Chapter 19

605 19 14

Image by: @// NinaKask (DeviantArt)


(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol

(F/i) - (your) first initial
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(B/f/i) - brother's first initial (Or if your bro has the same first initial then use a nick name)


(Y/N's POV)

My eyes open and close a bit before fully opening. I look around me to see I'm inside a large stone room. To my left is a large wooden dresser, right next to that is a wooden chest. To my right is a queen sized red bed with two small brown cradles next to it. A colorful rug lays on the floor covering most of the stone bricks. And Straight across from me is a wooden double door.

Where am I? Is this another dream? (Y/t/b) told me he has these weird dreams too so maybe he's dreaming this exact thing too...

I try to move my feet, but they don't lift off the ground. Why can't I ever move in these dreams it's really irritating!

I look towards the doors as they creek open and a woman comes in. She's the same woman that's been showing up in my dreams! Who is she!?

She's wearing a flowy white gown and her hair is up in a tight bun. I look to her tummy and see that it's rather big...she looks...pregnant? She's pregnant?

The woman holds her tummy with one hand and rubs it with the other as she walks and sits on the bed.

The woman closes her eyes and sighs. "I'm sorry", she whispers just loud enough for me to hear, "it wasn't meant to be this way...I didn't want this to happen". Tears then start to fall from her eyes.

The room begins to fade to black...

Am I waking up now?

"You know...", I hear the woman's voice through the darkness, "I put my faith into you"

"Well that was a mistake, seeing our situation now", Bill's voice replies.

Bill? Why is he-

"I know...I only hoped you'd change for a friend, but I suppose friendship is nothing to you", the woman says a bit sadly.

Bill only laughs.

"I can't stop you, I can't do anything now, but it was never up to me to change your ways..."

What's that supposed to mean?

"What's that supposed to mean?", Bill asks.

...copy cat

"You'll find out for yourself...I suppose..."

"Is that all?", Bill asks in a bored tone.

The woman stays silent.

"Guess so!", I hear Bill say a bit to cheery.

I jump as a loud explosion goes off.


I look around hoping to see something, but still only darkness surrounds me.

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