Chapter 3

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Image by: @// DankoDeadZone (DeviantArt)

(Y/S) - Your Symbol
(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(H/C) - hair color


-Present time-
(2nd person POV)

"Thank you again, Mermando! We owe our lives to you", You smile as you yell to your new friend and wave goodbye.

"Farewell, (y/n)!" He smiles as he swims away.

You all are now on the little boat that saved you. There were only two men aboard, who introduced themselves as Stanley and Stanford Pines.

Your grunkle, your twin, and you all had the same thought, but didn't dare say it aloud, 'holy guacamole this is them...this is the author and his hero twin brother...holy toast!'

"So, were you all headed anywhere specific?", Stanford asks your Great Uncle as the man's brother Stanley gives all three of you many blankets.

"No, just traveling", your Grunkle Ben answers with a shrug.

"Well, in that case I hope you don't mind coming to Gravity Falls, Oregon with us. That's where we're heading for the Summer"

You and (y/t/b) fail to hide your excitement and squeal at the same time, "YASS, WE WANNA GO TO GRAVITY FALLS!! GRUNKLE BEN WE SHALL GO TO GRAVITY FALLS!!!"

The three older men look a bit surprised by the younger twins' outburst at first, mostly the two Pines. Your grunkle then smiles and says, "Hmm, I suppose we could join these fine men to Gravity no other option anyways..."

The two of you both say something along the lines 'YESH!' while pumping your fists in the air.

Stanley looks at you and your twin confusingly and asks, "You kids heard of Gravity Falls? That place is so's not even on the map..."

Your brother starts to speak, "Oh, um we've uh...". You then quickly answer, "We've heard of the place before, seems nice!"

Stanford studies you and your brother suspiciously, but doesn't say anything...

Four years earlier...

You sat criss crossed on your comfy bed in your shared room. Just yesterday you both told Matthew that you're leaving to live out on the ocean with your great uncle and everything.

You glance at your twin's bed and see that he was fast asleep. It was late, roughly around two am.

You were reading the first mysterious book and it was just to interesting to put down! The author, Stanford, wrote down all his discoveries and talked about them and even drew in sketches of the strange creatures to help visualise.

You put a book mark on the page you left off on, then close the old book. All of you were getting up early tomorrow to head to the docks and you wanted to have some kind of rest. You get in a comfortable position on your soft bed and close your eyes...trying to fall asleep...


You look all around you and see nothing. Just black darkness. You try to move or even speak, but you can't.

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now