Superman/lex luther/batman x reader P2

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"Im home." A voice called as the creeping of a door was heard.
"Be quiet." (Name) said, lazily flipping her hand to shoo him off. He chuckled at her and sat next to her on the foot of her bed. They had been dating for almost a year now, her and Bruce. The protesters stoped coming and she was left in peace months ago. And Bruce helped her cope.
"Alright I'm up." She said sitting up. But she soon gasped at the sight, he was covered in bruises and small cuts.
"Not again." She sighed as she guided him up. She took him to the bath room of the house and cleaned his wounds.
"I can't wait until you retire from this." She said when she finished.
"I'm only 25, I'm not going to be done anytime soon." Bruce responded.
"I'll be in the kitchen, if you want I'll call when Alfred's done with breakfast." He said hugging her and walking out.
(Name) sighed when he left and turned to the mirrors. She looked much better then she did right after Lex's stunt. She gained color again and could finally sleep. She winced her face off and tugged her hair into a (hair color) pony tail. She left the bath room and walked past the front door on her journey to the kitchen. Peering out she saw a paper on the floor.
"Huh?" She mumbled to herself. The girl opened the door and picked it up. It was the news paper, apparently.
Criminal 'Lex Luther' escapes Gotham's high security prison not to be found;
The color drained from her face as she saw it. Her brother.... he escaped. She didn't know if she should be happy or scared. She was a bit of both. It left a sour feeling in her stomach the more she thought of it. Then she realized something...
Storming into the kitchen she saw Bruce talking to Alfred.
"Her hon-"
She threw the paper at him.
"What is this?" She asked him as he looked at the paper.
"He escaped?!" Bruce said trying to act surprised.
"You suck at lying to me. I know this is where you were last night." She hissed. Her face was red and she clenched her fists.
"Fine. I was there, but-"
"What happened?" She demanded to know.
"I heard he broke out so I went to go find him. But I ran into some of Falcones men on the way. I decided to just come home. Alone Lex can't do anything." He explained. She sighed, for the millionth time that day.
"You don't know my brother like I do." She said. With that she walked away to her bed room. Upon entering she tugged on an outfit and stomped out of the room to the front door. She was living at Wayne manor now so if she could guess, Lex would be at their old house. Or around there. Right as she opens the large doors a deep voice sounded.
"Where are you going?" Bruce asked.
"I need some fresh air." She said slamming the door and taking the (preferred car) to her house.

Her house wasn't far. But it wasn't in walking distance either. She pulled up to the large steel gates and got out of her car to unlock them. She drove in and parked right in front of the huge house. She gout out and walked in. The house was like Lex's room was, layered in dust and worn looking. She sneezed as she walked around, searching for clues. The room was musky and dark. She didn't know why, but she needed to see her brother.
The kitchen, living room and library were empty. And so was her and Lex's rooms. She didn't know where to check next. The house was huge, and Lex wasn't dumb. Suddenly something clicked, the closet. In between their rooms was a closet with a small opening. The closet itself was huge though. When they were little they would hide from their father in there and talk. If he truly wanted her to find him, it would be there. She walked to the closet from her room. And sighed, placing her fore head on the door, she opened it. Looking around she realized it was empty.
Just as she turned to leave a force pushed her in and slammed the door. She was met with total darkness.
"Hello (name)."
Someone said from the other side of he door.

It was him. He was back.

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