Captain America x reader

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With that noise her heart stopped. The once peaceful walk in Central Park turned into hell. (Your name) slowly turned. Her heart picking up and thumping in her chest.
A bee.
With that demonic creature from hell a foot from her face she ran. Her feet made pooping noises on the floor.

"Ouch!" The girl said as she sat up. Looking over she saw a rather attractive man had fallen down as well. She then blushed red in realization.
"Oh my goodness I am so so so sorry!" She said as she jumped up and dusted herself off.
"Here let me help you up." She said as she took the mans hand. He had styled, but messed up sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also very muscly, so a small girl like her had trouble pulling begin up. He chuckled at her actions.
"It's alright." He said in a deep voice and hauled himself up.
"I am really sorry." The girl said covering her face in embarrassment and looking up at the man who was at least a foot taller then her.
"It's fine. I'm Steve." The man said. She grinned at him with closed eyes, he found her cute .
"My names (your name)." She said.
"Don't mind me asking but... what were you running from?" He asked in wonder. That collision had to be because she was running away.
"Oh." She said turning beet red.
"There was a bee." She said looking at the floor.
"Oh!" He said laughing. A stinging sensation went into her arm.
"Owchhhhh!" She said grabbing her arm. Her eyes watered.
"Are you alright (your name)?" Steve asked her. She shook her head.
"It stung me!" She said. "Let me help." Th man added as he guided her to a bench.

"There you go!" He said as he finished getting the stinger out. She smiled with glossy eyes.
"Thank you Steve. Here-" she said as she shuffled through her bag.
"What's this." He asked.
"My phone number. I have to be ready for more bee stings." She said smiling and walking away.
"Until next time Steve!" She said.
"Bye (your name)!" He yelled back smiling like a fool. He stuck the paper in his pocket. He was finally seen as Steve by a girl (a pretty one at that) and not as Captain America.
That made him ecstatic.

Random stuff here. I will post part two to my last one in a few days! And if this gets some votes I will make a longer version. Stay happy my friends!
~dat Boi

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