Spider Man x Reader

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(This doesn't follow any story line bc I kinda had to make it up so it could make sence, but it's based on "Seventeen" from the heathers. And I'll be don't with my Spider man kick soon sorry)

"Hey, Peter, Ned!" (Name) shouted, running down the hallway to her  friends. Most people didn't understand how the prettiest and most popular girl in school hung out with the school 'geeks'. But of corse they didn't know she was Tony Starks younger sister.
"Hey (Name)~" Ned said dreamy as she stopped in front of them.
"Hey!" Peter greeted, shutting his locker. She panted and smiled when she finally caught her breath.
"I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie around three thirty tonight, we can hang out before, if it's ok to meet up at your place?" She asked. She was excited to finally find a chance to hang out with them, her brother had been snagging Peter away so often, now that he joined the avengers.
"Sure, I don't think I'm busy." Peter said to the girl, whose smile grew larger at the sound of his agreement.
"I have to- uh- walk my cats, so I can't make it. Sorry (Name)." Ned said, winking at Peter and walking off.
"Aw, well I guess we have to make the best if it, right Pete?" She asked the blushing boy, fixing her cheer uniforms skirt.
"Of corse, see you at three." He said to her.

Later that day (Name) arrived at his door all cleaned up and wearing cloth other then her cheer outfit.
Knock knock knock
After she knocked she heard foot steps and the door unlock.
"Hey (Name)!" May said, peeping her head through the door gap.
"Come in, come in." May sang, opening the door and letting the girl in.
"Peters in his room. Ned couldn't make it?" She asked, smiling. She couldn't help but be happy at the thought of her nefew and the sweet (name) going on a date, even if it wasn't officially a 'date'.
"No, he was busy." She said walking to Peters room.
"Well, you two have fun, and be back by seven." She said walking out of the apartment to run erronds.
"Pete?" (Name) asked knocking on his bed room door.
"Come in!" He yelled to her.
She opens the door and shut it behind her when she saw what he was doing.
"Peter! What are you doing? We have to leave now or we will miss the movie!" She hissed at him, he had his suit on, his mask in his hands.
"Your brother called and he needs me-" he said checking his phone, "-in like ten minutes!" He said, lifting his mask up, getting ready to slip it on. She jogged over to where he was stilling on his bed and grabbed his wrist, stopping him from putting it on. Snatching the mask away with her other hand, she ran to the other side of the room.
"You're blowing me off?" She said sadly, but soon anger made it to her face.
"I can't belive you?!" She said, her face flushing red.
"I'm not, it's just the team needs me and-"
"The team always seems to need you! And you always come back hurt and I'm always sitting at home wondering if the only two people I love will even come back alive!" She yelled, her eyes glossing over.
"You love me?" Peter whispered, standing up, but she backed up and hid her face in her hands so she could wipe her tears.
"I do." She said quietly.
"I... I like you to..." She said shyly.
"But it won't work." (Name) said to him. He looked at her shocked.
"It won't work if you blow me off for the team all the time. Just be a teen, live your life a little, the team can manage without you from time to time." She said to him, walking up to him and looking into his eyes, before sighing and turning away.
"I can't do that though..." He said, looking down.
"I can't just abandon what I've worked so hard for..." He added.
"You don't have to... but just let us be seventeen. Let us act dumb and see movies and concerts." She said turning back to him. He looked at her sadly and turned away, as if doubting her words.
"Why can't we be normal?! Watch bad movies and sneak a beer?!" She said louder, he looked back at her in shock for a second before considering it. Why couldn't they be normal teens?
"Let us be seventeen! That's all I want to do! If you could just- let me in!" She ranted on, throwing her arms around, tears dropping from her eyes as he considered leaving her then and there and taking his old mask. But the thought of breaking her heart stopped him. She walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, seeing his attitude change.
"We could go camping-"
"Play some poker-" he continued, still weighing his options.
"And we'll eat some chilly fris." She said knowing he loved them. He turned and looked into her eyes.
"Don't stop looking in my eyes." She whispered, pulling him into a hug, her tears wetting his suit.
"Can't we be seventeen! Is that so hard to do!?" She cried, he put his chin on her head.
"If you just let me in! I could be good for you!" She said, hitting his chest lightly.
"I wanna be with you." He said to her, pulling away and looking into her eyes again, hands on her shoulders.
Suddenly he kissed her, but pulled away and wiped a tear away when he realized she was crying.
"I wanna go with the team, but your loves too good to lose." He said softly.
"I think we could be seventeen." She said as soft as him.
"That's sounds pretty good." He said back, blushing a dark red. He grabbed her hands and they both were grinning like idiots.
"I think we missed our movie." He said, breaking the silence.
"That's fine, as long as you're here with me." She said to him.

"I think this is the beginning to something great."

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