Captain Americaxreader

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She strode into the meeting room with her head held high. Her heels clicked as her dress swayed in the wind. Her perfect (hair color) hair swung behind her. She knew she looked like the typical damsel in distress... but anyone who met her would know that she meant to look that way, because she was the opposite.
She liked tricking people. It was a power of hers.

She was a skilled assassin and manipulator. So when she walked into meeting room for the first time head in the air, heels clicking and dress flowing she didn't care. The raised eyebrows and narrowed eyes didn't concern her. She knew she would prove them wrong.

He watched her strut in. She didn't look like the women described on the paper. A girl who saved hundreds of people. Killed countless more who were part of hydra, ect. She didn't look like she could defend for herself. But the way she carried herself. The look in her eyes. It made her beautiful. She smiled as she sat down gracefully.

"Avengers, this is the new member (your/full name) otherwise known as (hero name). You read about her in the files I gave you." Fury said. The girl grinned.
"Hello. I heard you all already know who I am. And I know who you all are." She said. Her voice like honey. She spoke loud and clear. She knew exactly what she was doing.
That's what she wants everyone to see.
The more he looked into her eyes the more concerned and infatuated he became.
"I'm very excited-" she continued. But in the middle of her sentence Natasha threw a pen at her head. And with a quick movement she caught it in her hand without looking at it or Natasha. She placed it on the table and continued to talk.
"To live and work with you all." She said and finished with a toothy smile.

With that Fury droned on about the rules they needed to follow. He ignored it and looked into her eyes again. Those big (eye color) eyes looked intently out the window behind Fury not listening to a word. Not that anyone else noticed it.
Those eyes....
She turned her head suddenly to him. He is gently flushed and covered up his embarrassment with another toothy smile. She grinned back and winked. He flushed evens more and turned his gaze forward.

Those eyes lied.

Time skip*^*^*^*^*^ -('•')-

"Hey Captin!" A smooth voice called as they all exited the meeting room chattering and laughing in there own little groups.
"Uh, yeah?" He asked nervous as he turned to see the smaller girl jog up to him smiling.
"Oh! (Your name) right?" He asked her. She nodded and stopped as she got in front of him.
"I thought I should ask if you want to come out to get lunch with me. Better then being alone." She said looking into his eyes.

Her eyes made people think she was ok.
Those eyes made them think she wasn't nervous. But he could see through her.
She wasn't perfect.
And he adored that imperfect mess she really was.

They hung out a lot after that. He embraced the rare times she stuttered. Or stumbled over her feet. Or when she picked at her nail polish under the desk at meetings because she was nervous. He hated when people instantly said how perfect she was when she came up in conversation. They only judged how she looked on the outside. They didn't really know her.
It's imperfections that made her who she was.
The beautiful imperfect person he loved.

"You listening!" (Your name) asked snapping her polished fingers in ground of his face.
"Wh- oh yeah sorry. What?" He asked blushing a bit at the fact he zoned out. They sat on a bench at Central Park.
"I said that the phone call I just got was Fury
t-telling me that we get a week off from missions!" She said excitedly. She only ever shuddered when she was truly excited. He smiled.
"There's something I want to as-"
"Wait wait a minute!" She said gasping lightly.
"Look!" She pointed. He turned his loving gaze to the candy stand strolling by.
"Excuse me!" She said as she jumped up and waved down the man. He looked at her.
"May I help you?" He asked. "Can I have a Twix and a Reese's?" She asked. He was a giddy inside. She remembered his favorite candy.
"Here." He said paying. "Thanks Steve." She said. They are the candy silently.
"What did you want to tell me?" She asked him. "Oh!" He said startled. She stopped eating and looked up to him. They looked into each others eyes. Suddenly he started to blink weirdly and tear up.
"Ow!" He said running his eye. She started cracking up at the faces he was making.
"There's a eyelash in my eye!" He cried rubbing them.
"No no no! Rubbing makes it worse!" She said between bubbles of melodious laughter.
"Let me fix it. My mom always told me to blow into the eye to get the lashes out." She said as he looked into her eyes. She was focused on trying to blow it out of his eye. She was so focused on that she didn't notice she was really close to his face.
So he leaned in and kissed her. She pulled back quickly.
"Steve!" She said her lips tugging into a smile.
"Yeah?" He asked.

"I think I love ya." She said blushing. He smiled at his accomplishment. He made her blush. He hugged her.
"I know I love you. I love all your imperfections."
"Even more then the perfections."
"So much more."

She finally had someone that didn't think she was perfect.
Who knew she was a person.
Not some perfect robot.

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