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( trigger warning) INSPIRED BY "DOLL HOUSE" by Melanie Martinez
And I'm sorry I do mostly DC. I am working on several Marvel. Also if you want a specific character just comment and it will be up the next day at least.

That was it... She couldn't deal with it anymore.
That beautiful (hair color) haired girl couldn't do it anymore.

People thought she had it all.
The girl was in her twenties. She lived with her famous rich parents.
Her mother an actor. She had a cooking show called "Gothem Grub". It wasn't a appealing name. But all the house wives in Gothem loved to watch your mother make casseroles and pies.
Her father was a Doctor. He lad dealt with so many people who relied on him. He did his work well. He lived with his perfect family. His lovely wife and smart charming children.
Her brother was in his late teens. He got all As. He was handsome. He played the piano and loved his family. He even played in his schools football team.
She was beautiful. A model. A singer. She loved her family and guest starred on Gothem TV shows. She was know as the (last name)s girl.

That's what they see.

Her mother drank. She locked herself in one of the many spear rooms and drowned her sorrows. She never saw her mom much unless she was screaming at her over the phone to fetch her more 'juice' and bring it to a certain spear room. She didn't even cook. She knew basics. The family chefs did that.
He father cheated. He was a lier, cheater and a con artist.he cheated on his wife and she knew it. He lied and fibbed for his money. He yelled at the family a lot. When he was at home he was in his office.
Her brother was terrible. He snuck out at night. Although she was the only one who saw. Got her parents were never there. He did drugs and hung out with the wrong people. He roamed the streets with his friends. Only she knew that...

She hurt. She was used by her family and ordered around. She was afraid and had to much anxiety to move out. She was scared and always nervous and dwelling on something. She wanted a family and to live a life. She wanted change. But she was afraid of it to. She wanted to want change.

She saw what really happens in the walls of the (last name) estate.

Shivering under her covers was a girl. She had just heard her brother climb out the window in search for trouble. She worried for him.
And she heard her father yell in anger in his office. His office was down the hall.
He heard her mother break a bottle in the spear room above her.
She picked up her phone that was beside her head and turned it on. It was past midnight.
More crashing and yelling. Her brother and his friends smug chuckling was heard as they walked away from the mansion.

(Y/n) POV:
Why me?
I had to deal with this every night. I never sleep. Barely eat. I cover my dark circles with layers of makeup. Maybe... Just maybe things would change.
That's what always played in my mind.
It wasn't true.
Things wouldn't change if I didn't make them. I was tired of laying around listening to the suffering. I had to make a change. The only thing I feared would be what healed me.
What saved me from this hell.

So I spring out of bed. My feet quietly hitting the marble floors. More crying, yelling and crashing was heard. So in my dark room which was only illuminated by the moons rays I took a bag out. It was large enough to fit cloth and my needed stuff but be practical. I had bring it to England when we visited my uncle there for a week.
I dug in my wardrobe pulling out cloth and makeup and other essentials I might need. After sticking my candy and breakfast bar stash I closed the bag and slung it over my shoulder. But then dropped it near the window realizing I wouldn't be able to go out in a night gown. So I changed into a black tank top and hoodie and fake jeans. I also put on my combat boots I had brought for I trip to a hotel on a lake. I threw my hair in a pony tail and tossed the hood over my head so it covered my eyes. I only was on the first floor so it wouldn't be to hard. After leaving a small note for my parents I opened the window with both hands. I looked out. Only a few feet... I picked up my bag and dropped it out. Then I lowered myself out and closed the window.
I was doing to.
After all this time I was truly free!

So I picked up the bag and set on my journey.

I had no clue where I was. But didn't care one bit. I walked down a ally way. Who cares if I got jumped. All that matters is I am away.
No more games.

But going down that ally way was a obvious mistake.
"My my my~~~" a voice rang. I kept walking.
"Miss (last name) that was very rude." He said. So I turned. I was ready to flip off some rude middle age man. Only to be met with the infamous Joker.
"Why don't you come with me. Hmmm?" He asked me. But I avoided eye contact. Biting my lip I shook my head.
"If you want anything go to my parents. I don't have any money. They wouldn't want me back anyways." I said tearing up. Not that he could see it anyways. But the money thing was true. One less person to feed. And I forgot my credit card....

"But it's not the money I want." He said. But soon growled as a swoosh was heard. Behind him a mysterious figure knocked out his goons.
It was bat man.
I was in shock. Couldn't move or speak. Even my breath was uneven.
But my instinct kicked in as the Joker tried to grab my arm. I swung my booted foot so it came in contact with his mouth. Next thing I know his pale skin was stained with red. And he fell to the floor.
I knocked out The Joker...

Soon bat man came up to me.
"Would you like me to take you home miss (last name)?" He asked. But my eyes widened in horror.
"No!" My voice quivered.
"Don't even bring me back there! Please!" I said pathetically crying and falling to my knees. My hood had fallen due to the wind.
I looked up to him with glistening eyes. Tears fell.
"Please Batman..." I said.
Third person

Something in him clicked. When he saw her face and the tears his heart dropped. His stomach fluttered.
What the hell? He thought. The last time he felt like that was during his first fight. Or when he was a child and would meet his fathers colleagues.
"Come with me." He said taking her shoulders. He pulled her up and she followed him to the bat mobile.
"Don't worry miss (last name)." He said. He wouldn't lie. You sparked his interest. Why wouldn't you go home?
"Just (your name) will do." Her voice wavered and shook. Her flawless hair cover her face as he drove off.
The first time she looked up was when they arrived at the Wayne manor.
She looked up and her eyes widened in shock. She didn't thing she would be taken there.
So when he pulled her into the house she was surprised. Why was he in the Wayne manor. Wa sit possible that....
Once the door closed he took off the mask.
It was Bruce Wayne....
She smiled. They had only talked at her fathers party's on several occasions and hit it off.
That's when Alfred walked into the room with a confused face on. Bruce handed him the mask which he took and walked off without a word.
"Come with me." He said as they both walked into a large sitting room with a fire place and book shelves.
"Sit." He said as they both sit.
What they both didn't know that that fluttering feeling was in both there stomachs. She wiped her eyes.
"Please tell me what happened." He said. So she explained. Beginning to end. Everything. Her parents to the meeting with Joker. In detail. At the end he looked at her sadly. He swooned over this girl. He brought his best out. He wanted to spoil her.
"Don't worry." He said. He still wore his suit. And she wore her back pack messy hair and running makeup.

"This is your home now." He said.
And although to most that would be a surprise. Or even a bit weird. She grinned for real. It was the first time in years. It was lopsided and funny. Bruce chuckled at it. It was so unfitting to her personality which oozed confidence and beauty all the time. This was the true her.

"Thank you so much... Thank you...." She said to him.
Even if she didn't know it but she finally found love. A live that would never break.

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