Chapter 12

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Image by: @// Boomsheika (DeviantArt)

(Y/N) - your name
(Y/S) - Your symbol
(Y/T/B) - your twin brother
(F/B) - favorite band


(Y/N's POV)

"I'm not even gonna ask...", I slowly say as I see Bill lightly poking himself with toothpicks.

"This isn't as fun as forks...", he complains.

I roll my eyes as I say, "I rather not feel forks being stabbed into my arms thanks"

"Alright, can we please stay focused here?", Ford demandingly asks.

"What were we talking about again??", Stan asks as he makes pancakes.

"Something about something", Mabel says as she and (y/t/b) bedazzle hats...

"What are you two even doing?...", I ask Mabel and (y/t/b).

"You'll see, (y/n)...or maybe you won't...", (y/t/b) says as he continues to do whatever he's doing.

"We were talking about exactly why Bill made the deal with (y/n)", Grunkle Ben says then he takes a drink of his coffee.

"Oh", Stan responds seeming to only be paying half attention.

"...It's to early for all of this...", I quietly complain.

"EVERYONE QUIET!!", Ford yells which makes me jump. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at Ford.

"I have questions and I want answers", Ford demands with a hard glare at Bill.

Bill laughs then says, "I'm sure you do, Fordsie~"

I roll my eyes and groan out, "Just answer the questions, Bill"

Bill sighs then stares into my eyes as he says, "Yes, I planned this all out the moment you three arrived on Fez's and sixer's boat. I knew right away (y/n) and (y/t/b) were abnormal and when angel cast that healing spell it just proved all my theories correct", he looked away from me and to everyone else, "I quickly formed a plan to get out of Fez's uncomfortably small brain-"

"-CAN IT YOU OVERSIZED DORITO", Stan screams, holding a spatula like a sword.

"There's many ways for entities like myself to take on their own physical body. One of them was to have a human willingly give half their soul to me. Which (y/n) did"

"If there's so many other ways why didn't you use a different one?...", Grunkle Ben asks Bill with a glare.

Bill groans, "I'm getting there, you dumb British meat sack". Grunkle Ben takes a deep breath to calm himself and just stays quiet.

Bill clasps his hands together and continues to explain, "The most simplest and quickest option was the soul taking, not the most idealist but most accessible. So I got Angel to give half of his/her/their soul to me because I knew none of you would want to harm him/her/them in any way, not even Tad! Which means I can't be harmed in any way since we are now connected~", he ends with a large grin.

I look away and close my eyes. I shouldn't have made the deal...but I couldn't just let Stan die...

'Which is why I chose you, angel~', Bill speaks in my head.

"Oh I want to kill you so badly right now...", (y/t/b) growls behind gritted teeth. I open my eyes and look over to (y/t/b) in a bit of a panic. He can get so protective over me sometimes, it's kinda scary...

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