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Agh! Guys! I know it's not a lot but this books gaining reads pretty fast! Thank you for reading and feel free to request anything.

When would this day end?! To her it seemed to drag on forever. She typed until her hands ached. Working as a accountant in the Gothem City Memorial Bank was as boring as it sounded. It was none stop lines of people coming in as all ways. After all the bank she worked at is the largest in Gothem. She rolled up the sleeves of her white button up shirt and flatted out her pencil skirt. Slipping on the black heels she discretely had taken off under her desk she packed up her lap top in her bag. She was all alone today and responsible for closing up. After taking the stack of disposable coffee cups that had contained the coffee she drank earlier and threw it away. After tossing away the garbage and chocolate wrappers she guilty ate. As she grabbed her laptop and purse she walked out locking up as she went and turning the lights off. As she got outside and started to lock the main doors she noticed something. She sighed, and crossed her arms. Somebody spray painted the side of the building in a bright green. It was a huge smily face. Groaning she had to go back inside and wrote a report about what she saw. Now that it is on the security camera and it taped her looking at it she has to log into it in as a report do the manager can deal with it. Unlocking and turning back on the lights she walked back in. When she got to her desk she took out a report paper and started to write what she had saw. Suddenly the lights flickered. Not alarmed she added to replace the light bulbs on the report and went to the managers office. Of corse he wasn't there being it was 1:00 at night. She placed it on his desk and turned back around. She started to lock the door to his office as a deep growling, almost, laughter sounded. She stood stuff in fear and gulped.
"Hello there." A scary sounding mans voice said. "Hm. You wouldn't mind opening that door back up would ya?" Another voice asked. This time it was a girls. Recognizing the deep Brooklyn accent she shook as homage tried to open the door. Being so scared she could barely get the key in the lock a man pushed her aside and took the key. She landed on her bum as he threw open the door. "But that's not enough. You still ow me a little something." The man said. She looked up as he said that. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrunk. Her hands shook violently as she sweated. "Aw the little bugs scared." The lady said. Of corse! It was the in famous Harley Quinn and the Joker.
"Mistah J..." She said as she examined the (hair color) haired girl. he growled as a response.
"She would be the perfect bait to catch that pesky bat." She said. "Harley honey. Your right as always!" He said as she walked to you smiling in a stomach turning away. She raised her bat and swung. The last words she heard before she passed out... "Night night!"

She woke up with a start. Breathing heavily she tried to stand. Only to be held down by something. The room was pitch black. She stuck her hand backward to see what was holding her down, it was rope. She sighed. It was uncomfortable. A cold breeze hit her and made her shiver. She sighed heavier. She thought about what happened before that... She had been kidnapped. And according to what the queen of Gothem said she assumed she was being the told of bait to lure batman there. She didn't want to be a damsel in distress. Suddenly one set of footsteps made there way to her room. "Hey there bug!" A voice said as she turned her head. There stood Harley Quinn. "The bat visit you yet?" She asked as she moved closer to her. Frankly, the normal bland account was done. She really wanted to go home, grab some ice cream and binge watch the new season of doctor who she missed because of work. Soon Harley bent down and put her face right next to hers.
"So I get a reward if the bat actually comes for you. And you get-" that's when it all started to go down. With all her might she did it. She head butted her right in the face. That made Harley pass out. She grinned in satisfaction. Then she threw the chair to its side right net to Harley. She had her back facing her so with a bit of wiggling she had gotten her pocket knife, and cut her restraints off. She stood up and stretched. As soon as she got off the floor she heard a swoosh. Turning she saw something she honestly didn't expect. Bat man stood there in all his glory. But even with the mask on he looked confused. From his vision what he saw was some women (who looked stunning) standing over Harley with a broken chair and rope clippings. And this stunning women dressed in business cloth was holding a knife. She held the knife out to protect her self.
"Your batman?" She asked as he stayed quite.
"Better be the real batman. Cause your gonna get me outta here before she wakes up." He stayed there and gawked. She started tearing up. She looked petrified even though she acted like she didn't care. So with that he took her by the arm and grappling hooked out of the building. Let's just say that was the start to a great relationship.


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