Captain America x Reader

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(Based off of "Finger crossed" by Billie Eilish bc I lover her, the song is above if you want to listen)

In the end, when they're all gone
When the world is silent and the days are long
Just you and I, we'll be alive
We made it on our own

Living in hiding was anything but easy. The constant move from motel to trailer to someone's house was tiring. The woman never knew how nice having one house was.
She knew Steve wasn't happy with this either. Her boyfriend and partner in crime (literally) was with her. And sure, it was nice seeing America when they traveled, but she wanted to just settle down for a bit. She missed her friends and crew back in New York, but she knew it was for the best. What they asked them to do wasn't right, so they rebelled.

'Cause everybody makes it 'till they don't
And everybody wants to think they won't
'Cause everybody makes it 'till they don't
And everybody seems to think they won't, they won't, they won't, they won't

She sat on the mattress watching the world move around her. Seattle, that's were they were now. It was almost like home. Almost.
It want the same, there wasn't the yummy pizza shop down the street, or Tony's snappy remarks.

Baby, I'm still alive but my heart is beating slow
Baby, tell me I gotta know
Are you okay? You seem too far gone
Infected, standing there all alone

Steve defiantly wasn't the same. He was like a zombie, only concerned about what they were doing next. It was odd to say, but she wanted him to dwell in the past, at least a little. He was a shell of the guy she used to know. The moment she would try to mention something fun or any activity he would bat it away like it was the plague.

'Cause everybody makes it 'till they don't
And everybody wants to think they won't
And everybody makes it 'till they don't
And everybody seems to think they won't, they won't, they won't, they won't

"Hey, (Name). We have to catch the train at five, Alright?" He said as he passed her, she watched sadly. Her mood was almost always gloomy nowadays.
"Steve?" She asked, making him walk back into the hotel room.
"What?" He asked, preoccupied looking at some sort of map.
"You know, they almost caught us last time in Arizona, so I say we head to California next?" He asked before she could tell him what she wanted to. She was going to say how they should stop at a restaurant for a date, instead of the constant takeout and room service. Or hot pockets, if she had to eat anymore microwaved food she was going to throw up.
"Nothing..." She said making him shrug and walk away. She couldn't help but realize their love was six feet under. He didn't care anymore. He wasn't who she used to know.

The best of me, the best of me is you
The best of me, the best of me was you

She left that night, of corse he didn't realize to the next day. She was off to Clint's house to hide out with him and his family. Any love between them was dead, and she couldn't bare to live that life anymore. She still loved him, but it wasn't the love they shared. It was one sided, and she couldn't help but feel it was toxic.

(If I was to do a mini series of the actors would you guys like that?)

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