Batman/jokerxreader PART2

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A color of nothing. That's all she saw. Although that was probably because she didn't have her eyes open.
"Silly me!" She said out loud as she popped opened those (eye color) eyes. She grinned. Although this one was different. She was different. Her mind swarmed with thoughts.
What's wrong with you
Get up
Why didn't you open your eyes you idiot
You don't deserve to have what you do.

Voices sounded all over. She tried to stand up but instantly fell to her knees. She held her head. Memories suddenly flooded her mind once again.
The acid.

He didn't come to save her. Now there she is. The voices continued to shout terrible things at her. She stood on shaky knees and wobbled over to the fun house Mirror that was in the room. The room must of been a bed room.
She looked in it.
She was pale. Her pupils were dilated. Her once (hair color) hair was now a bland white.
It wasn't the fun house mirror that did that.

You should of died
Bye bye
Go jump off a bridge
You should kill him

"I should~" she purred as she traced her fingers over the glass. She smiled and punched the mirror. It cracked but didn't shatter.
Her knuckles snagged on the glass and started bleeding. So she took the red substitute of a marker and wrote.

He never loved you
Leave now
Run away

She wrote all the voices. Her fathers old voice, her brothers, Her bosses from years ago when she worked at a hot topic as a teen. Bruce's voice. They all rang out. Shouting out rude and profound things at her. She fell to the floor and held her head once again.
"AGHHHHHH!" She shrieked. So fell to her side and curled into a ball.
She changed.
She started laughing hysterically and couched her head. The voices kept talking. Yapping at her. The blood from her hand was on her hair and face and floor. She didn't care. She found it all hilarious. All the sadness and confusion turned to a mess of laughing and she found it funny.
Knock Knock
"Hey bunny ya in here?" Harley's voice sounded from the opposite side of the bright purple door. She stopped laughing and was left with giggles. "Y-yeah." She managed to spit out in her mess of giggling.
"Imma come in ok?" She said as she opened the door. She was holding a basket of hair dyes and she behind her was several goons holding bags of cloth and such.
"I'm gonna give you a make over Bunny!" She said to the girl who sat on the floor. Harley snapped her fingers and the goons dropped the bags at the door and walked out of the room closing the door.
"Oh. Your gonna need ta shower." She said pointing to the door across the room.
"Showers in there." She said as (your name) walked out.

After a long shower she walked out to see a display of cloth, weapons and hair dye all over the room.
"Ok bunny first things first. Pick a color." Harley said motioning to the hair dyes. (Your name)'S eyes lit up. "Omg omg, (color)." She said and laughed at the her end. She grinned and ran to the (color) dye and picked it up.
"Oh pretty." Harley said.

Several hours later Harley and (your name) walked into the club- Jokers club to be specific.
(Your name) looked completely dismissed different. With (color) hair and several piercings. She wore (outfit) and held a rifle. Everyone turned to look at the two girls walking into the room. (Your name)s (color) hair was (style) flowing behind her.
"(Your name) you look beautiful." A voice said from across the room. Everyone stopped dancing to watch.
"Hahaha hey J." The girl said smiling and showing her perfectly white teeth.
"Hey sis! Why don't you come meet a few people..." he said hooking there arms and guiding her around the room and small talking/him killing several people. She wasn't scared, but she didn't like it. Having memories lost and voices in your head changes your outlook on life a little.
Soon they arrived at his section of the club alone.
"I need to talk to you." She said as she sat down. She didn't sound serious or act like it. But inside she was.
"Mmmm. What is it?" J asked as he sat down himself. She straitened her back and cleared her throat.
"That man. Bruce. I don't know why but... I want him dead. He. He didn't save me." She said looking down at the table.
"Hm... what do you remember?" He asked her. Things got serious. It was tense.
"I remember your family, who Harley is, and the that man Bruce- that bat left me. That's all." She said smiling.
"He broke my heart brother. I want to kill him." She said as she burst out in laughter. So did the clown king.
"Ok then sister. I can arrange that... mmmm." He said as she thanked him and bounced out of the room to dance with Harley.

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