Chapter 11

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Image by: @// Starfleetrambo (Tumblr)

(Y/N) - your name
(L/N) - Last name
(Y/S) - Your symbol
(Y/T/B) - your twin brother


(Y/N's POV)

I wonder if that mysterious voice knows what I just did...

"Oh, I do", that same mysterious voice suddenly says.

I look up to see a pale boy, also of my height, with purple and black hair, and dark bags under his vibrant purple eyes. He wore a similar formal black and purple attire as Bill's, but with a black tie and bowler hat floating above his head.

"You're the mysterious voice?", (y/t/b) and I ask at the same time.

The boy nods and opens his mouth to speak up again, but gets interrupted by Bill who groans very loudly.

I feel myself getting annoyed at the mysterious voice boy, but I assume that that emotion is probably just coming from Bill.

"Bill, chill...I feel your anger...", I quietly tell him.

He groans again, "But, it's TAD...why is he HERE???"

The mysterious voice boy rolls his eyes and says, "Because, Bill, he/she/they made the deal with you so I must make sure everything rolls out as fate has planned"

Bill dramatically flings himself on the porch couch and just mumbles 'why must he be here' over and over again....drama queen....

"As I was saying, children, I am what you've been calling me, 'the mysterious voice'. My real name is Tad Strange and I am here to guide you", Tad tells (y/t/b) and I with a small smile.

Bill sits up and scoffs, "you sound like those guardian angels now..."

"Okay, WHAT IS GOING ON!?!! WHO ARE YOU!?!", Ford asks very confused and angry. He's probably extremely worried right now...

"AND HOW DOES MY GREAT NIECE/NIBBLING AND NEPHEW(S) KNOW YOU?!?", grunkle Ben yells out as well.

Tad raises a hand to silence their questions then calmly says, "I am a demon fro-"

"-I aM A DEmOn fRoM", Bill mocks Tad in a squeaky voice...Okay...

Tad closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe then continues, "from a different dimension. I came here-"

"-to cause me mental pain", Bill interrupts Tad yet again.

Tad glances to Bill and says, "that's one way in saying it"

"Hurry it up already I'm standing here in only boxers and a T, let's go", Stan says impatient.

Tad sighs and answers, "Alright, I recently visited (y/t/b) and (y/n) in a dream and briefly warned them of things I see that can and will harm them. I told them there will be tough decisions that must be made. This was one of them"


Wait, are you telling me he's been planning this???...

"No. I told them that yellow is a dangerous color, though", Tad corrects Bill.

Bill smiles proudly as he says, "I'm taking that as a compliment"

"Wait, wait, wait, so are you protecting (y/n) and (y/t/b) then?", Mabel asks.

"Didn't you say you're a demon?", Dipper asks in suspicion.

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now