Superman/lex luther/batman x reader

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Maybe it was a dream. That is what she repeated in her mind.

Maybe he didn't go crazy. Maybe he was still upstairs in his room sleeping and she would have to wake him up. Maybe he would ignore her like he usually did and fall back asleep. Maybe he was still there. Maybe it was a dream.

So she open her eyes. Looking up to the ceiling she prayed to herself it was true. So she pulled out of bed and gridded down the hall to her brothers room. She opened the door slowly as it creeped open. The room was layered in dust. The speaks of dust floated about as the morning sun shown in. He wasn't there. Like every morning. The praying and going to his room only for her heart to sink and ruin her day became part of her day. She tried to make herself realize he was gone by doing that. It was her way of coping. She sighed and closed the door.

It wasn't her fault. That's not what she told herself. She thought it was all because of her. She was the reason that he was locked away and chained up like all the other criminally insane. Just because she was the one who slipped away.

She went into the kitchen and made herself bread and jam. Sure she could afforded a chef but she preferred to be all alone these days.
As she was eating she gazed into the distance lost in her thoughts.
She looked down and realized she had dropped her butter knife. It had dragged down her right leg. She lifted up the fabric of her sweatpants to see if the knife scratched the plastic.

Since he didn't catch her in time she lost a leg. She was going to be in broadway. She was going to make it big.
That infuriated Lex. He thought Clark Kent- the man of steel lord his sister. But he was to busy saving Lois Lane. He wanted nothing but revenge for his little sister, who after was left heart broken. He was driven to insanity. He planned behind his sisters back, who was to busy trying to leg to and move on. He wanted to make her truly happy again, and melt the man of steel.

She sighed and got up to get dressed and put makeup on. She had to be ready, sometimes people came and egged the gates to the manor or protested outside. Or news crews came to interview her. She wanted to move on and none of that helped. And she couldn't seem to pry herself away from that house and move to a place like Gothem.

When his plan came into action she was sent away to Italy for a vacation with her best friend, Veronica, who abandoned her after what happened.

"Now you may be wondering why you are here." He said to the Bat and Super man who were both on the roof of the large building with him.
"And that is because you broke what I loved most. The special girl in my life, Clark. You broke her. And now I will break you slowly as well. And drive you into depression. That is if you come out of this alive." He said smiling like a maniac as he glared at super man who's eyes widened.
"It was a accident." Clark said looking down.
"But you never loved her." Lex said. "Tsk tsk tsk." Clark never responded.
"What are you talking about?" The bat said baffled. He wanted answers.
"So now I'm going to hurt that special lady in your life." Lex said.
"She's safe on the ground." Clark said raising a eye brow.
"No no no." Lex said as a evil light surrounded him.
"Someone who you hold even closer."
With that he tossed a picture to his feet.
Martha Kent.

She got changed and put on makeup to cover the dark circles under her eyes. She never knew Clark was Superman, but she realized soon after the attack as Clark was basically his look alike and both had gone missing suddenly. Lately she only slept for a hour at most. She flinched as someone knocked on the door.

After Superman's death Bruce Wayne took it upon himself to investigate the woman the men were talking about on the roof. He never found out.

With much research he figured out it was probably Lex Luther sister. (Your name) Luther. Just like (your name) realized that Bruce was Batman and Clark was Superman when she got access to her brothers files. So he traveled from Gothem to Metropolis to investigate her. He found a way in avoiding all the protesters at he gate to her manor. He went and knocked. After waiting a few minutes he decided to leave. It wasn't to long after he attack, one week actually, so she would probably be upset about what had happened. After all the press found out she never knew about his plan. As he turned to leave a smooth voice reached out to him.
"May I help you Mister?"
He turned to see a beautiful (hair color) woman. She was dressed in sweatpants and a huge T shirt and looked a little angry.
"Yes, are you (name) Luther?" He asked her.
"You are?" She asked. He understood why she didn't answer.
"Bruce Wayne." He said. Suddenly her eyes widened as she realized.
"Come in." She said opening the door for him.
She led him into the lounge and sat down with him.
"I am so sorry about all the trou-"
"That's not why I'm here." He cut her off. She raised a brow.
"Then why are you here?" She asked him.
"As the fight took place your brother spoke of a girl who was broke by Superman. Who was special to him. I soon realized that was you." He said. He noticed her look down with a red face and have her hands in fists.
"He wanted revenge." She said as she took a deep breath and relaxed.
"Me and Clark Kent were a couple. I think you are smart enough to realize that. At some point during the attack with Zod I... I was trapped at the top of the dance company I worked for. There was an explosion... I fell... he was bust saving Lois Lane. I was trapped under bricks for a day passed out until a search group helping with the attack found me... I shuddered my femur. I lost my leg later that day..." she said looking down and pulling the leg to her pants up, revealing her prosthetic leg. He was surprised.
"I broke up with him. I was angry but wanted to let go. I couldn't do dance anymore, I was going to start broadway and move to New York... That never happened. I was depressed for a while. But I got over it. My brother didn't." She explained. He looked at her with sympathy.
"I know who you are, Bat man. So tell me. Why are you asking me this?" She asked him.
"Pure curiosity." He said looking at her.

It was a year from then. Her and Bruce became good friends after that. They visited regularly. Today was the anniversary of the attack. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside of the gates. She was inside curled into a ball in her pantry, sobbing.
"(Your name)?" Bruce asked. He would obviously came today. He knew what happened. "Open up." She started crying louder. She soon heard jingling of keys and the door opened. She was mid panic attack and didn't want him to see her.

"Leave me alone." She cried pushing him away.
"I'm a disgrace. Look at me." She said between sobbed.
He sat next door to her and closed the door, the only light was from the light bulb at the ceiling.
"Your no disgrace." She shook her head silently disagreeing. "I'm broken and alone." She said biting her lip and clenching her fists in anger. He found it cute.

"Then I will fix you."

That was the day he found someone who would change everyone's lives in a matter of days. Some one who he would have to figure out.
She was only had of who he knew.
She was his enemy.
She was his best friend.

(I know this ends abruptly but I will upload a part two if this gets some votes)

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