Peter Parker x Reader

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Head over heels, that's how he felt when he first saw the girl. She wasn't just pretty, although trust him, she was. The girl was the embodiment of perfect for all the boys who went to his school.
He watched from his lunch table as (Name) walked and sat down alone, lunch tray in hand.
The girl was independent, beautiful, smart, and sweet. What else could you want?
There was one thing about her that was different. The girl was extremely shy, barely ever talked to anyone. For such an amazing person her self worth and confidence was at a low. She would sit alone at lunch, in the back of the room during class, avoid any and all social function. Even Liz, the most popular girl in school invited her to all the parties she hosted, yet she rejected each one.

Then there was Flash, who was also head over heels for the girl. That may of been another reason he was in deep for the quite girl, she hated Flash. She despised the teen who constantly flirted with her. He found it funny yet angering how he kept trying to get to her, after all her rejections.

"Looking at Miss America again?" Ned asked, watching his friends face turn red. He nodded and look back to him.
"I would suggest talking to her but she would probably just walk away." Ned sighed, looking at the girl. Even he thought she was pretty, as did every boy in the school.
"On a different note, did you see the video of Viper from last night?" Ned asked, pulling his phone out when he shook his head.

That was the other thing on the young boys mind. A mysterious new hero named Viper had popped out of nowhere the last year. She was the opposite of (Name), snappy, confident, and had the funniest personality ever. She had a full uniform like him, mask included. He had no idea who the girl was, other then her voice and (color) hair he noticed had stuck out in a video. The public was immediately infatuated with her, her funny remarks making everyone fall in love with the hero.
He watched the video where the girl took down four bank robbers. She seemed to be like him, instincts like him. Except She had the instincts of a Viper. She was sneaky, fast, and intimidating.

"Dude, you gotta meet this chick, charm her with your spidey senses." Ned said laughing when she made a joke about one of the robbers faces (like Deadpool).
"I wish..." He said, turning his attention from the video to the girl with her headphones in.
"If you meet her mention me." Ned said after swallowing a bite of sandwich. Peter shrugged, watching Flash walk up to (Name). She literally stood up and walked away before he could sit down and annoy her.


Peter was leaving school with three textbooks balancing in his arms. The frantic rush to leave school was evident to anyone walking past.
He was suddenly jerked back when a small forced bumped into him. His books flew out of his hands. For a split second they were about to land in a puddle, before they weren't there.
"Watch where your going next time Parker." A small voice said. He looked down to see (Name) with red cheeks and the text books In her hands. His eyes widened, it was impossible for her to catch those in time. She shoved them into his arms as she walked away, trying to catch her bus.
"What?" He whispered to himself, surprised at the girls abnormal behavior. His cheeks then turned red as well, realizing that was the first time he had heard her talk.


Before he knew it he was making his rounds around the town. He had left his book bag and textbooks in a alleyway, changing into his suit.
He hoped for some action today, but there really haven't been any since he fought for Tony.
Sighing he swung around town, looking for something interesting.
"Hey loser, mind not doing that." A snarky voice commented, making him stop and look into the abandoned alley way. He almost squealed when he saw it was Viper. He swung down when he saw she was handling two thugs who were trying to rob an old lady.
One of them pulled out a gun, the other following his action.
"Need help?" He asked, sounding a little too excited.
"Oh hey spider boy!" She said, turning her attention back to the robbers, she shook her head.
"I don't need help with these buffoons." She said sashaying up to the two scared criminals, the guns shaking in there hands.
"Boo." She said making one drop his gun and run to the end of the alley. Peter took that as his to handle.
He soon had him tied up, just to turn and see the girl had knocked out the thug as well.
"Nice work!" She said with her hands on her hips. He felt a similar feeling to earlier that day as his cheeks went red.
"Thanks!" He said as he followed after her, she was running, and she was fast. He decided to swing after her.

"So," He said trying to get her attention.
"What's up?" He attempted, trying to start a conversation. He heard her chuckle and stop, hims topping behind her.
"Why do want to talk to me Mr. 'I helped Tony Stark'?" She asked, his eyes widened when he noticed she was jealous.
"Wha- Wait, are you jealous!?" He asked, following her quick footsteps.
"Yep. A little." She said bitterly, turning down a alleyway.
"I want to be- holy moley!" She said making him laugh, but she was serious.
"Crap! I know who's stuff this is! I hope he's ok!" She said running over to Peters stuff. Panic washed over him as he stopped her.
"I-I'm sure he's fine!" He squeaked out, making he turn to him suspiciously.
"You know Peter?" She asked, pointing a finger to his chest.
"Uh Yeah." He gulped, making her gasp.
"No way!" She said laughing,
"Wait!" He said realizing something. He didn't know her.
"How do you know him?" He asked, realizing he never met her. But did he know who was under the mask?
"Um, yes? No? Possibly?" She said, realizing she almost blew her cover.
"I met him once or twice?" She said nervously, backing up.
"You sound familiar..." Peter said, her voice suddenly striking a chord.
"So do you." She snapped back, relaxing he sounded like someone she knows.
"Who are you-" they said at the same time, making her cross her arms.
"I asked first big boy!"
"Hold on-"
They began bickering before she gasped.
"Wait. A. Second." She said walking up to him, he began backing up.
"Your Flash?!" She asked, as if noticing something amazing. He laughed when she said this.
"Ew no way I'm that jerk!" He said defensively.
"So you know him too,"
"And you know him,"
They stood in a tense silence for a moment before she spoke up.
"Do we go to school together?" She asked suddenly, making his eyes widen more.
"Do we?"
"Well I have to know who you are now!" She said curious to who the mysterious boy is.
"If your not Slug-" time seemed to slow for him when she said that,

"Hey, (Name), want to go to homecoming?" He asked leaning the girls desk. The day had been full of his annoying attempts, making her more annoyed then usual.
"Wow Flash, should I start calling you Slug because you sure are slow to realize that I'm not interested. At all." She snapped, making the boy stomp away in embarrassment. Peter chuckled at her cheesy comment.

"(Name)?!" He said walking up to her, she gasped and held her arms out.
"How'd you know- I mean- no!" She stumbled on her words. He stood before her with his arms crossed.
"You called Flash Slug a while ago, and you have crazy reflexes like her." He commented making her sigh and nod, he remembered earlier when she caught his books.
"Your on to me." She sighed, pulling her mask off, her cheeks red.
"I think I know who you are now." She said suddenly, making him raise a concealed eyebrow.
"Sure, who am I?" He asked, making her smile. His heart melted at her sudden confidence. Was the whole school shyness an act?
"Peter." She said, pulling his mask off. His face must of been so surprised, because she laughed when she saw it. She stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on his cheek. He almost melted at it.
"Your the only guy who laughed at that joke." She said smiling and looking down.
"That and your voice is kinda hard to miss."
He stood there shocked as she pulled her mask back on and began walking away.
"You know, I think your pretty cute too Parker!" She yelled at the shocked boy, her laughter following her out of the alley.

Ned wasn't going to believe this!

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