Gothem x villain!reader

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(You might want be catch up with Gotham for this Bc spoilers)

"What?" You said picking up your cell in a annoyed groggy voice.
"Better be good Ed because I just got my first hour of sleep in days." You added, sitting up, the sheets pooling at your waist.
"Nice to hear from you to." He said with a heavy sigh.
"Look, I'm in a bit of a pinch and need to ask a favor from you." He said. Shuffling and beeping was loud in the background.
"It depends. What's the favor?" You asked as you began to get ready. You simply flattened your bed jean with your hands and began pulling on black sweats and a (fav color) tank top.
"Can you run to a store and get me green spray paint and rope?" He pleaded. You laughed,
"Sure Ed. You owe me one."

After successfully buying a can of spray paint and a bundle of rope you strolled to the docks, where Edward texted you to meet him.
"Hey." You said, seeing him impatiently tapping his foot and looking at his watch.
"Oh thank god you're here!" He said taking the bag of stuff from your hands.
"Your welcome." You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at the man before you.
"Thank you!" He called as you began your walk back to your car.
"Oh and, (name)?" He called. You stopped and turned your head over your shoulder, letting him continue.
"Barbra said she needed you. Don't know why." He said as he then began to jog off to who knows where and continue his schemes.

Sighing you flopped on your bed, closing your eyes. You had just got home from the ordeal with Edward. You were exhausted, but, for a villain you never walked away from a friend in need. Plus you were known for your manipulative ways, people often forget about what they owe you.
You just drifted off when your phone started buzzing again. Rubbing your eyes you snatched the phone up.
"Wwwwhaaatttt?!" You whined, sitting up.
"Hey girl, it's Barbra! Mind lending a hand to a old friend?" She asked as flamboyant as ever. You sat up and sighed.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatcha need?" You asked as you slipped your shoes on.
"So I was wondering if you could deliver a message to Pinguin for me?" She asked. A simple task, and you took what you could get.
"Alrighty, what is it?"
"Come to the Johnson theatre at nine pm." She said.
"Got it?"

You arrived at the penguin and his teams hid out at noon. The day was passing fast and you were still sleep deprived and cranky.
Knock knock knock
"(Name)!" Ivy said, opening the door and hugging you.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" She chimed as she led you into the house.
"I know, it's good to see you." She said, although they had just run into each other a couple days back.
"Os' you got a visitor~!" She sang as she walked into a room. Pinguin was sat in there, ominously looking into the distance, deep in thought.
"Hey (name)." He said finally noticing you.
"Barbra told me to tell you 'Johnson theatre at nine pm.'"She recited, looking at him expectantly.
"Oh ok. Mind helping me with something?" He asked.

The day dragged on and on. You were hoping that the next day you could catch a break, even just a couple hours so you could catch up with sleep.
Suddenly the sound of keys jiggling in the lock sounded. You stayed curled in a ball on your bed, as this happened every night.
The door opened and foot steps walked down the hall.
"(Name)?" He called.
"In here." She yelled back, her voice muffle by the pillow. The bed sank and she was flipped around.
"Hey Jim." She said, smiling with a tired look on her face. He smiled back at her.
"Hey hon." He said, kissing her forehead and falling back, to lay next to her.
"Long day?" He asked, she replied with a nod.
"You to?" She asked, laughing a bit.
"Yep. Lucky I have you to come home to. It was a long night today. Nigma (Nygma?)  is up to something." He said. They knew of each other's professions of corse, but tried to keep it from hurting there relationship.
"He asked me to pick up green spray paint and rope. Who knows why though, he's Ed." (Name) said as she reached for the lamp and shut it off.
"Good night."
"Night, love you."

(Kinda cheesy filler but a lot has kept me from updating. Next one will be as suspenseful as always though!)

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