Suicide squad x reader

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Amanda sat at the table in suspense as she watched Rick fidget with anticipation.
"Didn't you say there was one more member?" He asked. She nodded. Amanda had just finished listing the members of Team X (I think it's been like a month since I've seen it).
"Her name is Toxin. She has to be the strongest next to Diablo. She has powers unlike any other..." She said. "People like Joker, Pinguin, and Jonathan Crane have made deals with her. But many other villains have as well." She said as she pulled a file out and slide it across the table to him. He opened it and raised a brow.
"What exactly do these mean?" He asked skimming through the photos. Pictures of a small girl with (h/c) hair and big gleaming (e/c) eyes. She held a big mans hand, who looked down and grinned largely at the little girl who posed for the camera. The next was of the girl several years later. She looked to be no older then ten. She stood there in what looked like a shop. She held her small hands out looking at them in horror. On the floor was three people. Two were throwing up a dark liquid that looked like blood and the other had dark skin and looked dead. The last was a adult in her twenties. She had beautiful silky/curly hair and flawless skin. She was in a black romper in black heels. She had her arms crossed. But those once gleaming eyes had turned dull. He put the pictures down.
"Who is this girl?" He asked Amanda who looked at him. "(Full name) is a powerful tool to the team. She was born by an unknown women. Whoever it was must of been more powerful then you can imagine... She was raised by her father-" she said as she reached over and grabbed the first photo pointing to the man. "His name was (fathers name). He was a Gothem city police officer. But when she turned ten everything changed. They went shopping at a plaza in Gothem. And when two men went to jump her father she broke. Her powers were unleashed, she made them throw up until it was fatal. But since her father was exposed to her un- trained power he was slowly being poisoned. When she first purposely used her power he started to catch a unknown disease. One we believe to be one she created. Out scientists are still studying it. She can create any illness she wanted.... She was insane. After that she fled and hid in Gothem. From there she became the figure she is. Even being hired from other famous villains as a hit man. She even gave batman the flu." She said as he nodded. "How was she caught?" He asked as she smiled. She was pleased with her work.
"Just like our dear Diablo, she surrendered. She said she was done with the harm." She said.

A Few days later project (?) X was confirmed.
Ricks feet thudded down the hall as he walked to Toxics isolated cell. When he got to the door he realized several things. The cell door had no windows and many locks. Gas masks and bio hazard suits were outside the door. Apparently Amanda had a talk with her and she wouldn't be giving anyone sickness any time soon being she agreed to Amanda's rules. He used his ID to unlock the doors and walk in. She was already prepared by soldiers before tied up on a rolling cart. She had a blind fold on as well.
"Who is it?" She asked her voice ringing in the room and down the hall. "I'm here to take you to the other members of project X." He said as he approached her cart. "She was serious?" The girl said with a smirk. "Of corse sh-" "just messing around. I would rather make friends with those who can possibly kill me." She said as he huffed. "Well shall we get a move on??" She asked raising a brow from under the mask. He mumbled a yes, And with that he wheeled her down the hallway- to her possible fate...

(Part two????)

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