Gut Wrenching Fear.

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~*~Thalia POV~*~

"Thalia..." Thira gasped at my appearance. I lunged for him, but Elijah pulled me back into the alley. "Enough!" The Original scolded both parties. "Leave him be, Thalia. We need them." "What did Esther do, Lijah?" I asked, slightly calmer and looking much more human. Elijah ignored me and walked to Damon, producing a cell phone from his suit pocket. "You tell me where the witches are or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." "You told us we had until after nine." Damon looked at the clock tower. "I'm sure Rebekah will be more than happy to start her work early." Elijah smirked. "I'll find them." He nodded and grabbed a recuperating Stefan off the floor. The two vampires blurred out of the alley with Alaric in tow. It was the quiet whimpering of my sister that made me turn slightly. I made sure that I no longer looked like my hybrid form as I approached Thira who was fighting Klaus's grip. "Thira..." "No! She told me you were one of them and I didn't believe her!" Thira sobbed as she hit Klaus in an effort to get his hands off her. She hadn't believed Esther when she told her that Klaus and I were monsters, but now she was staring us in the face. "Thira, he was going to hurt you." I fought. "You're all monsters! Every single one of you!" She pointed a finger at each face in the alley with her. "Get her home, Niklaus." Elijah said under his breath. His brother nodded quietly and tried to take Thira by the arm, but she jumped away from him. "Don't touch me!" She screamed and Klaus grew tired of this whole ordeal. Grunting, he hoisted her up over his shoulder and sped back to the house.

~*~Klaus POV~*~

"Put me down! Let me go, Klaus!" Thira beat on my back as I carried her through the mansion. Her blows weren't hurting me, neither were her screams, but the way she looked at Thalia was enough to make my heart break. She continued to yell and kick at me even when I kicked open my bedroom door and tossed her down on the bed. Thira bounced from the impact and scrambled off the plush surface, looking for a weapon to defend herself with. She gripped a fire poker from the fireplace in the far corner of the room and armed herself with it, as if challenging me to come at her. I walked towards her, hands help up to show that I didn't mean her any harm. Everything about my demeanor was nonthreatening, but she only gripped the poker harder, her little knuckles turning white. "Thira, I'm not here to hurt you." "Stay back!" She jabbed the poker at me, but I dodged out of the way. The fear in her eyes was wild and screaming out for me to stay back, but she held a strength that was unimaginable for a human who was facing a thousand year old hybrid.

~*~Thalia POV~*~

"They're coming, mother!" Finn announced as he heard the footsteps of his family approaching. Esther hurriedly shushed Bonnie and her mother Abby, into the old witch house where they would be hidden. Kol, Elijah, Klaus, and I sauntered up to the pentagram of fire. "My sons and Thalia, come forward." "Stay beside me, mother." Finn moved closer to his mother. "It's okay. They can't enter." Esther smiled wickedly as Kol tried to walk through the fire, but was stopped when the flames roared. "That's lovely. We're stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn." Kol spat. "Be quiet, Kol." Esther reprimanded. "Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine." "Whatever you think of us, killing your own family will be an atrocity." Elijah spoke. "My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago." The witch shook her head. "Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, mother, or I'll send you back to hell." Klaus growled. "For a thousand years, I've been forced to watch you. Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility. You're no better. And Thalia, you are more bloodthirsty than all of my children combined. You're all a curse on this Earth stretched out over generations. If you've come to plead for your lives, I'm sorry. You've wasted your time." Esther looked over her children and me with no remorse for holding our lives in her hands. "You're a pathetic excuse for a mother." I hissed. "You are not the ideal daughter either, Thalia." The witch noted and I felt jaw clench. "You treated me like one of your own. You loved me like one of your own children, you witch!" I ran for the fire but Kol pulled me back. "I knew you were up to something the moment you crawled out of that coffin!" I hissed at her. Esther continued her chanting while Finn kept a close eye on his siblings. I paced just at the edge of the flames, the heat burning my cheeks. I wanted to rip Esther's throat out for lying to me about everything yet I was more angry that she had hurt her children again. She hurt my family again. Every smile, every act of kindness, every inch of false hope, it was all a lie. I would not stand for it. I felt anger burn through my veins and dark magic churning through my soul. "I feel I must remind you, Esther. It's was I who taught you magic. You cannot produce a spell I cannot stop or undo." I hissed over the fire. I watched Esther swallow hard as her eyes held my own. "I was born with natural power, I didn't have to be taught it. Where you are strong I am stronger. And I am a hell of a lot more powerful than you could ever dream to be." I snarled as I grabbed Kol's arm with a clawed hand drawling blood as I began to chant myself. His blood was Esther's blood and I needed her blood to stop her spell. "I call upon the spirits of the witches before me to renounce this magic, to abdicate this witch. I call upon the blood of my ancestors, to sever the connection, to break the bond." I yelled in Esther's direction as I reached out to her.

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