Chapter 16

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Image by: @// Izzu-shi (DeviantArt)

(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(R/y) - reverse you

(R) [name]- reverse someone


(Y/N's POV)

We've been sitting in the reverse's living room for a couple of hours now. Grunkle Ben, Stan, and Ford are sitting on a white couch in the corner of the room. Dipper, Mabel, my brother, and I are sitting on the other white couch which is in a parallel corner. Bill and Tad are just sitting in the air. (R)Mabel is sitting on a blue armchair with her legs crossed as (R/y) and (R)Dipper are leaning against the armchair.

"Is it just me", Dipper whispers to (y/t/b), Mabel, and I, "or are they super suspicious...."

"Nah I agree with you, they're super creepy...but they are our reverse selves so...", Mabel tells her brother.

I nod in agreement then my brother quietky asks, " you think I'm...dead? Here I mean..."

I don't like the thought of my brother dead, even if it's in another dimension...I put a hand on his shoulder and whisper, "I don't know, but let's just think positive?". He sighs then looks away from me.

"Whatcha whispering about???". We all scream and jump up off the couch. (R)Dipper laughs and slings an arm around our Dipper. "You guys are so easily frightened!", (R)Dipper chuckles.

"Get your arm off of me!", Dipper tells his reverse self as he squirms away. Dipper then runs behind me for protection.

"You know it's so odd to see myself so...weak", (R)Dipper says with a smirk.

"HEY!", Mabel glares at her reversed brother , "only I can call him weak!!"

"Relatable", (R) Mabel mumbles. I look at her and she looked bored by the situation. Reverse me had a similar look as well.

"Ahem", a quiet voice says. We look in the doorway that lead to the kitchen to see Will there. He looked nervous...

"What is it?", (R)Mabel snaps at him with an annoyed voice.

(R/y) slaps her head and asks Will more calmly, "yes, Willy dear?"

"Dinner is ready", he politely tells them.

(R/y) nod and wave their hand in dismissal. "Follow me to the dining area", (R/y) tells us then we all get up and follow. We all share a small look of uncertainty though.

As we walk my brother scoots closer to me. He must feel extremely uneasy here...I mean so do I as well, but it must bother him that his reverse self isn't here. It is...a possibility that his reverse self dead, but I don't like the sound of that so I'm hoping he's just...gone.

We walk into the HUGE dining area and my brother mumbles something that I don't here.

"I gotta admit this is pretty classy", Mabel says in awe as she anaylyzes the large elegant dining area. The floor is wooden like the rest of the house, but the walls are marbled white. There's even a huge silver chandelier in the center of the cieling.

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