Jerome (gotham) x reader

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*possible spoilers if your not caught up with gothem!!!!*

When you read comics or watch tv, it's always the girl keeping the hero sane. But what if it was the opposite. What if, with fiber in the girls body, made the hero a villain. What if it was love that made a person insane?

That was the case with Jerome and (name). She drove him to insanity. The fact she was fearless. The fact any man who saw her would fall in love. And the fact she would crush them with no regret.
The fact he may never be able to get her.

Jerome fascinated her. Something about him just made her happy. Happy was a feeling the girl thought she lost long ago, apparently it was just hiding in her heart. She didn't hate him. That's why she still hasn't approached him. The moment she talked to him she knew she was in love with the psychopath. And that wasn't part of her life. For she wouldn't let it be.

One day (name) happened to be out and about. No one thought it was odd. She was just some pretty girl walking the streets. No one would suspect her to be the infamous assassin they named (villain name).
She walked into a shop. The door bell jingled as she opened the door. It was just a little shop that happened to have a lot of money hidden in the back. So, she thought, why not 'borrow' some?
She walked up to the cashier. He was a though looking guy with tattoos.
"Gonna' buy anything?" He asked while chewing a tooth pick. She scoffed at him and grinned. He looked confused before she (with one smooth movement) jumped over the counter in heels and flipped off, landing behind the stunned man. She then proceeded to jump kick him in his spin, right at a pressure point with the heel of her shoes. He was out cold. Bending down she took the keys. She held them to the light she they shinned and jingles them.

"Looks like someone beat us to the money boss." Someone said from the door. (Name) turned and looked back at the entrance.
"Oh hi boys. Better leave now before I make ya'." She said with a slick side smile. Several men stood there with guns.
"(Name)!" Someone said enthusiastically. Her eyes shifted to her right. She saw a red head she was trying to avoid.
"Jerome." She said her heart speeding.
"I saw you get those keys. It was great!" He said topping it off with his insane laughter.
"I didn't know you were here. I just might get share with you now." She said as she walked to the back and unlocked the door.
"Funny there's no one else here." She said to him as she kicked the door open.
Suddenly a loud boom of a shot gun rang out in the store. Her and Jerome shared a look as the owners of the money fought his men. Suddenly (name) laughed and jumped into the brawl.
"Count me in!" Jerome shouted and laughed insanely as he watched the girl fight.

Together they were toxic.
"I think that equal." (Name) said as they split up the cash.
"$2000 each, not bad." She said smiling to him. That smile made him laugh.
"Your so pretty~" he sang as the girl hit his arm playfully.
"I should be going." He said sadly as he hugged the girl like a huge teddy bear.
"Were are you going?" She asked him, still in a hug.
"I need to build a little something. If I'm gonna kill little Brucey, I wanna do it in style." He said happily.
"Well count me in!" She said, repeating him, his eyes widened.
"You need a women's sense of style. And plus, together you and me can sure make a mark on Gotham." She said with a evil glint in her eyes.

"HahahahHah." He laughed again, squeezing her into yet another hug. Little did anyone guess, they would sure be making a mark on the corrupt city.

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