Captin America x Reader

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(So this is based off of congratulations from hamiltion. I loved this so much, it gave me chills writing it. Oh and this has alot of run on sentences since she's ranting... sorry...)

The woman sighed as she stood outside the door. She had traveled all the way from her home in New York for this. She got more dressed up then usual for this. She couldn't back up now, he was expecting her visit after all...
She knocked on the apartment door, which was quickly opened. There he stood...


He was in normal cloth, alone in the apartment.
"(Name)." He whispered in disbelif, although he knew he about her arrival he was still shocked to see her.
"Steve." She whispered back, she was happy to see him. It had been weeks since she had the chance to leave and speak to him so thoug causing suspicion. Then that happiness faded into anger. She walked in and shut the door.

"Congratulations." She said shortly. He looked up surprised.

"You invented a new kind of stupid, a damage you can never undo, kind of stupid." She ranted, massaging the bridge of her nose. He looked up with a surprised look. Wasn't she happy to see him after so long?

"An 'open up all the cages in the zoo', kind of stupid. A truly you didn't think this through, kind of stupid." She continued, sounded aggravated.

"Let's review," She sighed,
"You took a proposition, a few, maybe only the team knew, and helped your friend, which no one asked you to!" She said with one long breath. She was slowly getting angrier.

"Not just a friend! A murderer." She said with the 'I'm done with this bs' tone in her voice. He watched as the beautiful girl flipped her hair off her neck.

"I begged you to take a break and let it go. You refused to." She said, walking up and pushing a finger to his chest. Then pacing around as she continued.

"Your so afraid of what your enemies will do to you! Youre the only enemy you ever seem to loose to!" She said, he looked down, almost ashamed.

"You know why my brother, Tony, can do what he wants?! He thinks things through and does what's best for all of us!" She said louder, not quite yelling.

"So, congratulations!" She spat those words at him.
Steve looked down at the floor as she turned her back to him.
"(Name)..." He said slowly and quietly.

"Congratulations, you've redefined your legacy!" She said with mock happiness for a moment, before going back to her previous state.

"It was an act of political sacrifice!" He suddenly said forcefully back to her, catching her off guard.

"Sacrifice?" She said softly and quietly, slowly turning back to him. A unknown look cast over her.

"I had to swallow my own saddness when my parenrs died to make sure my brother didnt throw everything they workes for away. I lived miles away from you so long, hiding our relationship from my brother. I left you, the man I loved, so you could make the world a better place. Just to find out you choose the man who killed my parents over me... But that doesn't wipe the tears of the years away." She said, looking at him with that look he knew all to well.

"But I'm back in the city and I'm there to stay." She said, he realized she had moved back to New York, most likely to be with her brother after Steve ran off, when the civil war started.

"And you know what I'm here to do." She said as he walked up to her, taking her hands in his.
"(Name)..." he whispered.
They still loved each other, they always would.

"I'm not here for you." She said, pushing his hands away. He couldnt be forgiven.

"I know my brother like I know my own mind! You will never find anyone as loyal or as selfless!" She suddenly yelled, pacing the small room.

"And a million years ago he said to me, 'this one's mine'." She said, referring to when he just came out of the ice, and Tony told her he was taking him into the avengers.

"So I stood by.... Do you know why?!" She said as tears drained from her face as she recalled the amount of times she had to watch her love be  hurt and there was nothing she could do.

"I love my brother more then anything in this life!" She yelled, tears draining. She had always loved Tony more then Steve. Tony and her were always there for each other. So you could imagine how angry she was when Steve betrayed him.

"I will choose his happiness over mine every time!" She yelled. She could never betray her brother, so she and to tell Steve all of this. To show him it was I've over between them. For good.

"Tony, is the best thing in our lives! He saved you from the ice and gave you a life!" She pointed out. He had a unrecognizable look on his face. He didn't even know how he felt. But he knew one thing, he was heartbroken.

"So never loose sight you've been blest with this new life!" She said, and he didn't. He knew he would still be in the ice or in Hydra's hands if it wasn't for Tony.

"Congradulations!" She nearly screamed, pushing him back as he tried approaching her. He never saw her this angry or sad.

"For the rest of your life!" She yelled, walking up to him and slapping him.

"And every decision you make realize you choose that criminal man over me and Tony." She said as he held his cheek. He'd never seen her hurt even a fly. She had to be seen as the stable one of the Starks.

And with that she turned and walked out, slamming the door.

It was time to go home.

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