Spider Man x reader (Part One)

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SPIDERMAN HOMECOMING SPOILERS (also changed some dialogue)

(Name) was the avengers youngest member, she was being made a killing machine since she was merely a toddler. Of corse there was plenty of controversy about her, since she was only fifteen. But she was extremely skilled and had the ability to mess with other people's five senses, which helped during battle.

Today wasn't like every day, she had the chance to fight with a handful of other hero's on Tony Starks side during the 'civil war' battle as some called it.
(Name) was sat uncomfortably in a limo as her, Tony, Natasha and Vision went to pick up the newbie, Spiderman. Everyone else was in a different limo. Of corse it was like Tony to pull up to battle in a shiny black limo.
"We're pulling up to his pick up spot now, please be patient with him, he gets excited when he meets new avengers." Tony said to them as they pulled up to a random corner. Suddenly a man clad in a spider suit swung to the limo. He opened the door and gasped excitedly.
"Wow- I mean- I'll just get in!" He said when he saw everyone in the limo.
(Name) chuckled as Tony groaned.
"I'm Spider man! And your (name)- or Sense- which do you prefer?" He said, sitting next to her.
"I prefer (Name)." She said with a smile.
"Wow you're really nice! Mind if I take a video for my personal documentry?" He asked randomly.
"Sure." She said to him.
"Ok, so I just met the Sense, who I can call (Name)! She's really nice!" He said, pointing the camera to (name), who smiled and waved. Everyone one else was quite in the car.
"Stop flirting with her Arachnid boy." Tony teased as they got closer to the airport.
"Hey- I wasnt?!" He defended, sticking his phone into his suit.

When they engaged in battle they got split up. (Name) had to fight against Bucky for a little while, which was hard. She tried messing with his hearing so he couldn't hear the orders coming through his ear peice, but that didn't work. It was a pretty even matched fight but he still got away.
Next thing she knew Ant Man was no longer Ant Man and was 40 feet tall.
"Damn." She muttered as she fought with Clint, who was getting pretty annoying.
"(Name) I don't want to hurt you!" He said aiming a punch to her face, since she flung his arrows away from him.
"Then dont! Give up!" She yelled, dodging his fist and kicking his stomach, sending him flying back a few feet.
"No can do!" He said, going to trip her with his legs, but she jumped and ducked under a punch, when she went to hit his cheek he sweeped her legs sending her face first into he ground. He then ran away to make it to the others.
"Ow." She sad lifting her self up and seeing she had a bunch of shallow scraps on he face from hitting the pavement.
"(Name) help Spidie with the Ant Giant." Tony said, grunting as he fought.
"Roger that." She said running to him.
Just then Spider Man explained how he was going to pull a 'star wars move' as he explained it. She tasked by flying around his face and detracting Scott. She activated the jet pack on her suit and got to it.
Soon enough Ant Man was down, but Spider man got flung into the hard concrete.
"Hey, you ok?" She asked as he turned over and grunted.
"Ye- I think." He said, holding his side.
(Name) was also out to speak but got detracted when Tony flew over to them.
"You need to stand down, you've fought enough." Tony said to the boy.
"Wait no! Mr.Stark let me fight, I'm fine." He pleaded, trying to sit up. (Name) placed a hand on his shoulder when she saw him struggling.
"No." Tony said simply.
"I can help!"
"I'll tell your Aunt May!" Tony snapped at him.
"Fine." The boy said sadly.
"Good. (Name) I need you to stop also, help him and fix up your face so it doesn't get infected." He said to her, she nodded, knowing better then to argue with him right now. After that he just flew off.
"Take off your mask." She said to him, turning in his direction.
"What? I don't want you to find out my identity!" He said to her dramatically.
"You need fresh air or your going to over heat. Last thing I need is to have to carry you back." She said to him, he still stood there stubbornly.
"Plenty of others trusted me with theres. You know Ant Man? Know him." She said, crossing her arms. She had known Scott for a while now, and even baby sat his daughter from time to time.
"...fine..." He said peeling his mask off.
She made eye contact with him for a minute before they both turned pink.
"My names Peter, but the way." He said to her. She offered him a hand and helped him up.
"Well, Peter, we should get that nasty bruise on your face cleaned up." She said to him.

*part two up in a little*

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