Captin boomerang x reader

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She didn't love Digger. She couldn't, no matter how much she wanted to she knew it would end terribly.
(Name) is one of the most infamous villains. She grew up in a plethora is foster homes in Gotham city. When she was thirteen she was in a particularly abusive household, long story short the foster father took her to his job which had radioactive wastes in it and pushed her in. Around a year later she started to develop strange powers, like seeing in the dark or being stronger and faster. She used that to her advantage, escaping the house and living on the streets. From there she went up the ranks and soon was teaming with some of the most dangerous villains. When she was twenty four Amanda took her in for task force X and she fought beside the team, this time for the good side, not against.

This caused a change of heart, she wanted to do good. She was done causing death and destruction. She made a oath to herself that she would fight for the good.

"Hey! (Name)!" A voice called from the cell across her. She sighed and looked through the metal door, where the window was.
"What?" She asked, raising a eyebrow. He was begging together annoying. He was constantly calling her, just to complain about how he only got ten years off his triple life sentence. She had six life sentences and only fifty years off, but he didn't see her complaining.
"What are you going to do once we get our of 'ere?" He asked.
"I told you." She said rolling her eyes and turning her back, going  to walk to her bed.
"I thought you were joking." He said, with a slight question in his voice.
"No. Digger, I'm really joint the army. I'm done with this life." She said.
"You should think of it to Dig. You are very talented."
"My life is my life (name)."

It had been three days since that conversation. She loved him, but decided she couldn't after he said he was remaining a villain.
"(Nick name). Please answer me." He said sadly.
"I don't want to be associated with you Digger. We're opposites." She said with venom in her voice. He didn't really do anything wrong, but she had been in the cell with nothing to do but think if it for days.
"But- listen to me (name)." He begged.
"No." She responded curtly. She was know for being a bit stubborn sometimes.
"I care for you. I really do, but you can't tell me the way to live." He said.
"Then I won't, just don't talk to me. We're not friends." She said, her heart breaking a bit.
"I love you." Before she was able to comprehend what he said a bang was heard, when a man with a panda suit came and unlocked her door.
"Jokers orders." He responded deeply. She was friends with joker and sometimes helped him with jobs. She assumed he was here for Harley and decided to help her to. 
She was just about to flee the room when a broken voice was heard.
"(Name) please." Digger said.
"Would ya like me to let him loose to?" The panda asked.
"No. Your better off here." She said.

And with that she ran out.

I KNOW THIS SUCKS! I need to update and I have no ideas and no one is giving me any suggestions for characters or prompts. Please do or I'm probably not gonna post for a little longer. Bye <3

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