The Untold Past.

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"As Columbus and his crew set sail to find the fastest and safest route to India the nights grew more agonizing as the food and water ran short with each passing day." Alaric spoke to the class and I sigh looking out the window, resting the weight of my head on my hand. Rick talked about how Columbus founded America and I drifted to sleep. I tried to wake myself up but something kept me in place. "Please we are your family!" Said a very familiar voice. I raised my hand over my head to block out the direct light from my face and saw a large field illuminated by fire in the dead of night. There was screaming in the background, arguing and crying. "You don't have to do this!" A woman cried out. She was tied to a wooden cross so that she could not escape. I noticed beside her was a man tied to his own cross. I recognized the woman from my dreams. I recognized her soul. She was looking to a handsome blond man tied down beside her, his face looked as it had been carved by angels. He seemed so familiar to me. It wasn't until I really looked at him that I noticed I had seen in my dreams before. This was the man I always had seen in my dreams. "Niklaus!" The woman screamed out in fear into the night for the man beside her. The man I had been dreaming of, his name was Niklaus. It was such a relief to know his name, to know anything about him. It was a clue to who he was an why I was having these visions of him. There was another man before them, and older man. He seemed to be the one who bound them. "Please." Niklaus called out at the man who stood in front of the woman with a steel long sword. "Don't." Niklaus almost begged. The woman looked up to me with tears down her face like she knew she was going to die. It was when she looked down at her torso that I nearly gasped. She was heavily pregnant. I suddenly realized what was happening. He was going to kill her baby. "Oh but I have to." The man hissed to Niklaus. "Say goodbye to your hell spawn Thalia my sweet." The man growled. Niklaus struggled in his binds trying to free himself to stop this man, fear was written all over his face. "Don't please. She's innocent!" The woman cried out. "Stop! Please!?" I saw myself say as she called out for him. "I will never forgive you! I will hunt you down and kill you for this you monster!" She threatened the man with the sword. "You will have to live to do that, Thalia." The man growled. "Klaus!" The woman yelled out to her lover across from her who was struggeling to get free. Klaus? I felt my heart drop. "Don't watch." She nearly ordered him. I did not take her advice and I watched, my feet nailed to the ground. My lips sewn together not able to speak as the man grabbed her and with a quick force shoving the long sword deep into the woman's belly. The force was so strong that it exited from her back and cracked the cross she was chained to. Her screams echoed off the tree's and Klaus cried out the most pained blood curdling scream I had ever heard. I closed my eyes trying not to see, but as I opened them to see what happened to them suddenly I was in her body. I felt the hot pain erupting from my torso where the blade had been shoved through my flesh. I felt my child stop moving inside me as I grew cold. And worse I felt the heartbreaking pain of knowing I was helpless. "No!" I cried out, all I could do was look down at my bleeding stomach knowing that my baby was dead. I closed my eyes in pain mixed with blood and spilled onto the ground. My eyes didn't reopen.

 My eyes didn't reopen

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