Peter Parker x Reader

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Damn, she thought, this took a lot of planning. What would happen later that day had been plaguing her mind for nearly two weeks now. And to be frank, it annoyed the hell out of her. So she devised a plan, something she was very good at.
Peter had gotten very suspicious a few months before. He knew something was up. He's been best friends with (name) for several years.
He knew she was hiding something. After all he's done his own share of hiding. Around junior year is when he started finding it odd that she never invited him over her house, introduced her family or even let him walk her home. He left it be for a while, but he wanted to change it. He needed to know why she always avoided conversation of her parents and insisted that her parents didn't like her having friends at the house, just to keep him from visiting. He knew that couldn't of been true, what parent would deny their child if hanging our with friends? When he decided to ask her later in their junior year, he decided against it, moments before he spoke. He thought that if he was hiding such a huge secret from the most trusted (or one of them considering aunt may) people in his life wasn't right. He would confess his secret and then ask her of hers. He needed to show his best friend how she could trust him. All that was next was to wait for the right moment. Then, tell her the truth, that he was the spider man.
Junior year passed quickly and soon summer arrived. (Name) had a lot of family events in the last several weeks of school so they hadn't been able to hang out as often. But it was the first week of summer now and she was back. They decided to meet at central park around noon.
She sat under the weeping willow tree, it's droopy branches concealing her from the commotion outside. It almost seemed magical. They consistently would come there after Peter found it in sixth grade, a year after they became best friends.
Closing her eyes she put her head back on the tree. She risked a lot being there, if her father or any of his team mates saw her and tried to strike a conversation it could ruin her plan, which she set for a week in the future. Origanally the plan was set for the first day of summer. But since her father was sent on a stupid business trip and decided to bring her, she wasn't around. She promised herself the next time wouldn't be interrupted by anything.
It wasn't to long after she heard thumping foot steps then the russle of the weeping willow branches being pushed apart. She didn't have to open her eyes to know it was Peter. She could practically recite his breathing patterns and the way he walks. Sure, that sounds werid, but it wasn't. She was the only daughter (or child in general) of Bruce Banner. She was born after the Hulk incident and happened to inherit the Hulks improved hearing. Luckily nothing more, to day she will always be grateful she doesn't turn... well, green.
"Hey Peter." She said, her eyes still shut.
"I will never understand how you are always able to know it's me." He said chucking.
You won't be saying that for long, she thought. So one he would know the truth. She just hoped she wouldn't scare the boy off.
"I haven't seen you in forever." He added, taking a seat next to her. She lazily opened her eyes.
"I was only gone for like, two weeks. Anyway we video chatted almost every day. I made sure a day didn't go by where I didn't text you." She said smiling softly and closing her eyes again. The tower was always a ruckus. Either it was a fight, party or unwanted guest it seemed to never be calm. She enjoyed her time with Peter greatly.
They sat in silence. They had moments like this. They both could use a little silence in there lives.
But instead of closing his eyes and thinking like her, he studied her face. Her skin was glowing under the sunlight, which was being filtered through the branches and leaves, casting odd (but beautiful) patterns around them. They grew up up a long time ago, forgetting all ideas of there being a by true magic, like fairies and such. But at that moment he felt magic. His heart fluttered and he had to look away. He couldnt. There was no way he had a crush on her, was there? He sighed, no way he could deny it. He's had a crush on the beautiful girl for a while now. But he always brushed it off. He decided to bring that subject up when the whole 'spider man' senerio arrived. A loud buzz broke the silence. (Name)s eyes shot open in startle. She red her eyes and picked up her phone, looking at it, then stuffing it into her pocket. Peter realized something must of came up and she probably had to leave. He looked and his phone, only to realize in surprise a whole hour had passed. (Name) rose up and walked to the wall of leaves. She opened it with her hands, then turned over her shoulder.
"Saturday at the Pier, 6:30." She said softly. And before he had a chance to respond, the girl was gone.

Friday came and passed and next thing (name) knew it was Saturday evening and she was getting dressed. She simply wore jeans and a sweater. She didn't realize it, but she loved him. She threw away any thoughts of being loved or loving anyone but her father. She was abnormal and people just didn't like that.
After fixing her hair she walked out, only to catch her father and Tony outside the lab. She tried turning and heading out another way. But Tony stopped her. She was like a daughter or a little sister to the team.
"Where are you going?" Tony asked. It wasn't late, nor close to her curfew.
"Hanging out with Peter. Why?" She asked. They all knew of Peter, her best friend, of corse they haven't met him. They left her school and social life alone in fear it would break the moment they interfered.
"Just want to know, kid." He said, with her father following behind him ad he walked away.
"Bye, (name)." He said as he passed bye.
She sighed and made her way to the Peir.

She had scheduled the perfect time. The sun was setting and cast on yh4 sparking sea. The large cargo boats that passed casting beautifully eerie shadows. She couldn't deny it, she had butterfly in her stomach as she sat in a large rock gazing at the sight.
"Hey (name)." A voice said, startling her. She turned her head to see Peter, standing there. She smiled at him and pat the rock next to her.
"Your thrones waiting." She joked, returning to the pink colors. He chuckled and took a seat next to her.
"It's beautiful." He said. She turned her head to see him looking to he sea. The feeling returned to her stomach. She cursed in her head. She liked him. Alot.
"I need to tell you something-"
"I've been hiding something peter-"
The two said at the exact time, both quickly.
"You go first Peter." (Name) said. Those butterfly sure didn't calm down. Maybe it was the newly realized feelings, she had planned her words for a long time, only to stumbled up.
"I've not who you think I am- well I am- but not completely." He said, (name) turned her head in surprise.
"Huh?" She said, looking into his eyes. That's what she was going to say.
"I'm spider man." He said after a minute of silence.
She snorted, then busted out in laughter.
"Your funny." She said wiping her eyes.
"Litsnen (name), I'm not joking." He said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Her laughter quickly died down.
"Your not joking." She said in disbelief, confirming his words.
"Wow." She said. He looked at her, trying to see what was wrong.
"That's not bad, considering what mine is." She said, softly laughing. A laugh with a tinge of sadness.
"I'm Hulks daughter, I live with the Avengers and I have my sense if hearing is increased." She said quickly. She looked back into his eyes, only to burst out laughing with him.
"I can't belive us." (Name) laughed out. The whole situation was comical. The two heald secrets so similar and we're so worried. Over nothing, the other wouldn't, couldnt, be mad at the other. It was now twilight, and the sky glowed a bluish gray, stars scatterd around.
"I love you (name)." Peter said out of no where.

(Name) hummed to single she heard him, only to register his words.

"Wait- What?! You to?!"

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