Gorden/Bruce x reader

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(Kinda on a Gotham spree; and sorry if the dialogues wrong)

She was so innocent it hurt him. He just wanted her to be safe. But being who she was, the poor girl would never be safe. The girl was the beautiful (name) Wayne. The older sister of Bruce was the opposite of him. She hated violence and wanted the best for everyone, even criminals. She had even told her Father to pass the Wayne business to her younger brother, Bruce.

*knock knock knock*
"Hey (name) it's me." Jim said as he knocked on the door of the Wayne manor. He could hear shuffling and bare feet on the wood floor. Someone threw open the door.
"Jim~" she sang, hugging him. She smiled ear to ear.
"Come in!" She said walking away into the manor. He smiled at her and followed her inside. They found their way into the study where she was reading just minutes before. She was wearing a huge (fav color) T shirt with sweat pants and fluffy socks. On the couch facing the fire place was piled of blankets and books she must of been reading. She sat them both down on the couch and smiled to him.
"What do I do the pleasure?" She said in a fancy way. He smiled at her playfulness.
"Just wanted to see how your doing." He said, causing her to giggle.
"I'm perfect! Since I'm alone today I decided to stay here. I'm not sure where Bru and Al are though." She said looking over to him.
"There fine. I just saw them."
They faded into a comfortable small talk. Anyone who saw them would easily mistake them for a couple. Of corse (name) admired him. He was strong and always knew what to do. And like her, he wanted the city to thrive once more. It was slowly turning to teaks as it was.
"Ok, listen, I'm here to warn you about something also." He said.
"You coulda called." She said pausing to grin- she did that- a lot.
"But I'm happy you visited." She said to him.
"I am to. I just want you to be safe." He told her. It was obvious they had feelings for each other. Anyone could see. They were a perfect match. But opposites- Jim was cold and hid his feelings. But (name) was happy and an open book.
"Some people have been practically worshipping Jerome. Following him like a cult. I just want you to be careful and stay home until the problems fixed." He said. She smiled thankfully.
"Don't worry I will." She said as he stood up.
"I need to leave now. I think I heard your brother pull up outside. " he said. She stood to, and pulled him into yet another hug.
"Be safe." She said into his shirt.
"I know." He told her.
"No you don't." She said. He never heard her with such a tone. It was sad and stressed. It cracked a bit. He hugged her back.
"Don't worry about me. I've stayed alive this long." He said kissing her forehead. With that he walked off out the door.

A few days later
The trio sat in Bruce's office. (Name) was wearing sweatpants and a tank top. She was again under many blankets. Bruce was at his desk talking to Alfred.
Suddenly the lights flickered and burned out.
"What?" (Name) said standing up, the blankets fell around her feet.
"I'll go get some candles." Said Alfred as (name) sat down and Bruce stood next to her.
"Wonder what's wrong." She said plainly. After Alfred lit a few candles they all sat in the room on edge. Out of no where the phone rang. Alfred went to go take it, his hand hovering above it. But before that noise rang from the hallway. Someone was in the house.
(Name) sat plastered to her spot as a gun was pressed to her head. It was Jerome and his gang. Soon though, Bruce somehow convinced Jerome to kill them in 'style'. A bag was placed over the poor girls head as she yelled for Alfred, knowing he might get killed.
"Let me go!" She yelled as she felt herself be thrown into a car of sorts.
"Bruce?" She said worried in a hush voice.
"Bruce!" She said louder suddenly alert. The girl was scared for her brother. He was the only family she had.
"(Name)?" A hushed voice asked.
"Oh thank god! Are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah. Just a few bruises." He said.
"Hope it stays like that." She says.
"I will get us out of this." Bruce said to his sister.
"No. If leaving me means you're safe then do it." She said.
"And I'm not taking no for an answer." She said.
Soon they were pulled out of the car and dragged to somewhere. (Name)s ears were ringing due to a gun going off right next to her ears. Soon the bag was pulled off her head. She looked around, a carnival. Luckily Bruce was next to her.
"Thank god Bruce. You're here." She sighed. She tried to make out what Jerome was saying but the ringing wasn't helping. Soon they were pulled to a lady who did their makeup. Bruce looked sad and hers was happy. Soon she looked over and saw Jerome had shot someone, stuck his hand in the wound and painted a smile on Bruce's face. She gagged and wondered how her little brother was so strong. They were soon pulled over to back stage.

How did she get here? Stuck to a pole next to her brother. Tears staining her face as she cried. Jerome was loading up the canon with all sorts of weapons. Everything was blurred. Bruce pulled something from his skin- a staple- when did that happen? (Name) thought.
Since there hands were close he places one in her hand and got another for himself. She was having trouble. And at one point she saw him drop one. But she got herself out.
It all went so quickly. He was still trying to get out so she unlocked it for him, pushing him aside hardly. The canon went off as she heard a scream. She jumped and rolled to the right. It was a all out fight. Jim came running to her as she fell, a knife got her side. He picked her up off the floor. She could see the outline of Bruce running into a mirror house.
"Bruce..." she said quietly. Her side was cut shallowly, it wasn't bad. But she was so scared and her ears still rung. Dots invaded her vision before she passed out.
"No! Wake up!" She heard someone say before she was out like a lamp.

She opened her eyes to an familiar warmth. Blankets were tucked around her and she was in front of the fire place.
"Bruce!" She yelled sitting up. The pattern of shoes was heard before some one hugged her.
"(Name)! I'm so sorry!" She heard. She hugged Bruce back.
"If your fine I am also." She said before she awkwardly coughed and pulled away.
"I was so worried." She heard someone say. Looking next to her she saw Jim.
"Thanks." She said.
"What?" He asked suddenly.
"I've always admired you..." she said awkwardly.
"You are always sting and brave. And... I wanted to be that way as well. But I never could. B-but when I saw Bruce it just came over me." She explained, taking his hand.
"So I want to thank you for showing me that. Even if it wasn't on purpose." She said.
"I would agree. But please never do that again. You almost gave me a heart attack. (Name) Wayne, I don't know what I would do without you... I would surely go a bit insane." He said grinning.
She was the only one who made him smile.
And the only one who could scare him.

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