To Loose A Loved One.

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~*~Klaus POV~*~

I quickly out maneuvered Alaric and shoved him against the wall hard knocking him unconscious. I bought us five minutes maybe. I turned around to see Thalia lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Her legs were sprawled out behind her in unnatural positions. She was a mess. Her hands were pressed to her stomach and she was unconscious. I immediately shook her arm. "Thalia," I panicked. I shook her again. Her hand fell to her side limp exposing blood that soaked her shirt. "Thalia!" I shook her harder, her head fell a slack. "Damn it Thalianna!" I yelled. I pressed my hand to her fresh wound in her side but the blood continued to flow. She had so many deep wounds. Her blood seeped through my fingers as I desperately tried to make it stop. I put my spare hand to her neck, feeling for a pulse. For a moment I was beyond panicked as I felt around for any sign of life. Just before I gave up I felt a small pulse from under her skin. It was weak but it was there. "Come on Thalia, wake up!" I shook her one last time hoping to get a response. When she remained unconscious I began to panic. I needed to get her out of here now, it was her only chance. I grabbed at the bottom of my shirt, ripping it. I tore it away from my body and leaned down to Thalia. I pulled her forward and wrapped the cloth around her torso so that it covered her wound. I tied it tight so that the pressure would last until I could find something better to use. "Is she going to be okay?" Elena asked as she panicked over Thalia's broken body. I growled as I blurred and grabbed her covering her airways with my hands. I looked deep in her eyes as she struggled to breath. "She'll be just fine after you make a small donation." I hissed as she lost consciousness. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed. "I need you here, now." I hissed into the phone. It wasn't but a few moments later one of my hybrid blurred into the school. "Take her to the mansion, keep her safe." I hissed to him as he pulled Elena over his shoulder while I pulled Thalia into my arms, making sure her hands were pressed against her wounds. He simply nodded before he bolted out of my sight. I ran with Thalia in my arms from the school leaving the gruesome scene behind us. I held Thalia tighter, she didn't have much time left. I unexpectedly felt her fingers grip at my shirt on my chest. I saw her eyes moving underneath her perfect pale lids. "Thalia?" I questioned as I shook her a little. Her eyes opened to reveal beautiful green eyes that gazed up at me as if they were looking into my soul. They fluttered a few times before she closed them again. "Hey, hey! Stay with me we're almost there." I shook her to try and keep her awake. "W-where?" She asked me trying desperately to see me clearly. "Home." I said as I took her other hand and held it tightly. "I-I'm," She tried to tell me. "What? What's wrong?" I worried. "C-cold." She mumbled before her eyes shut again. "Thalia! Wake up!" I almost ordered as I shook her again, with no response. "Thalia!" I panicked as I shook Thalia. "Come on, Thalia. I need you, stay with me." I panicked as I held her, pushing back her long black hair. "Come on, baby. Please don't leave me." I pleaded. I noticed Thalia's blood seeping through my shirt onto my skin and dripping onto the floor behind us as I ran up to the mansion. I kicked open the large door pushing our way through. "Get her some blood now!" I yelled at the hybrids as I shoved through them and ran into the kitchen. I carefully laid Thalia down on the counter, never letting go of her blood covered hands. I squeezed Thalia's hands as her blood spilled off the counter and onto the floor.

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