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She tucked the shirt under her jeans. The woman dressed in silence. As she pulled the converse on and looked in the cherry wood mirror she sighed. She looked nothing like the girl everyone knew. She looked like (you name) Cassidy. She no longer was the (your name) every one knew. Bruce Wayne's fiancé. She knew a lot, like how he was batman. She knew about everything. And they were truely in love. But being with her love caused another problem...
Leaving her brother...
She knew he was never happy with this 'love' but she didn't care. Her brother wasn't insane around her. He loved her. Yes he was protective but that still means nothing. So when she told him of her soon-to-be husband. He was angry. But when those tears escaped her eyes he forgave her- if she visited him and never mentioned the vermin he considered the bat.
She looked nothing like herself. She was seen as the the rich fiancé of the famous Bruce Wayne. The beautiful women who lived a great life and never faced any problems. The women who is always seen in expensive dresses and ball gowns. But she wasn't. She suppressed so many childhood memories and fears. So hopefully no one would recognize her with a messy hair style and casual cloth.
She turned away from the mirror. She shut her eyes and sighed. She didn't see him often but when she did, her heart hurt. It felt like it was trying to suffocate itself. A voice in the back of her mind was like the devil on her shoulder. It was what made her have the trait of being seemingly confident, but having crippling social anxiety on the inside. She also seemed to always speak her mind without thinking. So last time they met had been a bad outcome.

She sat with him on a bridge with there feet handing over. Alone at night. The crisp wind blew her hair behind her and goosebumps formed on her skin.
"I've been missing the old you." She said without thinking. She then stuttered.
"I-I mean-" she said trying to correct herself.
"What?" He said between his teeth. He wore a sweater with its hood up covering his tattoos and face. He hadn't any makeup.
"I meant-"
"No. I get it." He said standing up. She watched him walk down the street with the Orange street lights creating a glow on his white hoodie. She was happy though. At least he didn't go Joker on her. He was still the Jaylen Cassidy he used to be. Even if he only hung on by a thread.

She walked into the study. Peeping her head in she watched him sort papers on his desk. She had his reading glasses in his nose.
She knocked with her head still looking him. He looked up and smiled. "Hey. You can come on in." He said as she strode in.
"Hey honey. I'm leaving soon. In about... huh... ten minutes. The sooner the better." She said to him. He sighed and took his glasses off. He folded them and put them on a pile of paper.
"Your sure you will be alright. If you want I can come and watch over-"
"I will be fine. He wouldn't hurt me. I'm all he has left." She said as she walked over and jumped on a open space on his desk, sitting down.
"Fine. But if your not back by one o'clock I'm looking." He said to her.
"How's the work going?" She asked changing the subject. He always worried for her when she left for the meetings.
"Stressful. But I can manage. Lately it seems like our business is the only one that isn't corrupt in Gothem." He said as she nodded.
"Your right." She said as she glanced at his watch. "Oh! I need to go now." She said hopping off the desk and running out of the room.
"Wait!" He said as she stopped sticking her head in the room again.
"I love you. Stay safe. And if you feel uncomfortable call and me or Alfred will pick you up." He said as she smiled and winked.
"Love ya. See you later." She said as she ran out of the room and outside. Alfred had a car pulled up waiting for her.

TIME SKIP BROUGHT BY THE DOCTER:):):):):):):):):):););)

She arrived at the bridge ten minutes later. Alfred had drove away and left her waiting with her feet hanging off the side. She looked at the dark waters.
"Hello sister." A voice said to her. She shuddered. Usually her brother didn't speak like that- or call her 'sister'. She turned slowly. Standing there was the Joker.
Not Jay.
Not her brother.
He was dressed in his purple jacket showing off all his tattoos and makeup. He had a gun on his side. Harley Quinn, his girlfriend leaned on her bat. Several goons dressed in panda suits and masks.
"Your sis sure is pretty." Harley said as she chewed on her gum. "Mmmm." He said looking in the eyes of his sister. She was frozen in shock.
"Knock her cold won't you boys." Joker said as he watched his sister shake in fear as the man in the panda suit hit her head with the butt of a gun.

TIME SKIP \('@')/"'**‰%#^€£<

She woke up to a chemical smell. She started coughing. Slowly opening her eyes she saw she was hanging by rope over tubs of acid. She went to scream, but tape covered her. Mouth. Her head hurt and she cried silently.
"Oh lookie! Sis is wake." Harley said as she took her bat and poked the girl, making her swing a little. She screamed but it was muffled by the tape.
"She is." A deeper voice said. Suddenly the ropes pulled her closer and the tape was pulled off her mouth. "Ow!" She yelled. They suddenly they released the rope again so she swung around. It hurt as it was covering her wrapped around her neck to her ankles.
"Now (y/n), my dearest most loyal sister. You tell us where your love bug is or we will cut the rope, and you will join us." He said standing on the edge of the ledge. She coughed again.
"Never. Even if you cut these ropes I won't join you." She said narrowing her eyes at him.
"But you said that you wanted the old me back. So why do that when I could get the future you to love me again. Little sister. Tell me. We can kill him and get him off your back. You can join us. I even know a guy you'll like. His names Two fa-"
"Never! Your gone! You've been gone a while. You psychotic bas-"
Boom! He shot his gun. It grazed the rope only breaking a few strands. She gulped.
"Do it. I dare you." She said looking into his eyes.
"I love him. You can't change that." She said closing her eyes. He growled as a shot was fired. She suddenly felt herself falling. Her stomach felt odd. Then with a start a hot burning liquid covered her. She kept her eyes closed and felt herself sink. She wasn't strong, so the thick liquid was hard for her already weak body to move it. She was in there for a few seconds. Her head hurt more.
Soon she felt a presence next to her and she was lifted from the acid. That was before she passed out.


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