- Dipper's Ending -

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Image by: @// MondoArt (DeviantArt)

(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol (Also your mum's name)
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(E/c) - eye color

- Dipper's Ending -


(Y/N's POV)

The thick white mist fades away and I immediately look around the room I'm now standing in.

This is the Mystery Shack's living room! No one is in here though...(Y/t/b) isn't even in here with me, but I guess it would make things look less suspicious to be teleported in separate areas.

I take in a deep breath and slowly release it. I'm not even prepared, I don't know what to say to any of them...

"(Y/n)?! Oh thank God you're okay!", I spin around to see Stan standing in the entry way with wide releived eyes.

Before I can even open my mouth to respond to him, Mabel comes running down the stairs and into the room. She leaps onto me, giving me a tight hug, which makes me stumble back a bit. I smile as I wrap my arms around her, Mabel hugs is something so new to me but I'll miss them...

"Hi, Mabel!", I quietly whisper with a chuckle.

She steps a bit away from me, but not much. "Where were you? How did you get out?!", Mabel asks me frantically.

I open my mouth but quickly close it again. I don't know how to respond to that, I have to say something though!

"I...", I try to explain. I glance between Stan and Mabel, panic clear in my eyes.

Mabel smiles though as she speaks again, "It doesn't matter! I'm glad you're okay!"

A small smile forms on my face as I nod.

"Dipper ran off into the woods to search for you, I've never seen him so worried...", Stan slowly says from behind Mabel.

My smile changes to a frown as my eyes widen. "AH, I hope he doesn't get panic attack because of me!"

I need to find Dipper, to tell him I'm okay...I haven't even been missing for more than a hour yet he's freaking out over me...god and I'm about to disappear for hell knows how long!

Oh God and where's Bill?!

I turn towards Stan with furrowed eyebrows. "Where's everyone else?!", I ask him in a panicked tone.

Stan's eyebrows furrow as he points behind himself towards the front door. "Everyone else is outside...Ford has been trying to keep Bill and that tall lady from killing each other!"

My eyes widen with panic as I say nothing else and just run across the shack to get outside.

"HEY, WAIT UP!", I hear Mabel yell as she and Stan run after me.

I throw open the door and see Ford holding a gun type weapon at Bill as he stands in front of my mum and dad protectively. Dad is holding my mum closely to himself, though it looks like he's more so holding her back.

My brother is here as well, he's standing on the edge of the porch with wide eyes as he too is staring at them, not knowing what to do.

"STOP!", I yell out as I outstretch my arms. Everyone seems to tense up at my voice and look over at the porch where I stand.

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