Spider Man x reader (Part Two)

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"Wait! Youre saying you met the (Name). As in the pretty one from the avengers." Ned whisper - yelled at Peter from across the lunch table.
"Yeah, she was even prettier in person." He said in a dreamy state. He couldnt stop thinking about her. They had seen each other a few times after civil war happened and we're friends, they even hung out (which Peter was proud of). Ned suddenly groaned, looking to his left.
"Look who approaches." He whispered.
"Hey losers." Manuel said, walking up to him and Ned.
"Don't start." Peter said under his breath.
"So, is your pal Spider man really coming to Liz's party tonight?" Manuel asked him.
"Yeah." Peter said, still a little unsure about it.
"I doubt it, why would Spider man hang with a nerd like you? What's next, you're best friends with (Name)?" He said teasingly. Even though (name) was a slightly popular name it was associated with (name) since she was so famous.
"Yes!" Ned blurted out, covering his mouth afterwards. Manuel busted out laughing.
"You? Why would she even associate herself with you?" He said laughing. That got Peter angry.
"If you don't belive me maybe I'll get her to show up tonight?!" Peter said, regretting it after.
"You hear that Liz?! (Full name) is coming to your party?!" He yelled to Liz's table.

After school the two sat in Peters room, talking about the incident.
"Are you really going to call her?" Ned said as Peter pulled his phone out.
He clicked dial on (Name)s smiling icon.
"Hey? Pete?" She asked through the phone, which Ned heard since Peter put the phone on full blast so he could hear. Ned squealed and jumped back.
"Hey, it's me. Could I ask a favor?" He asked, she, of corse said yes.
"So this guy at school was making fun of me as my friend Ned, and your name came up, and I kinda said you would come to a party later." He said nervously. Ned gasped at his name "you mentioned me.' He whispered.
"That's it?" She asked him.
"What?" He asked in shock, she wasn't mad?
"I mean, comeon, a party is just what I need to destress. I'll only go for a few minutes though because Tonys mad at me already and I don't need to end up getting my weapons taken away." She said.

Peter and Ned were very nervously waiting up the street from Liz's house for (name) to show up. Apparently Scott owed her one for baby sitting his daughter last minute and he was driving her.
Next thing they knew his truck pulled up.
"She's here." Ned squeaked out. The door opened and she stepped out wearing a black blouse and ripped jeans. This time she wore makeup and styled her hair pretty.
"Hey Pete!" She said hugging him.
"Hey (Name)!" He said hugging back.
"Is this Ned?" She asked looking at the boy next to her. Ned nearly fainted as she looked at him.
"Ned am I." He said.
"He means he's Ned." Peter said for Ned.
"It's nice meeting you." She chuckled.
"Pete, can we keep this a little secret from Tony. I'm supposed to be grounded." She whispered to them playfully.
"Sure." Peter said to her.
"Let's go inside."

They walked down the street and to the door.
"You ready (name)?" He asked her. She just gave him one of her breath taking smiles and hooked his arm with hers, walking in.
"I ship it." Ned mumbled at the duo.
When they walked in Liz happened to be walking to the door.
"Oh. My. God." She said looking at (Name), stopping in her tracks.
"I'm (name)." She said to her smiling, as always.
"I'm know! I can't belive you know Peter! I'm Liz." She said shaking her free hand.
"Thanks for showing up." She said to the two.
"It's nothing, can we go in?" She asked, looking to the room where the music was pouring out of.
"Of corse."

They walked in to the room, and the music literally stopped. Manuel, who was the DJ, stopped and looked at them, jaw dropped. Every one turned their gaze to Peter and her. And Peter, who was already red at the fact their arms were hooked, turned scarlet.
"Hey!" The perky girl said.
"Looks like Parker wasn't lying." Manuel said into the mic. Everyone crowded around the two as Manuel walked over and had his friend take over the music. Some people went back to dancing but others were staring at (name) and talking.
"So, your (name)?" Manuel asked her, she was standing in between Ned and Peter. She refused to unhook her arm with peter.
"Yeah, you are?" She asked him, she had a feeling this guy was the one teasing her friends.
"Manuel. You should come and hang out with me instead of these losers." He said to her. She smiled, this time it wasn't as sunny and bright as always. She stepped forward, glaring into is eyes and smiling evily, getting into his personal space and making his feel scared.
"I suggest you don't call then losers unless you want to get pounded into the floor, manuel." She hissed before unhooking her arm and grabbing Ned and Peters hands,
"Let's go walk around around little!" She said, cheery again and pulled them along leaving Manuel speechless.

After talking to a few people they stood alone in the hallway. Ned was in the bathroom.
"I should go now." She said to Peter frowning.
"Really? It's only been like ten minutes." Peter said, mirroring her frown.
"I know, I just can't stay." She said sadly.
"Wanna hang out Saturday and catch a movie?" She asked him.
"Uh, yeah, sure!" He sputtered out.
"It's a date then." She said going on her tip toes and kissing his cheek. With that she spun on her heel and walked away.
"Dude~" Ned said emerging from around the corner.
"I thought you were in the bathroom!" Peter said, blushing and holding his cheek.
"I knew something would happen. Man, dude, your lucky." Ned said to him.
"I'm almost jelous." He joked.

Now was just surving the wait until saturday.

(Sorry if there's typos I didn't get a chance to read this one over)

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