Tony x reader x Avengers

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(Hey, this is also based off of hamilton "blow us all away"... warning this has cursing and death, so beware)

"Meet the new graduates of Harvard college. Shouldn't brag but damn we amaze and astonish." A girl said as she stood up on the stage, in front of hundreds of people, graduates and there family. And of corse the press, after all, today Tony Starks daughter (name) Stark was graduating. And she was choosen to make a speech to conclude the ceremony.

"The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops." She added, looking to a reporter and smilling.

"The guys say that's not where the resemblance stops." She added, winking at the camera she had her eyes on. The crowd laughted at her joke. She had gained fame like her father, for being smart, funny, and a party animal.

"I'm only nineteen but my mind is older, I got to be my own woman. Like my father but bolder!" She added, giving confidence to all the graduates.

"I shoulder his legacy with pride. I used to hear him say, that some day, I would blow them all away!" She said, making the crowd cheer.

"And I belive, that all of us graduates have the chance to be bold, and own own people! So we can blow them all away!" She continued.

Soon the ceremony had ended and everyone was leaving. Her father was gone, work calling. Although (name) didnt mind, she would just meet him later for dinner.

"Hey guys, I'm lookin' for a Mr. George Eacker." She said, approaching a group of guys talking outside of the hall.

"He made a speech last week, our fourth of July speaker." She added, trying to get them to know who she was talking about.

"He disparaged my father's legacy in front of a crowd. I can't have that. Im makin' my father proud." She said with fire in her eyes.

"I saw him just up broadway, a couple of blocks. He was going to see a play."  One of them said confidently. Although not being in New York they had there ceremony at a beautiful hall in Manhattan, due to Tony Stark buying the hall and tickets for everyone to fly down.

"Well, I'll go visit his box." She said, winking playfully at them. After she said that she started walking down the street, unseen by paperatzi.
She walked up to one of the theaters, knowing he would be seeing this one, it was all the man could talk about... Other then trash about her father.
She walked in only to slam two one hundred dollar bills on the counter. The ticket lady looked at her to see who it was. When she recognized her face her eyes widened and she signaled her to follow, she unlocked the door and let her in.

She found him quickly in a box watching the show. She narrowed her eyes.
"George!" She said, causing him to snap his head around. When he saw the girl he had gotten into multiple arguments with he turned red with anger.
"George!" She said even louder, casing some people to turn around.

"Shhh! I'm tryna' watch the show!" He said, annoyed at the girl.
"You should of watched your mouth before you talked about my father though!" She said confidently, crossing her arms.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true. Your father's a scoundrel." He said, with a challenging grin.

"And so it seems are you." He said, getting up and towering over the girl, who baled her fists.

"It's like that?" (Name) said, looking at the snarky man.
"Yeah, I don't fool around." He said shrugging, still grinning. People were now watching the two famous young adults argue.

"I'm not one of your little school girl friends-"
"I'll see you in central park! That is unless you want to step outside and go now." (Name) said, challenging him to a fight. He looked a little taken back, but returned to his usual snarl.

"I know where to find you. Piss off, im watchin' this show now." He said, brushing her off and turning to go sit back down.
(Name) glared at the back if his head, before turning and stomping off.

"Pops! If only you heard the shit he said about you!" She yelled, bursting into his lab, he dropped a wrench in the floor and turned to her.

"I doubt you would of let it slide and I was not about to!" She said, her have red with anger.
"-slow down." Tony said, standing and brushing his hands off. Yet she didn't slow down.

"I came to ask you for advice, this is my first fight. They dont exaxtly cover this subject in boarding school." She said, laughing nervously and looking at the older man.

"Did your friends try to find a option other then fighting." Tony said, walking up to his only daughter and taking her shoulders. She brushed him off, mad he said friend. George was no friend. This wasn't some playground fight.

"He refused to apologize, we had to let the peace talks cease." She said, folding her arms.

"Where is this happening?" Tony said, sounding mad. This was dangerous.

"Central park. After Loki everyone fights in central park." She added.

"Alright, so this is what you're gonna do." He said, looking her in the eye.
"Stand there like a man until Eacker is in front of you. When the time comes drop your wepons on the floor." He said, she knew that showed surrender.

"This will put an end to the whole affair." Tony concluded. (Names) eyes widened.

"What if he decides to go for me? The im a gonner." She asked nervously, gulping.
"No. He'll follow suit if he's truly a man if honer." Her dad said, hugging her quickly.

"To take another person's life is something you can't shake." He sighed and let go, holding her shoulders.

"(Name), this world can't take another heart brake." He said messing up her hair and pushing her away. Guess he would call of graduation dinner then.

"Promise me, you don't want this young man's blood on your conscience." He added, looking down. He knew how that felt.

"Ok I promise." She said, holding he hands up in mock surrender.

"Come back home when you're done." He said hugging her and pushing her to the door.
"Take my guns, be smart, make me proad (name)." He said, shoving the guns in her hands and ruffling her hair.

She repeated a poam she wrote on her way to comfort herself.
"My name is (name)
And I'm a poet
I wrote this song just to show it-"
She said changing the lyrics,
"-and I'm a little nervous but I can't show it." She added, laughing to herself nervously.
"I'm sorry I'm imma Stark with pride, you talk about my father I cannot let it slide!" She finished, storming down the parks path.

"Mr.Eacker! How was the rest of your show." She said, trying to make peace peace little.

"I'd rather skip the pleasantries, let's go." He demanded.
"Grab your guns-"
"We'll go on the count of ten." (Name) finished. So he wanted a gun fight. Her dad was right. She felt the cool night wind give her goosebumps.

She felt her head racing with thoughts.
"-hold your gun towards the sky-"


George Eacker wasn't a man of honor.
(Name) heald her gun to the sky, not yet turned. Tears leaked down her face.
And so he spun around and pulled his finger down-

Blow us all away

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