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It kinda sucked. Being how she was. It wasn't easy. At. All.
Making her way through the city's darkest shadows. Creeping in silence she tried to find shelter. Most people called her a freak or monster. But she was just different. She was exotic, an inspiration, absolutely... Beautiful.... That's what he thought. He was the king of Asgard. Him and the girl, (full name), have only met on several occasions.
The first time was in the dark abandoned streets of New York City in the crisp fall. Shivering (Your name) searched the ally ways and streets for a place to warm herself. She was a demon, once cursed to face the infinite fires of hell. But when she woke up one day the soft and friendly demon found herself back with the living. She looked differ also. She had capturing (hair color) hair and (eye color) eyes. She had on a tight but still covering black dress and heels. But what made her different was her horns. She had two small golden horns on her head. She was ashamed by them. She should of never practiced which craft as a mortal. But she did it... All to save her brother.....
She walked some more still freezing. It was kind of unlike her to be cold. But most of her power was taken away. She was weak. Soon she fell to the side walk. The cold cement scrapping her knees which were bare. Some sizzling tears escaped her eyes. She would walk this realm forever. Afraid. Alone. Weak. Helpless. Although soon her thoughts broke off. A shadow was cast over her. The moonlight on this full moon night was blocked off.
"Are you ok m'lady?" A voice asked. She looked up. Her (eye color) eyes shimmered in the moon light. The light bounced off the gold horns as well. She was a beauty.
"No..." She whimpered as she shivered again. Those short sleeves on her dress did nothing.
"You must be freezing. Please. Accept my cloak as a gift to you." He said taking off his cloak and handing it to her. She accepted it. But hesitated to put it on.
"What will keep you warm good sir?" She asked still accustom to the talk of her century.
"Knowing that your safe and well." He said marveling at her beauty. She was so exotic.
"Thank you sir. Please, I'm forever in your dept." she said as he offered her hand helping her to her feet. She bowed slightly to him. before he could say anything more she disappeared into the shadows of the night.

The second time was ever more imprinted in his mind. She was stunning. Walking into the hall left an impression on everyone there. She wore the same dress. Over her shoulders was something he remembered, his cloak. So she had kept it all those weeks... The currently at the opening of the memorial of all the people who had died in Lokis attack. So when he watched her walk into the Starks party room like she belonged there nobody questioned it. The bouncer had been drawn to the bar like a moth to a lamp. Her horns had been concealed by a hat that that was classy and matched the dress that seemed to have no scratch, tear, or smudge. Even if she was living on the streets. She even looked clean and fresh. She walked strait to the food and drinks heels clicking on the tiled floors. She took a look around and started piling food on her plate. She even took two drinks. She made her way to a empty table in the corner and sat down. With that she started eating with such elegance and beauty he didn't understand was possible for one mortal. But even that he questioned. She had horns after all and disappeared right before his eyes. "May I sit here?" He asked as she looked up to him. Her eyes lit up. "Why if corse." She said as he took a seat across from her.
"I never introduced myself to you m'lady." He said to her. She nodded. "We didn't did we? How rude of me. I completely dismissed your hospitality." She said as she shook her head in disappointment. "It's completely understandable. I am Thor of Asgard." He said sticking his handout. "I am (your name). What a pleasure to meet you." She said smiling. She put her hand in his and he kissed it. Her white teeth gleamed. "Why are you here this day?" He asked her. Her eyes dropped to he food suddenly. "T-to pay my respect-" she started to say but ended with a sigh.
"I need to eat." She answered truthfully.
"As always. Why don't we go to a C-cafe?" He said as he tried to pronounce the odd Midgard word.
"That would be... Nice..." She said as she smiled gently at him. He smiled back.
She was starving and cold. Lived on the streets and had some sort of ability. Yet she was still gentle and truthful.
They walked in silence to the IHOP a block away from the Stark tower. It wasn't quite a cafe but he still tried. The server walked up to them.
"How may I help you both today?" He asked chewing gum. He looked at (your name) and his eyes widened. She was really, really pretty.
"We would like to take a seat and partake in a feast." Thor had said to him. He looked confused. But then sat them at a booth.
"So. Where are you from." He asked her. She hesitated for a moment.
"You probably won't believe me." She said as she thought her words over.
"Then again you are from a different world." She replied to herself.
"I am from hell. I died in the 1300s." She said.
Her hands got clammy as she fidgeted. She knew who he was. He was a god. What would he think?
"So you are a demon?" He asked her. She nodded in shame.
"But how?" He asked.
"Well one day my brother became deathly ill. He had he Black Plague. Just like everyone else. He was so very young. Our parents had died... So I... I-I preformed a ritual to save him. But that cost my life. I died and because I took part in witch craft I was sent to hell... I turned to a demon. I spent century's in hell. It was terrible. Then one day. I awoke on the streets here." She explained. He was surprised. By the time she finished the story they finished eating. "It was a pleasure to see you. And thank you for the meal." She said as she smiled at him again. She stood up and walked to the door.
"Until next time Sir Thor." She said.
"Until next time Lady (your name)." With that she disappeared into the shadows outside the building. She was inspiration to him.

After they would see each other often. There was a lot of 'accidental' meetings. And at each they would go to IHOP. His treat...

The other time he saw her she was in a slump in a ally way. She was wrapped in He recognized the gleaming of her horns almost in a millisecond. He ran into the ally way and bent down to her. She was crying and hiccuping. "Lady (your name) it's me. Are you alright. Is any harm done? Have you fallen and couldn't get up-"
"I'm a failure." She answered. "I can't do anything. I have to walk this sad place alone. For the rest of eternity." She said. He lifted her torso off the ground and leaned her against the building besides him.
"You are not such things. Your exotic. You are so different and a mystery to me. You are an inspiration. You did so much for a mortal the same as everyone else because you loved him. You are... Your beautiful. Even in the dark... Even when you cry..." He said. She wiped her tears away. "You really believe that?" She asked him. He looked into her eyes. "Of corse I do... And never say that. That your alone. You are never alone. Your never alone as long as I'm alive. You will never be alone ever again. You will never be alone again... Because. I think... I'm in love with you...."

Agh! 1406+ words. I was very inspired for this. Hope you liked it.

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