Flash x reader x spiderman

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The teen girl woke up with a yawn, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was in her small bedroom studying all night. Plus she was at the gym for hours the day before. She was training to be a shield agent when she was older. She sat at the edge of her bed and pulled on her slippers.
She left the room and slugged to the kitchen.
"Goodmorning Pete." She said stealing the box of cornflakes from her brothers hands.
"Your lucky I was done with that." He said as he took his bowl to the table, sitting next to her. She was eatting cereal strait from the box.
"Yeah, sure you little twerp." She said with with a mouth full of corn flakes.
"I'm five minutes younger!" He said to her as she smirked.
"Thanks for reminding me."
"No fighting at seven am!" Their aunt may said, entering the room.
"Sorry." They both said in sync, glaring at each other when they realized their mistake.
"I call bathroom first." She said, tossing the cornflakes on the counter and jogging to the bathroom.

"Bye Aunt May!" They both said as they left the house together, walking to the bus stop.
"So, you excited about the halloween dance?" She asked as he leaned against the bus stop.
"Meh. I might not go." Peter answered shrugging.
"Even if we do a cool twin outfit again?" She asked him, giving puppy eyes.
"I was thinking 'The Shining' twins." She said.
"I'm not wearing a dress." He said as they watched the bus pull up.
"Sure your not." She said laughing.
"What about Luke and Leia?" She suggested.
"Why not?!" She asked him as he just shook his head and stepped on the bus, her behind him.
"Can I dress you in drag?"

Lunch time approached quickly, and (Name) sat with Michelle, down the table from Peter and Ned.
"So there was this crazy guy-"
"Hey (name)?" A voice cut off (name)s story.
"Huh? Oh hey flash." She said smiling at the guy standing at the end of the table next to her. She could see Peter glaring at them from the other side of the table.
Flash was extremely sweet to the female Parker, and never was mean to Peter in front of her. Therefore she only half believed he was actually mean to Peter like Peter told her.
"What's up?" She asked him, tasting an eyebrow. Michelle set disapproving eyes in the two.
"Wanna go to get pizza later?" He asked her.
"Sure." She said with a white smiling.
"Ok, pick you up at four." He said winking and walking away.
"(Name) he's bad news." Michelle scolded. (Name) shrugged, thinking of how sweet he usually was.
"(Name). Here. Now." She heard her brother say. She sighed and scooted over to his side.
"Hey Ned."
"Hey (na-"
"He's a jerk." Peter started, not leaving room for her disagreement.
"He's a bully and he's going to break your heart." Peter said to her angered.
"No he's not! He's a sweetheart!" (Name) argued standing up and stomping to the bathroom. Michelle shrugged at Peter and followed her.

Later that day (name) sat in a flowing floral dress and flats, doing her makeup and blasting music. She hadn't spoken to Peter for the rest if the day.
Knock knock
"Come in." She yelled, thinking it was aunt may.
"Sorry." She heard Peter say as she turned to him.
"It's ok." She said, focusing on her eyeliner. She and her brother argued alot, so she learned how to easily forgive him.
''But he's gonna get a visit from spider man if he does anything." He said, trying to sound intimidating.
"Sure spider boy." She said, standing and walking past him.
"I'm going to wait outside. See you." She said walking out.

She sat clutching her phone, looking for his dad's car to reel around the street. Her excitement was noticeable to anyone walking by.

She decided he was just late. But her excitement faded into disappointment.

He was pushing it. No one left (name) Parker waiting for an hour. How late was he?! She was angry now, annoyed at him.

By six she realized he stood her up. The sun was setting and it was getting cold. Tears sprung to her eyes.

She stood, stomping up the stairs and slamming the door to the apartment closed. Aunt may ran to the door, to see her red faced and glossy eyed.
"Sweetie! What happened?!" She asked as (name) ignored her and ran into her room, shutting the door.
Peter came out of his room to see what was going on.
"Hey, (name) home?" He asked may, who shook her head.
"I don't think she ever left."

"(Name)?" Peter asked softly from the door. Although he was fuming with anger.
"Y-yeah." Her voice cracked. She wanted to be angry. She wanted to walk into school tomorrow and tell him off, but she couldnt.
"I'm coming in." He said, opening the door. She sat on her bed with messy makeup and puffy eyes.
"What did he do?" He asked her demanding. No one messed with his sister, no matter how much she messed with him.
"You were right. He was a jerk." She sniffed, hugging a pillow.
"Tell me."
"He stood me up." She cried, slamming her fist into her bed to release her anger.
"That's it! I'm gonna beat him at school tomorrow." Peter said angered.
"No. I will." (Name) said.
"No one stands a Parker up."

"Fine, but I'm still going to yell at him."

That is what siblings are for.

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