Bruce Wayne (gothem) x reader

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***this is in the "Gothem" Tv series*******

"Why exactly do you need to visit the Wayne manor?" A young adult man asked. He had (color) hair and brown, welcoming eyes.
"Bruce hasn't been in school for over two months. I just want to check up on him." The teen girl asked.
"As my brother you should understand." She said folding her arms. The girl was beautiful. She had (hair color/length) hair and popping (eye color) eyes. She looked up at brother.
"Jacob... please..." she said with puppy eyes.
"Fine. Be ready in an hour. The butler will drive but I'm going with you for the ride." He said to her. She said thanks and ran out of the room. She soon ran into her bed room and jumped into her vanity chair.
The fact was, (yourname), has had a crush on Bruce Wayne for a while now. He used to go to her school, but just stopped one day. She wanted to ask if he was alright. She missed him. They were very good friends, being (name) was one of the only people who talked to him.
She fancied herself up and got out of the room and running into her brother. It had been an hour by then.
"Let's go." Jacob said guiding her to the car.

"No funny business, no drugs, no alcohol, no hugging, no kissing, no physical contact-"
"I get it." (Your name) puffed as she grabbed her bag and stepped out.
"And I will be picking you up at seven. That's an hour and a half so safe and remember what I'm saying." He finished off.
"Yeah yeah." The girl said as she bounced down the pavement and up the stairs, knocking on the doors.
A older man with grey hair and a suit opened the door. He looked a bit tense but it faded as he saw the short girl grinning at him.
"Ello'," he said smiling back softly, "How may I help you today?" He asked her.
"I'm here to see Bruce, as you probably know he hasn't been at school and I want to see how he has been doing. And also cause' I volunteered to give him back his tests and books he never retrieved from school." The girl said to him.
"Of corse. I will bring you to him." He said as he opened the door wider and led her in. She follows him around the large mansion.
"He should be in here- uh..."
"(Name)." She said,
"Yes (name)." He replied.
"And I am Alfred, Bruce's butler." He responded.
"Nice to meet you Alfred." She said before walking in . He room was gloomy and dark. It had plants and some workout equipment inside. Alfred closed the door leaving them alone. Bruce was at a punching bag, punching away and didn't notice the girl.
"Well," (name) started smiling. "You seem a bit angry don't ya'." She said.
He turned around suddenly, startled.
"Oh, it's just you." He said. A look of hurt flashed on her eyes before she smiled again.
"I-uh wanted to see how you've been." She said to him holding her hands behind her back and bouncing a bit from foot to foot.
"And I brought you some of the things you forgot at school!" She finished.
"Alright... well, thank you." He said.
(Name) dropped her bag to the floor and bent down to begin digging through it.
"Here!" She said, bouncing up and holding the books and loose papers to him. He silently took the and put them on his desk.
"So..." (name) said breaking the silence. "Why have you been gone?" She asked with her smile breaking.
"I've been going through a lot. In home schooled now." He answered looking at her. He knew she wanted answers on why he left her lonely.
"Sorry I never said anything to you about leaving." He told her.
"Would you like to talk about what has happened?" She asked him sweetly. She felt terrible.

"No. He wouldn't." A voice said from the window. (Name) turned as Bruce looked behind her. Standing next to the open window was Cat, or Selina, who had a irked look on her face. Her arms were crossed as she glared at (name).
"Wh-" (name) said confused.
"Selina? Why are you here?" Bruce asked. He wasn't lying when he said he thought (name) was great. But he didn't want to put anyone on danger. And he knew anyone with a personal association with him would be put into direct danger. So he stayed his distance and cut off communication with (name).
"This girls just after your money. Isn't it obvious she is totally playing you." Cat said crossing her arms.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm just checking on him he's only my friend." (Name) explained.
"(Name) isn't after my money or playing me. She's one of the only people who sees me for me and not my money." Bruce said calmly to Cat who snarled.
"I didn't know you were so oblivious." Cat said.
"Maybe we have gotten off on the wrong foot," (name) said smiling, "I'm (name) and-"
"Does if look like I care- Bruce! Can't you see! She's exactly like Silver! She's pretty and So sweet to you it makes me want to throw up. She's so fake I can practically smell it." Cat said.
"Thank you for saying I'm pretty but you seem not to under-" (name) started before being interrupted.
"Why do you always do this? Silver was completely different then (name). Don't you get it. You're the one who turned me down. So I'm moving on. And you should to. Stop stepping into my life and confusing me." Bruce said massaging his temples.
"But Bruce-"
"And next time, use the door. You're letting in a draft." Bruce sassed back. Cat grimaced and scoffed in disbelief. "You've fallen for this idiot. Wow." Cat said before walking to the window and jumping out- but not before saying one thing to (name).
"Watch your back (name)."

"I should go." (Name) said. She looked upset as she absently gazed down to the floor. Bruce looked a little shocked. In all the years he has known her he's never seen her so distraught.
"Please don't-" he said jogging up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder. His heart twisted when he realized she was crying.
"I'm so sorry she said all that." He apologized. It broke his heart to see her cry. His stomach squeezed at the thought of her not liking him.
"It's not that." She sniffled.
"Then why are you crying?" He asked concerned as he put both his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.
"I just realized you obviously don't like me. From avoiding me at school t-to not showing me any emotion. I've just wasted your time and I'm so sorry." She hiccuped.
"N-no!" He said. "It's the opposite. I, well I like you a lot and I'm just afraid of hurting you." He confessed.
"You have to be the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met. And trust me when I say I didn't forget you when I left. And-" he was suddenly cut off. The girl was hugging him and had her head buried into his chest as she cried.
"I understand." She said into his shirt.
"Maybe we can work though your problems together... as a team." She said to him, looking at him with glossy eyes, her arms still around him.
"A-are you asking me out?" He asked her.
"Well when you put it that way!" She said flustered.
"I would love to." He said hugging her back. She laughed and squeezed him before a beep was heard outside.
"Well that's my ride." She said to him.
"I'll walk you out." He said taking her hand. Together hey walked to the car.

"I'll see you tomorrow at eight!" She said hopping into the car as they exchanged smiles.
"Wait-!" He said as she drove away.

"That girl..." he said in disbelief, smiling.

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