Chapter 25

383 12 11

(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol (Also your mum's name)
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother


(Y/n's POV)

Everything stops.

I freeze in mid run, I can't move my body anymore! I can't even move my eyes in different directions or open my mouth to speak!

My gaze is locked onto my mother's back, her left arm held high above her head with the deathly blue crystal clutched in her hand. She's still as a statue, she can't move either.

From my point of view, I can only see Bill's right side, he's partially covered by (y/s). But he to isn't moving.

It's as if time itself is frozen, this IS Gravity Falls, so maybe it is...

There's still color though, which means I'm not in the mind scape...What the hell happened then?

I can't physically feel anything, my body feels so numb to me. I'm not even breathing, but I don't feel like I even need air.

I can't hear anything either, everything is so silent. Not a single sound can be heard...

Why can't I move!? No one and nothing else seems to be moving...Is Bill and (y/s) aware like me? Or are they completely frozen and don't even notice?

I can't feel or sense any emotions from Bill, but I don't know...What if I am the only one that's aware that we're all frozen?

Who or what froze us? Am I suppose to even know that we can't move?!

I feel so powerless...It's been only like 30 seconds and I feel like I'm already going insane...

Wait is (y/t/b) okay? Is he self aware too?...I think everyone and everything is frozen here...Oh God I hope that everyone else is safe, even Ben...even dad...

Is only the ones in the pyramid frozen though? Or is the entire world unmoving too?..

What the actual fuck is going on?!

I hear a distant but loud sound echo off the walls, like something metal falling onto the floor. If I was able to move I would've flinched by the sudden sound.

What was that? Or more importantly, who made it? Is someone here able to move?!

My head slowly begins to gain feeling again, but it's a throbbing head ache. My eyes then have a slight burning sensation as I feel tears start to roll down my cheeks.

I still can't move anything though, and only my head and face have any feeling. I can't feel any other part of my body though.

I hear another loud but distant noise again. But this time it sounds like glass shattering. What is going on?! WHO'S making these noises?! And WHO froze us all?!

I wish I was able to at least move my mouth and use my voice, I want to scream as loud as I can, but I can't...

My whole body suddenly gains feeling again, but I feel achy and sore, god I'm in a lot of sudden fucking pain.

I try to move myself, but I still can't do anything...At least I can feel my body again though.

But those sounds...Where are they coming from?...Who's making them?...Are they a threat or a savior?

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now