elixir and Bonnie will kill Klaus." I lied as I matched the steps that he took towards me. "And then all this will finally be over." I breathed. "If it works." He deadpanned. "It will work." I stated. "You think it will work. You want it to work." He snapped. "Why am I the only one who's convinced it won't? There has to be another way. You're going to die, Lina." He yelled. "And then I'll come back to life." I argued. "As a tribrid! We don't even know what that means! That's not a risk I'm willing to take." He stated as we met in the middle of the room. We were so close that I could feel his breath against my face. I took his hands between my own and looked up at him. "But I am." I said seriously. "It's my life Damon, it's my choice." He looked down at our joined hands and then looked up at me sadly. "I can't lose you." He whispered. "You won't." I replied confidently. I reached up on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck as I brought my lips down to his. He was unmoving at first but eventually he started to respond. I pulled away breathless when it started to get a bit heated and I untangled myself from his arms. "I have literally died and have been reborn numerous time's since Thalia died in 1920 and I still found my way back to you." I told him with a smirk. "That has to mean something. Fate brought us together. It will do it again." I told him. He shut his eyes and sighed almost angry at my words. "I'll be fine, trust me" I repeated before I turned on my heel and started to walk towards the door. I gasped as he blurred in front of me. "You know there's another way." He said. I looked at him in confusion and then fear as his eyes turned red and the veins pulsated underneath them. "Damon, no!" I protested. I tried to back away but he'd already bit in to his wrist and pressed it against my mouth. I struggled against him and tried to get out of his hold but his other hand was placed on the back of my head trapping me. My screams were muffled against his wrist as the blood traveled down my throat. Damon was thrown away from me and I collapsed to the floor.

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